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Re: Who's lost hope?

Posted: 27 Feb 2013, 19:20
by brucie
Well thats the fairly stupid response I would expect from you. Were you at the game last night? if you were and you were a realist then you would probably put our chances of staying up as about 5%.
Everyone hopes we will stay up because going down would be the end of us. To have any chance you need a united group of players and for whatever reason we don't have that.

Re: Who's lost hope?

Posted: 27 Feb 2013, 20:07
by AustrianAndyGull
brucie wrote:Well thats the fairly stupid response I would expect from you. Were you at the game last night? if you were and you were a realist then you would probably put our chances of staying up as about 5%.
Everyone hopes we will stay up because going down would be the end of us. To have any chance you need a united group of players and for whatever reason we don't have that.

Maybe not Brucie but next season most of those players who have claimed to be professionals but played like amateurs will be shown the door and we WILL have a new group of players who are up for starting afresh. We may well be in the conference too but i'll still be going and doing what i can and i'm sure many other fans who love the club will be doing likewise therefore we also WILL have a united group of fans. The ones that think non-league is beneath them can stay at home, i'm sure we will see them popping up at Plainmoor again if we get a decent team in the cup. Either way, relegation ( which i'm hopeful won't happen ) will not be the end of us as a club.

This season has just simply been a total disaster with no respite or no real chinks of light coming through at the end of the tunnel. Generally speaking the fans have been worn down by constantly hoping the next game will be a turning point or the next game after that or the next game after that and each time being let down. Not just let down but badly let down. I can fully understand in these austere times the dichotomy of a fan wanting desperately to support his club and go to as many games as possible but also considering the reality that each game costs money and just how long can that fan keep on going when the value for money is hardly ever there.

Next season, whatever league we're in, we shall have a whole new team, possibly a new management structure with new fresh ideas and a new direction. We will probably get some consistent, decent, solid, entertaining football and myself personally, that is all i have ever wanted. This season my patience, faith and trust in TUFC has been slowly eroded to the point where i am really tired and so disinterested in going to watch the team i love. We have to keep going until it is impossible with the comfort that it will all be so different when the sunshine and the summer arrives.

The club will always be here Brucie because it has enough people who care about having a football club in their town.

Re: Who's lost hope?

Posted: 27 Feb 2013, 20:57
by stevegull
brucie wrote:Well thats the fairly stupid response I would expect from you. Were you at the game last night? if you were and you were a realist then you would probably put our chances of staying up as about 5%.
Everyone hopes we will stay up because going down would be the end of us. To have any chance you need a united group of players and for whatever reason we don't have that.
I was joking Brucie! I thought you revelled in your 'pantomime villain' role!

Re: Who's lost hope?

Posted: 27 Feb 2013, 21:04
by wivelgull
But we're back where we started five years ago! (I'm talking about the quality of football here). Is nothing ever learned at TUFC?

Re: Who's lost hope?

Posted: 27 Feb 2013, 21:07
by Dave
Back in the Atkins great escape season we all sat around in boots/laces with 6 games to go, as you do, and said we need atleast 5 wins and the team has no desire left, no confidence, no fight, and we have not strung 2 wins together all season let alone 5. And we all know what followed, so untill maths say otherwise, we have to hold onto some hope.

That said, when you hear of one player having a bust up with Taylor, another so unhappy he refused to train, and a third player more interested in making sure his car was parked so he could get straight off to London after the game Saturday, it makes you wonder what really is going on behind the scenes, and whether it is time for someone on the board to poke there noses into what is really going on.

Re: Who's lost hope?

Posted: 27 Feb 2013, 21:46
by CP Gull
forevertufc wrote:
That said, when you hear of one player having a bust up with Taylor, another so unhappy he refused to train, and a third player more interested in making sure his car was parked so he could get straight off to London after the game Saturday, it makes you wonder what really is going on behind the scenes, and whether it is time for someone on the board to poke there noses into what is really going on.
Not really too surprised to hear that, Dave.

I think dissension amongst some of the squad has a certain inevitability given our situation. We have a relatively large squad, by our standards, and some have wasted a season sat either on the bench or in the stands. Hugely frustrating for them I'm sure and their anger will only have increased as our slide down the table and run of poor performances has continued with, it must be said, very little change to our starting XI throughout the season. It seems that the management (talking Ling/Taylor here) have their "untouchables" in the squad who will never be dropped, while some in the squad, it seems, do not have the complete trust of the management to do a job. As I have stated before, not only should we have brought players in in January, but we should (in fairness to them) have moved a few on as well, either by sending them out on loan or agreeing to pay up their contracts and letting them try and find employment elsewhere.

For me, December/January was the time when the wheels really began to come off and nobody it seems was paying close enough attention to the problems which were looming, despite the fact that many on here (and elsewhere) were voicing concerns about the direction the club was taking.

Re: Who's lost hope?

Posted: 27 Feb 2013, 22:41
by brucie
I have not heard what forever has said but I am sure it is most probably right. If thats the sort of attitude that we have in the club then we are already doomed and it does seem that half the players don't care or don't give a shit which is unforgivable.
I have never said it before but the reason that I don't attend so many games is because of an illness that my partner has.
Desperation at our current plight has seen me go to the last two games - thats £50 each time for fuel,£20 entrance money. I got home at midnight last night for work at six this morning.
On arriving home last night I found that my other half had suffered a fall, had to call an ambulance,having cut her nose and lip and had chipped her front tooth.
So all in all I just don't know why I bother and when I hear how this bunch of underachievers conduct themselves it pisses me right off. Seven defeats on the bounce - almost a club record, this bunch of losers should be hanging their heads in shame.

Re: Who's lost hope?

Posted: 27 Feb 2013, 23:03
by AustrianAndyGull
Sorry to hear about your partner Brucie and i hope she is feeling better. Our opinions are pretty much the same and although i agree when people say we shouldn't slag off the players at games we bloody well need to on here because some of them need telling how embarrassing they have been. For me,

Poke - Immense all season, no concerns.
Downes - Immense all season, a true professional and he used to live 3 streets away from me!
Saah - A few shockers and a few shocking errors but generally solid and dependable
Oastler - Hit and miss, looks far less able than last season and looks very leggy
Nico - Has to be his last season. Spent much of it being skinned, putting in shocking deliveries, hardly scoring or getting forward. A complete shadow.
Lathrope - Makes mistakes, gets caught out of position, loses the ball in dnagerous areas,was impressed but now i'm not.
Mansell - Always gives his best but nowhere near good enough
Craig - Used in the wrong position but still poor for the most part
Stevens - Should be using him more really given everyone else is sh*t. Not the worst but not great either.
Bodin - Picked up in these last few weeks but that doesn't excuse nearly 6 months of nothing. Awful.
Easton - Industrious, what you see is what you get and i thought he has done well whenever i have seen him
Howe - Started the season on fire in a team creating nothing but now his body language is trying to tell us something i feel and he is so p*ssed off now. Has stopped scoring and probably won't score another goal in a yellow shirt unless he signs for Norwich.
Jarvis - Can't fault his workrate and endeavour and can get goals as a poacher but he belongs in the conference if i'm honest.

They are just some quick views of players seasons so far in my eyes. We bother because we like watching Torquay but some of these players, like Brucie says are total losers and they have to be told that because i believe it is the honest truth.

Re: Who's lost hope?

Posted: 27 Feb 2013, 23:05
by Southampton Gull
All banter aside, I'm really sorry to hear that and hope she didn't suffer too much pain. Wish her all the best from me.

Re: Who's lost hope?

Posted: 27 Feb 2013, 23:07
by stevegull
Agreed with SG, we all like to have a joke now and then but I hope all is well Brucie and she recovers quickly.

Re: Who's lost hope?

Posted: 27 Feb 2013, 23:09
by stevegull
austrianandygull wrote:
Downes - Immense all season, a true professional and he used to live 3 streets away from me!
I love how you're using this as a credential to judge his season's efforts!! :clap:

Re: Who's lost hope?

Posted: 27 Feb 2013, 23:36
by Scott Brehaut
Southampton Gull wrote:All banter aside, I'm really sorry to hear that and hope she didn't suffer too much pain. Wish her all the best from me.
I concur.

Re: Who's lost hope?

Posted: 27 Feb 2013, 23:37
by SuperNickyWroe
stevegull wrote: I love how you're using this as a credential to judge his season's efforts!! :clap:
it could have been worse for downes steve - he could have lived on the same street............ =D

Re: Who's lost hope?

Posted: 28 Feb 2013, 00:02
by stevegull
Agreed SNW. I'd say living near Andy could be a very excusable reason to having a terrible season on the pitch. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. :lol:

Re: Who's lost hope?

Posted: 28 Feb 2013, 08:57
by gullno4
in response to the thread title, yes, I have lost hope, we have lost seven on the bounce and I see absolutely no evidence as to why that should stop. we are a shambles at the moment and I fear once we go down that will be our football league history done and dusted !!!! we have dropped like a stone these past few months, and when we go down then that trend will continue and we will end up dropping like Weymouth !!!!