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Re: Atieno gone
Posted: 24 May 2012, 23:12
by the_shredder
Of course it was - it was banter - Matt seems to be a bit misunderstood sometimes for some reason? Such misunderstood comments make perfect sense to me :P life would be shit n dull without humour and banter, we can't spend our whole lives shaking hands and "how do you do"ing each other.
Re: Atieno gone
Posted: 25 May 2012, 12:48
by jonnyfive
ferrarilover wrote:
Still it wouldn't be ferrarilover if you didn't attempt to shock by making a p*ss-weak attempt at a witticism.
Pot - kettle - black.
Don't see where I have attempted to shock; nor have I tried and failed to be funny.
Not much of a rebuttal, as you might say!
Edited to fix quote - SG
Re: Atieno gone
Posted: 25 May 2012, 12:54
by ferrarilover
Jesus, I even took it down to the level of colour coding and you STILL can't grasp it, I sincerely hope you aren't entrusted with a public service job.
Re: Atieno gone
Posted: 25 May 2012, 18:00
by Gullscorer
It should be noted that many 'public service jobs', ostensibly there to provide a service to the public, are not necessarily set up for that purpose. As often as not they exist simply to enable petty control freaks to abuse the powers they have been given, by bullying the general public in various ways in order to gratify their own egotistical feelings of self-esteem or to dull their own sense of insecurity and unworthiness. And, of course, such jobs are not confined to the public sector; many of them are funded privately by businesses, in any area of life where the public is expecting to be provided with a service, you will see them, marked out by their disdainful unhelpful manner, even by their aggressive bullying, sometimes with uniforms, badges, or epaulettes on their shoulders. They are even to be found occasionally at some football grounds..
Re: Atieno gone
Posted: 25 May 2012, 19:30
by Trojan 67
Kittiwake sounds like a pussy at a wake, when in fact it's a bird that soars the skies.
Are you Tai's birdie in disguise ?
Don't worry about Matt and his banter, at his worst he's only uncouth. Without even trying my worst best, I'm downright insulting.
I've already wished Tai the best for his future and career, so as you follow the journeyman, it's now best wishes to you dear.