Ideas for the big screen

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Post by LukeGull »

Matt, I have to admit I'm not entirely sure what I expected from it really, I just didn't expect it to be as advertisement based as it seems to be. I was hoping for maybe some video highlights at halftime, plus replays of key incidents such as goals and penalties. This would be great for me, especially when I'm stood over on the pop and due to being rather small in height (but not in stature) not being able to see over the man-mountain in front of you :lol: In all seriousness that isn't very often at the moment due to the relatively low crowds, however in packed matches I think it would be invaluable. Plus who wouldn't want to watch Damon Lathrope score a volley from 30 yards more than once ;-) (IT WILL HAPPEN!).

I understand that this is highly improbable and impractical, however these were the kind of things that sprung to mind when I heard we were having a big screen put in place. Yes I now realise that this was me getting ahead of myself, but hey, why not? You can always dream.

On a related note, the one time I've been to the so called Theatre of Dreams to watch Man U (not when I went to watch us there), if my memory is correct, their screen showed highlights and replays and I suppose this is where I got the idea from. I just compared the two without thinking about the practicality of it.

Well anyway, I have now realised that this isn't likely to happen and I'm just happy to see what is going to happen with it. We didn't have one before, so it certainly can't be worse with one! Even if used purely to make money, I don't care, because the more money the club can get the better. Plus I love your idea of screening away matches on it, that would be brilliant for me, because although I can get to the closer matches, I have no hope of getting to Bradford or York etc... I remember watching one of our matches in boots and laces on sky quite a few years back and that was brilliant, the place was packed! If something like this could be implemented I and many others to would jump at the chance at it. It would beat listening to it on the radio, or waiting for the 30 second long highlights on the football league show at 2 in the morning :no:.......

Note: I do not support Man U, however would prefer them to win the title than City...
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Post by ferrarilover »

Oh Luke, there is so much excellent in your post!


Andy Candy has E-Mailed me a reply which he has asked that I put on here. The poor old duffer has lost his username and password (Dave et al, can you help with this?), hence he has asked that I pass on his message, no other reason. Thus, without further ado:

Hi Matt,

I cannot reply quite as eloquently or as imaginatively as you have done but basically the points you make are valid. The Big Screen is fundamentally an opportunity for the Club to raise additional income through sponsorship. HOWEVER, it will not be solely used for this purpose and as we get to grips with its functionality there will be a number of exciting and interesting features, some interactive, that we hope will enhance the match day experience. We also hope to have a live feed in to Sky. This might take a few months ( it took Fleetwood over 12 months to get to grips with the technology)and basically is a well-paid, full time job for someone that we cannot afford so we are very lucky to have a talented volunteer prepared to spend time developing this for the Club. Thank you Patrick!
So please be patient, be happy that we are one of only a few lower league clubs with a screen worthy of having the name “ Big” and see how this develops over the next 12 months. As Matt so rightly says when the game kicks off, enjoy the football.

Best wishes,

I have taken out only the little bit at the beginning where he asks that I post this for him, and a joke at the end about E-Mails, aside from that, this is as it was sent to me.

As we can now see, the screen is there for advertising, much as it should be, but, over time, we will see some added value to our day at Plainmoor. I'm not sure who this mysterious Patrick is, but I'd like to throw my thanks into the ring too. I know the budget is absolutely zero at the club at the moment (Rovers are £6.2m in the red, if you'd like to go down that route), and I'm hoping that the speculate to accumulate principle will see us raking in the monies by the end of the year. I'm not sure where I'm getting this from, but the figure of £21,000 is in my head as the cost of the big screen (this is definitely not any kind of official cost, it's probably something I've plucked straight out of my arse), I sincerely hope that we cover that plus running costs this year, then bring in the same amount next year. Twenty grand over and above pays the salary of 1.5 members of our back room staff, essentially for nothing.

J5 said, "ferrarilover is 100% correct"
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Post by Dutchgull »

"Poor old duffer" ........what a pleasant turn of phrase....... :lol:
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Post by usagullmichigan »

If the game is dire can they put on Fawlty Towers?
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Post by holsten »

Just to let you guys know, they've moved the wire which now runs behind the screen. That's probably the most informative post I'll put for a few weeks!
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Post by AustrianAndyGull »

ferrarilover wrote:Oh Luke, there is so much excellent in your post!


Andy Candy has E-Mailed me a reply which he has asked that I put on here. The poor old duffer has lost his username and password (Dave et al, can you help with this?), hence he has asked that I pass on his message, no other reason. Thus, without further ado:

Hi Matt The n00b,

I cannot reply quite as eloquently or as imaginatively as you have done but basically the points you make are valid. The Big Screen is fundamentally an opportunity for the Club to raise additional income through sponsorship. HOWEVER, it will not be solely used for this purpose and as we get to grips with its functionality there will be a number of exciting and interesting features, some interactive, that we hope will enhance the match day experience. We also hope to have a live feed in to Sky. This might take a few months ( it took Fleetwood over 12 months to get to grips with the technology)and basically is a well-paid, full time job for someone that we cannot afford so we are very lucky to have a talented volunteer prepared to spend time developing this for the Club. Thank you Patrick!
So please be patient, be happy that we are one of only a few lower league clubs with a screen worthy of having the name “ Big” and see how this develops over the next 12 months. As Matt The n00b so rightly says when the game kicks off, enjoy the football.

Best wishes,

I have taken out only the little bit at the beginning where he asks that I post this for him, and a joke at the end about E-Mails, aside from that, this is as it was sent to me.

As we can now see, the screen is there for advertising, much as it should be, but, over time, we will see some added value to our day at Plainmoor. I'm not sure who this mysterious Patrick is, but I'd like to throw my thanks into the ring too. I know the budget is absolutely zero at the club at the moment (Rovers are £6.2m in the red, if you'd like to go down that route), and I'm hoping that the speculate to accumulate principle will see us raking in the monies by the end of the year. I'm not sure where I'm getting this from, but the figure of £21,000 is in my head as the cost of the big screen (this is definitely not any kind of official cost, it's probably something I've plucked straight out of my arse), I sincerely hope that we cover that plus running costs this year, then bring in the same amount next year. Twenty grand over and above pays the salary of 1.5 members of our back room staff, essentially for nothing.

Matt The n00b.


I've got no idea why but this made me laugh :-/
Strangely enough it was Pope Gregory the 9th inviting me for drinks aboard his steam yacht, the saucy sue currently wintering in montego bay with the England cricket team and the Balanese Goddess of plenty.
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Post by tktufc91 »

Mansell posted a picture on twitter of the screen in action. Looks good to me.
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Post by Yellow4life »

will not now be turned on until Exeter game? launch was due to be this saturday
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Post by Chris B »

Despite still being dubious about whether Plainmoor needs a big screen, I have to say it looks really good in the photo, and hopefully the sponsorship money will come in. I'm pleased to hear it won't be used until the Exeter game - it's a rarity for fans to arrive in good time before kick-off, so hopefully the club can create a few pre-derby interviews and videos to add something new to the matchday atmosphere and get the crowd going.
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Post by PlainmoorRoar »

i know the view isnt perfect from the popside but i think its a great addition to the ground

i would love to see us copy what sky do when they show team line ups


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Post by Behind-the-Gulls »

Seem to have done well with the advertising-and some other features ie pictures of those in our team against Wimbledon.
Didn't actually see the score being flashed up at any point though-despite it being a SCORE- BOARD !
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Post by ferrarilover »

Come now. Firstly, it's a big screen, not a score board, and secondly, we've had football for 150 years now, it's just about the lowest scoring game in the world. We've managed to keep track of the score up until now without any trouble. I have absolutely no doubt that if the big screen showed the score, we'd have posts on here claiming that the club assumed we were all complete imbeciles, incapable of recalling that it's 1-0.

I wonder if there is a way they can switch between ads more slowly? There was one on there which was very bright and every time it came on, it seemed to flash up abruptly. Even though I'm as far from it as I could be, it was a little bit distracting. I think a fade feature might well help. Still, it's early days and I'm sure the operator will get the hang of it soon.

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Post by Mav »

When a goal is scored, would like them as well as flashing up goal and splashing thatchers adverts all over it would be good to get them to put up the name of the scorer as well. So often with the noise from a goal and a scramble in the box you can't see/don't here who actually scored.
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Post by yellowmonkey »

would like see Emmerdale Omnibus at half time.
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