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The European Union: In or Out?
Posted: 23 Sep 2016, 11:19
by Gullscorer
The sooner the UK takes the initiative and invokes Article 50, the sooner the EU will have to accept our terms or lose our trade and money. It's quite simple. We are in the driving seat. The EU must accept that unlimited and unchecked free movement of people to the UK is over. And if they want tariff free trade access to the UK, reciprocate and stop raising objections such as pretending passporting is a problem. Otherwise, we've bigger fish to fry. Good luck, EU, with raising the money all your member states need. Was there anything else? No, then good bye..
The European Union: In or Out?
Posted: 28 Sep 2016, 14:33
by PhilGull
Gullscorer wrote:The sooner the UK takes the initiative and invokes Article 50, the sooner the EU will have to accept our terms or lose our trade and money. It's quite simple. We are in the driving seat. The EU must accept that unlimited and unchecked free movement of people to the UK is over. And if they want tariff free trade access to the UK, reciprocate and stop raising objections such as pretending passporting is a problem. Otherwise, we've bigger fish to fry. Good luck, EU, with raising the money all your member states need. Was there anything else? No, then good bye..
Lols. You really are so deluded. We are not as important as you think we are. rEU will do wuite well without us I am sure!
The European Union: In or Out?
Posted: 28 Sep 2016, 16:22
by Southampton Gull
None so blind as those that won't see
The European Union: In or Out?
Posted: 18 Oct 2016, 08:22
by Gullscorer
There was a parliamentary debate yesterday on petitions relating to the EU and Brexit: ... =petitions
The European Union: In or Out?
Posted: 20 Oct 2016, 21:25
by S4fedr1ve
We here so much from our pro brexit politicians about what a brave decision the British public made in voting to leave. Maybe a lot of them are just stupid like this caller from gargoyle land. ... to-losing/
The European Union: In or Out?
Posted: 20 Oct 2016, 21:57
by Gullscorer
Maybe a lot of them are stupid, though I would suggest very few. In fact I'd say that the vast majority of those who voted Leave' are far more intelligent than the majority of Remainers give them credit for. Besides which, judging by your comment, the intellectual capacity of the specific example you've just posted would appear to be something you might aspire to. Or am I missing something? Perhaps you think I'm stupid too?
Oh, and here's a little useful information for you: ... -business/
The European Union: In or Out?
Posted: 20 Oct 2016, 23:59
by stefano
Brilliant. Just confirms what most of us knew all along..... and it is nice to hear Gullscorers voice.... allows a sort of empathy
The European Union: In or Out?
Posted: 21 Oct 2016, 06:31
by Gullscorer
The European Union: In or Out?
Posted: 21 Oct 2016, 07:34
by S4fedr1ve
Hi Gullscorer, im certainly not calling anyone on here stupid and dont think all Brexiters are. Some have very good reasons for voting to leave and i accept that. But in my experience a lot are like this guy who if asked why they voted leave come out with generalisations especially regarding immigrants.
As i say politicians (the PM seems to be the worst) keep telling us about what a brave decision the British public made. Ok thats fine so those of us who really wanted to stay in what does that make us all cowards?
Anyway as serious as it was i really did find it quite amusing
The European Union: In or Out?
Posted: 21 Oct 2016, 08:12
by stefano
S4fedr1ve wrote: Politicians (the PM seems to be the worst) keep telling us about what a brave decision the British public made......
Echoes of Yes Prime Minister. Every time Sir Humphrey Applebey wanted to quash an idea or initiative the Prime Minister had, he would tell him he thought it was "a courageous decision".
That always did the trick!
The European Union: We're out...!!! A courageous decision...!!!
Posted: 21 Oct 2016, 12:58
by S4fedr1ve
All these brave and courageous people in our country. I feel humbled!
The European Union: We're out...!!! A courageous decision...!!!
Posted: 21 Oct 2016, 16:27
by Gullscorer
What many people fail to understand is that it would have been an even more courageous step to make the decision to remain as a member of the doomed anti-democratic political project that is the EU. The decision to leave was not so much courageous as patriotic, entrepreneurial, and sensible.
And, of course, democratic.
The European Union: We're out...!!! A courageous decision...!!!
Posted: 24 Oct 2016, 03:44
by Trojan 67
Conspiracy theory or sinister fact? ... of-europe/
Time to sort these f*ckers out.
The European Union: We're out...!!! A courageous decision...!!!
Posted: 24 Oct 2016, 10:33
by Gullscorer
There is only one race: the human race. Despite that, there is too much in-breeding going on! Besides which, a good Asian or far Eastern woman is to be preferred over a white western woman any day..
Project Fear red faces: ... referendum
The European Union: We're out...!!! A courageous decision...!!!
Posted: 04 Nov 2016, 08:04
by Gullscorer
The High Court got it wrong (and two of the judges had EU/Tony Blair connections): ... he-people/