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PSF Thread - Hereford v Torquay

Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 17:08
by Richinns
How did Pearce and Deamon play super?

PSF Thread - Hereford v Torquay

Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 17:25
by supergulls
To be fair I didn't think there was anything between them and they both did just ok... Nothing fantastic nothing wrong if that makes sense.

PSF Thread - Hereford v Torquay

Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 17:46
by AustrianAndyGull
Who is Deamon?

Re: PSF Thread - Hereford v Torquay

Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 17:52
by supergulls
AustrianAndyGull wrote:Who is Deamon?

Lol where have you been for the last 2 days Andy

PSF Thread - Hereford v Torquay

Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 18:01
by AustrianAndyGull
On the sofa poorly. Seriously though, who is Daemon?

Re: PSF Thread - Hereford v Torquay

Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 18:03
by brucie
**** me I have seen some threads on this board. I thought the Rob Farkins one was the best ever but jesus some people are debating whether we should change the penalty taker cause we missed one in a pre season friendly. Do have the people on this boards live in bed sits or something. Its actualy the summer and quite nice weather - get out and do something. If you can't do without football take in a local game as I did today.
I am sort of lost though - if we are trialling Deaman, why take him off and bring on a bloke who we have already signed. Its the silly season all right.

PSF Thread - Hereford v Torquay

Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 18:03
by supergulls
Sorry to hear you have been unwell pal, jack deamon is a young lad that has been released from Birmingham City and has been on trial with us for the last few days

Re: PSF Thread - Hereford v Torquay

Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 18:08
by PlainmoorRoar
How did our former RB do for Hereford?

PSF Thread - Hereford v Torquay

Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 18:28
by supergulls
I thought he had a fair game, I think he was well up for it

Re: PSF Thread - Hereford v Torquay

Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 18:56
by AustrianAndyGull
supergulls wrote:Sorry to hear you have been unwell pal, jack deamon is a young lad that has been released from Birmingham City and has been on trial with us for the last few days
Cheers supergulls. :-D

Re: PSF Thread - Hereford v Torquay

Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 19:11
by Fonda
brucie wrote:f**k me I have seen some threads on this board. I thought the Rob Farkins one was the best ever but jesus some people are debating whether we should change the penalty taker cause we missed one in a pre season friendly. Do have the people on this boards live in bed sits or something. Its actualy the summer and quite nice weather - get out and do something. If you can't do without football take in a local game as I did today.
I am sort of lost though - if we are trialling Deaman, why take him off and bring on a bloke who we have already signed. Its the silly season all right.
Don't know if this little outburst was aimed at me, but I don't recall suggesting the penalty taker should be changed - certainly not on the basis of missing one today. My point was, considering how average his performances were last season, he appears to have reaped a lot of rewards - choice of shirt number, choice of position and now he's on pens. Must have a good contract.

PSF Thread - Hereford v Torquay

Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 19:16
by supergulls
To be honest his penalty last week was very cocky and he waited untill the keeper went down and rolled it in and I mean rolled it. He tried the same today and come unstuck I would hope in a league game he used a bit more force

Re: PSF Thread - Hereford v Torquay

Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 21:28
by Kit_robin
And indeed the one against Rotherham last year was as good a penalty as you will ever see; struck hard to the keepers left, clipping the post.

And I hardly think he's been 'picking his position'. Throughout his whole youth and reserve career, and his first few pro games at Swindon, he was a forward. It was only since he started playing senior football more regularly that he's played wide - for us and Crewe. Even when he played a few games user di canio at Swindon, some appearances off the bench were up front.

As it is obviously his preferred position, why is it so terrible that he asked knill if he could be considered in that role? Perhaps he felt knill may only know of him from his senior days, and presume he has always been a winger?

It's hardly like he's demanded to play there and had a massive strop when he hasn't been allowed. He has played up front for 30 minutes against the marines, and for most of the game against Hereford. All the other games he has played wide. I imagine knill has only played him up front in these games because we are short of bodies up front. Or because it would be worth looking at a player in his preferred position.

And how on earth does asking for a particular number and getting it mean anything at all? If you're rubbish for a year you shouldn't have your preferred number? Why?

This post lasted longer than it was meant to, but billy should only be criticised for his performances IF he underperforms, not because he's had the gall to request a particular squad number!

PSF Thread - Hereford v Torquay

Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 22:07
by Fonda

PSF Thread - Hereford v Torquay

Posted: 28 Jul 2013, 01:26
by Dutchgull
I think Billy's best role is as an out and out striker anyway ...