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James McQuilkin Midfielder signs

Posted: 27 Jan 2015, 12:19
by NA Gull
My limited understanding of non-contract, is that the club will cover expenses, although I am unsure what can, or cannot, be covered under that description. I know of one player in the non-league whose expenses were c£300pw.

To answer a query from above, I think it can also include the players insurance against career ending injury.

Non-contract deals are quite common in the lower leagues as it gives freedom for the individual who may have other interests and clubs who may not want or have the money to commit to contracts. I know it is a shame that our club has to do this, but this is the reality of the situation.

James McQuilkin Midfielder signs

Posted: 27 Jan 2015, 15:26
by bixieupnorth
man of the season - mcquilkin

greedy git with ideas above his station - berry

James McQuilkin Midfielder signs

Posted: 27 Jan 2015, 22:26
by hector
Listening to Radio Devon, this morning, something I try not to do too often, but anyway, there was a lady being interviewed who was working for free for the National Trust, to develop skills and make herself more marketable when it came to trying to find a job. It happens in other industries - why not football? I am not advocating it as a strategy to have a team but McQuilken is probably better off playing for us for free, than playing for nobody. It might be that he gains a contract with us in 4/5 months time when the big wages have moved on or he has found himself another club.

I am surprised to read CP Gull's speculation that the board are worth £30m.

James McQuilkin Midfielder signs

Posted: 27 Jan 2015, 23:59
by PlainmoorRoar
bixieupnorth wrote:man of the season - mcquilkin

greedy git with ideas above his station - berry
hmm a bit harsh

If we had dealt with the situation in november/december etc we probably would have had him signed up!

I for one would like the other directors to be accountable for the situation, If Thea is covering all the running costs what the hell are the others doing!!

Don't know about the boards net worth, Simon Baker has a decent amount of money but dont know about the others

James McQuilkin Midfielder signs

Posted: 31 Jan 2015, 13:03
by bixieupnorth
dont think its harsh at all. we gave him a chance, and think he could be more humble, as usual, young players seem to think they are the big i am, and want the world and all its riches. he could easily have signed a short term deal with us, assuming he was heading to better things, then we could maybe have got some money out of the deal to cover what we would have gambled on his wages

the whole world is wrong tho, so this is just a brief glimpse into what young players have been led to believe they deserve, i'm quite glad we didnt caeve in to his demands

James McQuilkin Midfielder signs

Posted: 31 Jan 2015, 14:37
by ferrarilover
In fairness, that's shite. Firstly, we didn't offer him anything, so there was nothing for him to sign. Secondly, he's signed for Cheltenham Town, not **** Barcelona. He'll start regularly and probably earn a meagre salary of a few hundred quid a week. Thirdly, L2 is not above his level, he'll be perfectly at home in that division.


James McQuilkin Midfielder signs

Posted: 31 Jan 2015, 14:43
by leetufc
ferrarilover wrote:In fairness, that's shite. Firstly, we didn't offer him anything, so there was nothing for him to sign. Secondly, he's signed for Cheltenham Town, not f**king Barcelona. He'll start regularly and probably earn a meagre salary of a few hundred quid a week. Thirdly, L2 is not above his level, he'll be perfectly at home in that division.

Just about to post something similar. He was non-contract here, if he didn't play he didn't get paid. He owed us nothing. We were both doing each other a favour, us by giving him time and Berry by dropping down to play for us. We gained a good player for a few games which we otherwise wouldn't have and he's earned a contract at a club his ability deserves.

James McQuilkin Midfielder signs

Posted: 31 Jan 2015, 15:46
by Gulliball
The only difference between the two is that Berry was offered a contract and McQuilkin hasn't yet. If he does receive an offer, he will be off too - if we want to keep him then we have to be that first club to offer him a deal. Otherwise the agreement is that we're keeping them match fit in return for not paying them. It's win-win in the case of someone like Berry - he's got match fit and earned a pro deal, and we got a very good full back for free for a few months. Unless you expect him to stay here forever with no prospect of earning a contract then I don't see what more you can expect. If McQuilkin doesn't get an offer in the next few weeks/months then he will do the same and no-one could blame him for that. The ball is in our court, if we want to keep any of these players long term then it has to be on a full-time contract, not a non-contract.

James McQuilkin Midfielder signs

Posted: 31 Jan 2015, 15:57
by ferrarilover
We were told he wasn't offered a deal. Where have you read differently?


James McQuilkin Midfielder signs

Posted: 31 Jan 2015, 16:01
by Gulliball
Offered a contract by Cheltenham.

James McQuilkin Midfielder signs

Posted: 03 Mar 2015, 10:15
by kevgull

James McQuilkin Midfielder signs

Posted: 03 Mar 2015, 10:24
by nickbrod
Hardly breaking news as McQuilkin said he had signed a contract to the end of the season in his interview published in Saturday's programme.

James McQuilkin Midfielder signs

Posted: 03 Mar 2015, 10:30
by KingsteigntonYellow
Good shout to be honest, probably on peanuts anyway.

James McQuilkin Midfielder signs

Posted: 03 Mar 2015, 19:08
by torq2u
A versatile player maybe. But NOT a winger, IMHO.

James McQuilkin Midfielder signs

Posted: 03 Mar 2015, 20:42
by RussianGull
torq2u wrote:A versatile player maybe. But NOT a winger, IMHO.
Agreed, perhaps somewhat of a luxury. We need midfielders with height and the scare factor