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Hello Guys! :)

Posted: 18 Aug 2013, 18:05
by Colorado Gull

Hello Guys! :)

Posted: 19 Aug 2013, 00:26
by cambgull
Welcome to the forum, always good to see fresh meat for Matt!

Hello Guys! :)

Posted: 26 Aug 2013, 23:44
by ferrarilover
8 days and 2 games in and he's still on one post. Slim pickin's here.


Hello Guys! :)

Posted: 27 Aug 2013, 00:42
by cambgull
He probably saw Andy's return and ran for the hills!

Re: Hello Guys! :)

Posted: 28 Aug 2013, 20:55
by AustrianAndyGull
cambgull wrote:He probably saw Andy's return and ran for the hills!


Hello Guys! :)

Posted: 29 Aug 2013, 14:38
by Oil Beef Hooked
Welcome on board Jacob.

Hello from Cape Town

Posted: 03 Sep 2013, 15:19
by CapeTownGull
Hi Everyone,

Having read the site with much enjoyment for a couple of years, I thought it was time to join.

I'm Mike and watched Torquay from about 1972 to 1979 (not the best years) and have followed their fortunes ever since. Now that it is so much easier to get a feel of what's going on from a distance, I have been following them more (perhaps missing home a bit too!).

Not sure when I will get to see Torquay again - last time was probably about 12 years ago, but my brother lives in Portsmouth now so when I visit him, perhaps?

Love Andy's posts, especially when taking the **** out of various places and their inhabitants - keep it up and don't tone it down too much, as they are very funny.


Re: Hello from Cape Town

Posted: 03 Sep 2013, 15:53
by SuperNickyWroe
welcome to the funny farm Mike......

Hello from Cape Town

Posted: 03 Sep 2013, 17:00
by Colorado Gull
Welcome to the madhouse! You seem to enjoy Andy's posts so I'm sure you'll fit in :~D ;-)

Re: Hello from Cape Town

Posted: 04 Sep 2013, 21:38
by AustrianAndyGull
CapeTownGull wrote:Hi Everyone,

Having read the site with much enjoyment for a couple of years, I thought it was time to join.

I'm Mike and watched Torquay from about 1972 to 1979 (not the best years) and have followed their fortunes ever since. Now that it is so much easier to get a feel of what's going on from a distance, I have been following them more (perhaps missing home a bit too!).

Not sure when I will get to see Torquay again - last time was probably about 12 years ago, but my brother lives in Portsmouth now so when I visit him, perhaps?

Love Andy's posts, especially when taking the **** out of various places and their inhabitants - keep it up and don't tone it down too much, as they are very funny.
Phew! It's a good job that Torquay won't be playing against Ajax Cape Town then anytime soon! :) :lol:

Thanks so much for the kind words Mike and welcome to the forum. :-D :bow:

Hello from Cape Town

Posted: 04 Sep 2013, 22:40
by Louis
Welcome aboard from abroad :)

Re: Hello Guys! :)

Posted: 15 Sep 2013, 19:46
by ferrarilover
Oh, and I think, Jacob, you mean "My uncle and I"...


I can't go wrong here, either the OP replies, or habitual and insufferable moron J5 pipes up and I get to ignore him some more.

Re: Hello from Cape Town

Posted: 15 Sep 2013, 19:48
by ferrarilover
Hey Louis, any chance we can have a roll call of nations somewhere on the forum? I think we used to have a flag motif or somesuch somewhere.


Re: Hello from Cape Town

Posted: 15 Sep 2013, 21:07
by AustrianAndyGull
Does Austria count then even though I live in Derbyshire? :)

Re: Hello Guys! :)

Posted: 15 Sep 2013, 21:09
by AustrianAndyGull
ferrarilover wrote:Oh, and I think, Jacob, you mean "My uncle and I"...


I can't go wrong here, either the OP replies, or habitual and insufferable moron J5 pipes up and I get to ignore him some more.

I'm a bit thick Matt as you well know but is the above something to do with your post on the 'Thought of the Day' thread? If it is i'm chuffed I managed to deduce something correctly. :clap: