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Re: Who will Buckle take with him?

Posted: 10 Jun 2011, 16:21
by ferrarilover

Re: Who will Buckle take with him?

Posted: 10 Jun 2011, 16:23
by Plymouth Gull
ferrarilover wrote:Bevan, Stanners (who was our in all but name), Northy, Milts and PB himself.

Now, I'm not sure of the state of the education system in Bristol, and I will admit that I did attend a particularly fine school, but surely, even a Bristolian dumb enough to choose Rovers over City can see that there are more than two names in that list, can't they?

Hard to count Stanley, in my mind. Yes, he was our player for 3 months, so what? Technically, he was Morecambes. Not ours. Did Northampton take Robinson from us? No they didn't, because he was never ours. I see where you're coming from, but the fact that we never held his registration permanently suggests to me that he wasn't our player.

Re: Who will Buckle take with him?

Posted: 10 Jun 2011, 16:27
by ferrarilover
Well, Nick, it depends how you see it. I think of Stanners as 'ours' because, having spoken to him on a few separate occasions, he was absolutely desperate to sign for us. Back in the good ol' days, before the fecking 'transfer window' nonsense was begun, he would have been a Torquay player months ago.
Robinson was mever going to stay, we were a stepping stone (downwards, as it turns out).


Re: Who will Buckle take with him?

Posted: 10 Jun 2011, 16:28
by Plymouth Gull
Desperate to sign for us, or desperate to sign for Buckle?

Certainly looks like the latter..

Re: Who will Buckle take with him?

Posted: 10 Jun 2011, 16:31
by ferrarilover
Ah, well, this is the question. He always commented that he loved the club and that he wanted to stay, never a mention of specifics within that.
I font doubt that PB is a draw for some players, but whatever the reason, BR have deprived us of a player we would have had next season, do he goes on my list of people Buckle has taken with him.


Re: Who will Buckle take with him?

Posted: 10 Jun 2011, 16:33
by Fonda
Stanley wasn't ours. He had no club and was free to sign for whoever he wanted to. There are probably plenty of players without a contract right now that would happlily sign for us if given a chance - the only difference between them and Stanners is that he played here for 3 months previously. He was keen to sign for us when the choice was us or Morecambe. As soon as Bristol expressed an interest, offering a better location and better financial rewards, his opinion changed. Can't blame him, and can't claim him.

Re: Who will Buckle take with him?

Posted: 10 Jun 2011, 16:34
by ferrarilover
See, this isn't my experience. It wasn't that he wanted away from Morecambe, it was that he wanted TUFC specifically.


Re: Who will Buckle take with him?

Posted: 10 Jun 2011, 16:37
by Fonda
He wanted away from Morecambe because he didn't get on with their manager, at that point coming to Torquay appealed. That changed, when his mate took over, which would have made the decision between them and us more difficult. Throw a bigger club with more money and better prospects into the equation and the decision was made for him. I doubt Bucks, as much as he'd like to think he was, was part of his decision at all.

Re: Who will Buckle take with him?

Posted: 10 Jun 2011, 16:40
by ferrarilover
I see why you'd think that, but that was absolutely not the way of it from speaking to the man himself.


Re: Who will Buckle take with him?

Posted: 10 Jun 2011, 16:41
by Regiment
i don't care, i just want to know what's happening about getting a beer at plainmoor next year, not who's playing centre mid :lol:

and just in case the rovers are still kicking around, that was another little joke :-D

Re: Who will Buckle take with him?

Posted: 10 Jun 2011, 16:44
by Fonda
ferrarilover wrote:I see why you'd think that, but that was absolutely not the way of it from speaking to the man himself.

I wouldn't suggest players 'lie' as such, but i'm sure when they talk to fans they are keen to tell them what they think they want to hear? I'm sure Stanley was very happy with us - he certainly seemed so, and a month ago would have jumped at the chance of signing permanently. But the circumstannces changed and so did his decision. We have to get over it now.

Re: Who will Buckle take with him?

Posted: 10 Jun 2011, 16:47
by Gashead1979
Don't you guy's think (as painful as it may seem) PB has the right to get players in from a team that he assembled from scratch ??

Re: Who will Buckle take with him?

Posted: 10 Jun 2011, 16:50
by Plymouth Gull
I tried thinking of a witty response to that comment, Gashead, but I just couldn't. It is one the stupidest "suggestions" I've ever heard.

Re: Who will Buckle take with him?

Posted: 10 Jun 2011, 16:53
by Fonda
Gashead1979 wrote:Don't you guy's think (as painful as it may seem) PB has the right to get players in from a team that he assembled from scratch ??
Has a 'right'? Are you for real? They are TUFC players, not Paul Buckle players.

Re: Who will Buckle take with him?

Posted: 10 Jun 2011, 17:11
by ferrarilover
Do you not think Torquay United has the right (as painful as it may be) to some protection from the advances of a manager that we built up from scratch?



No, didn't think so.
