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Re: Martin ling

Posted: 12 May 2013, 11:55
by coley in stripes
Nice 'double bluff' Andy !

Re: Martin ling

Posted: 12 May 2013, 17:11
by ferrarilover
Oh yeah, 3 GCEs and level 5 on the bleep test, it's a wonder NASA didn't snap him up...

If policemen had 100 IQ points between them it would be a bloody miracle.


Re: Martin ling

Posted: 12 May 2013, 17:18
by Scott Brehaut
Police officers have to be thick, or at least act thick, to make the lawyers they deal with feel important.

Re: Martin ling

Posted: 13 May 2013, 07:40
by coley in stripes
WOW Matt, your knowledge, wisdom and life experiences don't just stop at footballing matters on this site ! but you also share your attributes to careers and of cource TUFC finances (Had a good laugh at those posts). What's the saying ' Thanks, but if I had wanted to listen to an ar*e hole, I would have farted'....Keep 'em coming !!!

Re: Martin ling

Posted: 13 May 2013, 08:43
by Heritage gull
Tote end on tour wrote:I have to say watching Mrs Lotto's interview on BBC Sport must go down as the most cringeworthy interview of all time ....... Dear oh dear
I thought Mrs Bristow came across as honest and down to earth. More power to her for not denigrating Martin during the interview. How refreshing to hear someone speak positively about the future without slagging off the previous incumbent. She made it clear she did not want to answer questions about Martin's tenure at TUFC. Whether that was because of fear of litigation or plain good manners, it matters not. In this age of slick spin, I thought Mrs. Bristow spoke from the heart. Well done to Mrs Bristow. :clap:

Re: Martin ling

Posted: 13 May 2013, 09:31
by Lloyder5
I tend to agree. Not the disaster as some are describing it. Perhaps a little more preparation, but nothing wrong with not answering a question.

Re: Martin ling

Posted: 13 May 2013, 09:35
by AustrianAndyGull
It's embarrassing sure but if i'd have been asked to sit in front of a camera answering difficult questions i'd been unprepared for i'd have done a lot worse than her AND run off before the end! We should leave her alone, as long as she is able to make crucial decisions behind the scenes when they need to be made i couldn't really care less about her public speaking skills.

Re: Martin ling

Posted: 13 May 2013, 09:50
by Dave
Agreed, Thea did not seem to prepare to well for this interview, those who are media savy will have a good idea the range of questions they will be asked and rehearse thier answers, some even ask for a set of questions before agreeing to do the interview, it would have been very easy for Thea to hide behind some one else, she is the chairman, doing interviews comes with the job, and there is only one way to learn, thats do it, big up to Thea.. :clap:

At the end of the day, I could not give a monkeys chuff if the chairman and manager are not good public speakers, I could not give a monkeys chuff if the pair of them can not spell with out using a spell checker or add up with out using a calculator, nor quite frankly do I give a monkeys about how the manager was sacked, people get shat every day in buisness up and down the country, move on.

All I care about is at the very least we have a competative League 2 team, that atleast trys to play entertaining football, and our attendance figures are around the 3000+ mark, with the club showing intent to improve and build towards League 1, it can be done by TUFC.

Re: Martin ling

Posted: 13 May 2013, 10:34
by taxilady
All I care about is at the very least we have a competitive League 2 team, that at least tries to play entertaining football, and our attendance figures are around the 3000+ mark, with the club showing intent to improve and build towards League 1, it can be done by TUFC.[/quote]

Re: Martin ling

Posted: 13 May 2013, 11:24
by brucie
Bottom line is that she was not going to say anything derogatory about Martin Ling and why should she, so she refused to answer the questions. Seems fair enough to me really.

Re: Martin ling

Posted: 13 May 2013, 11:38
by DevonYellow
forevertufc wrote:Agreed, Thea did not seem to prepare to well for this interview, those who are media savy will have a good idea the range of questions they will be asked and rehearse thier answers, some even ask for a set of questions before agreeing to do the interview, it would have been very easy for Thea to hide behind some one else, she is the chairman, doing interviews comes with the job, and there is only one way to learn, thats do it, big up to Thea.. :clap:

At the end of the day, I could not give a monkeys chuff if the chairman and manager are not good public speakers, I could not give a monkeys chuff if the pair of them can not spell with out using a spell checker or add up with out using a calculator, nor quite frankly do I give a monkeys about how the manager was sacked, people get shat every day in buisness up and down the country, move on.

All I care about is at the very least we have a competative League 2 team, that atleast trys to play entertaining football, and our attendance figures are around the 3000+ mark, with the club showing intent to improve and build towards League 1, it can be done by TUFC.
It certainly can. It won't happen over night but just look at Yeovil.

Re: Martin ling

Posted: 13 May 2013, 13:09
by SuperNickyWroe
Thea can say what she wants for me.
She has shown her long term commitment to TUFC big time.

Re: Martin ling

Posted: 13 May 2013, 14:12
by ferrarilover
brucie wrote:Bottom line is that she was not going to say anything derogatory about Martin Ling and why should she, so she refused to answer the questions. Seems fair enough to me really.
Role reversal here, but I haven't seen the interview and I'm going to make a judgement. If this is anything to go by, it seems Thea has done exactly what any non-idiot would do. Why are we complaining?


Re: Martin ling

Posted: 20 May 2013, 00:11
by alcohorse
Admired her taking it on and trying to be honest. She could have done the whole politician thing and spun/reframed all the questions or spouted a load of BS but...well unfortunately, it was embarassing for the club. The failure to answer questions altogether and the lack of professionalism don't make us look great to prospective signings.

The club clearly owes Thea a great debt and I'm glad she's stepping up to the plate. She's obviously well outside her comfort zone but I'm sure she'll learn, hopefully quickly!

Re: Martin ling

Posted: 20 May 2013, 01:48
by ferrarilover
[size=150][color=#FF0000]alcohorse[/color][/size] wrote:Admired her taking it on and trying to be honest. She could have done the whole politician thing and spun/reframed all the questions or spouted a load of BS but...well unfortunately, it was embarassing for the club. The failure to answer questions altogether and the lack of professionalism don't make us look great to prospective signings.

The club clearly owes Thea a great debt and I'm glad she's stepping up to the plate. She's obviously well outside her comfort zone but I'm sure she'll learn, hopefully quickly!
Appropriate username is appropriate.
