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Morecambe Match ON/OFF

Posted: 04 Jan 2014, 11:37
by Gullscorer
Some Morecambe fans complaining about having to travel not knowing if the games is on or off. They should be grateful simply for the chance to visit a half-decent seaside resort and the possibility of a few shrimps in the rock pools.. =D

Morecambe Match ON/OFF

Posted: 04 Jan 2014, 11:39
by taxilady
have some sympathy for them; we were told on the way to Dagenham that the match might be off. Felt gutted, but it was ok eventually.Presumably they'd go to SJP instead ?

Morecambe Match ON/OFF

Posted: 04 Jan 2014, 11:45
by hector
Fonda wrote: So if Geoff Harrop has all these qualities, he should be in with a shout of the job.
I suppose that is true but too often clubs plump for the caretaker on the basis of a good or couple of good results and then it all ends in tears.

Morecambe Match ON/OFF

Posted: 04 Jan 2014, 11:48
by Magpiegull
Just spoken with club again - match is ON

Morecambe Match ON/OFF

Posted: 04 Jan 2014, 11:49
by taxilady
That's why the line was busy !!!! Yay!!!!! COYYs

Morecambe Match ON/OFF

Posted: 04 Jan 2014, 11:52
by brucie
The line has been busy since half nine.

Morecambe Match ON/OFF

Posted: 04 Jan 2014, 11:57
by PaulR
Not confirmed yet by the club!!

Morecambe Match ON/OFF

Posted: 04 Jan 2014, 11:59
by Gullscorer
PaulR wrote:Not confirmed yet by the club!!
You want a royal proclamation..?? :~D

Morecambe Match ON/OFF

Posted: 04 Jan 2014, 12:00
by brucie
Still not saying the game is on according to the recorded message on the phone which still refres to the pitch inspection.
Is the game DEFINATELY on - what did they say when you spoke tem. Still no reply from the ground. I have to travel and need to make a decision within the next fifteen minutes. If its not confirmed anywhere I won't be going - four of us making the trip thats will be another £100 + the club will lose.

Morecambe Match ON/OFF

Posted: 04 Jan 2014, 12:03
by Colorado Gull
Morecambe official on twitter have confirmed that the game is on, I'd wish the club would be a little more forward in telling us what was going on!!

Morecambe Match ON/OFF

Posted: 04 Jan 2014, 12:03
by brucie
Now confrimed and I have phoned the club - Game IS ON!!

Morecambe Match ON/OFF

Posted: 04 Jan 2014, 12:04
by Magpiegull
Now on OS

Morecambe Match ON/OFF

Posted: 04 Jan 2014, 12:09
by tauntongull
Communication has never really been a strong point of the club. In the age of modern technology with access to the internet available everywhere - hoe difficult can it be to put up a simple one line statement.

Another way to alienate fans and lose revenue. Understand your customers. Surely the club understand to importance of making this decision public as soon as possible for those travelling. I will never understand why clubs don't call off games the night before - I personally would rather do something with my day rather than waiting for someone to play Russian roulette with my day. Come on TUFC - must do better! I share the Morecambe fans frustration having travelled all the way to Crewe on the advice fro Crewe that the game was on only to find the team coach coming the other way 10 minutes before getting to the ground. Only to arrive, be told the game was off and then have to turn the car around and drive straight back.

Come on Football League this is one if my major gripes and we must sort it out as the weather is not going to go away!

Morecambe Match ON/OFF

Posted: 04 Jan 2014, 12:11
by Gullscorer
Need to amend the title of this thread..

Morecambe Match ON/OFF

Posted: 04 Jan 2014, 12:13
by Colorado Gull
Gullscorer wrote:Need to amend the title of this thread..

Done. COYY