We are a shambles.

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well said cambgull, it so sad to hear these so called fans slag of the board and players, people like simon baker and thea bristow have brought this club back from the brink, we have one poor season in the last 5 years and all the moans and groans start, we all want success but we need to back the club not slag it off and vote with our feet, if you people want your club to survive then you need to get behind it, its easy to support the likes of man utd and arsenal from your chair but in these times your club needs you, so come on stop the negativity and support the gulls, i love this club as im sure most of you do. COME ON YOU YELLOWS!
Trojan 67
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Post by Trojan 67 »

The most difficult thing to do when the going gets tough is to keep going. It seems the fanny faint hearted have already given up going, using fanny heart excuses.

Get a grip ffs !
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Post by bixieupnorth »

time of the month again super, how many times is that now?? in the flesh hes a super guy and i cant imagine him having a hissy fits and paddies!!

northerners and speaking their minds, thats all it is, and us southern softies cant handle hearing the truth from time to time

anyway, i hope hes back on again soon, cos almost every post he makes, makes sense to me at least?

au revoir andreas!!
still keeping the faith
Trojan 67
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Post by Trojan 67 »

Andy has made more comebacks than Rocky. :-D

Shave off that face growth Andy, you look too much like the infamous lorry driver from Bradford.

Friend of TorquayFans.com
Member of the Month November 2020
Southampton Gull: "Well deserved"
Plymouth Gull

Post by Plymouth Gull »

I'd still say that on the field we are a shambles. The first half hour tonight I think we touched the ball about 4 times. Uninspiring, boring, and awful.
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