That's the problem when people in general read a strap line, and read what they think it says, rather than reading what it actually says. No where in that strap line does it say anything about spending all £350 million on the NHS, and that's point I was making.
I did answer your the point you making in, in your brief post, said this is getting boring now, so not going to go back over everything in great detail.
This country has entered into negotiations to withdraw from the EU, so there is uncertainty, currency investors are backing against the pound, as you would expect them to do, as I'm sure many are aware any currency can rise and fall in an hour, let alone a day, as said, any economic data right now is false whether it suggests Brexit will be either be positive or negative regards the UK economy , and will be until we leave, or backslide and remain within the EU, that shouldn't be to difficult for anyone to understand.
Yes I knew, millions knew, when we voted leave, it meant leave, there is no such thing as hard or soft Brexit, this country has to withdraw from all aspects of the EU, then negotiate a trade/political deal with the EU, as, has be said so many times, with up to a potential 750,000 export jobs at risk in Germany alone, and many jobs at risk in France and Italy, the three main eurozone economies, yes they will do a trade deal with us.
This was never about withdrawing our country from the world, it's about withdrawing our country from the EU, and in doing so, opening up our country to the entire world, which is not possible as members of the EU.
This was never about ending immigration, immigration is a good thing, it is about, and yes I'm going use the word 'control' it's about ending the rights of EU nationals coming into this country unable to speak a word of English (and please no one needs to patronize me here) with out a job, or the promise of a job, with priority to social housing, and able to claim benefits from day one, having paid nothing into our country's purse strings, and if you don't think that's happening, wake up.
Why does anyone think big business leaders like Branson want to remain in the EU, no, it really is not for the good of me and you, it is for their own self interest, same as the government, it helps keep the poorest of society poor, supply and demand of labour for a start, if there's 100 people for every vacancy they get away with paying £7.50 hour and giving the absolute minimum in employment conditions, and so on, and on.
Brexit may have cross party support, but is party political, those who voted in the last election must realize in many ways their vote didn't count for much, as said, some of the key policies in Corbyn's manifesto couldn't be implemented with out EU treaty change, such as re-nationalization of the railways for a start, Corbyn knows this, that's why the great repeals bill will go through, there will enough support from both sides of the house to achieve it, with out to many amendments, and if the lords try to stall things, I'm sure Corbyn wont to be to bothered in supporting any attempt to smack them down.
Anyway enough now.