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Re: Have Your Whinge, Moan And Rant Here ...
Posted: 20 Dec 2010, 18:39
by EmetEdadsBeard
Now for people moaning about the government and their local councils for not sorting the snowy roads out.
Yes they do cope better and with more of the stuff in Canada, Sweden, Austria, Germany etc etc. The reason? They get it EVERY year so they are well prepared with snow ploughs, 1000s tons of salt and gritters by the thousand.
We get it this bad about once every ten years, so are we supposed to have £millions of specialist equipment rusting away for 9/10 years? No, it would be a complete waste.
Its not even as bad as previous years (1963, 1976, 1978, 1996 were all far worse).
Get in your car, drive a bit slower, drive to the conditions and stop whining about it being dangerous. I didnt miss a shift at the steelworks in Sheffield in '76 or '78 and I was driving a 36 mile round trip-on a motorbike!! :-|
Re: Have Your Whinge, Moan And Rant Here ...
Posted: 20 Dec 2010, 20:27
by Trojan 67
As far as I m aware the Government of the United Kingdom is Her Majesty s Government. Therefore respect please for our serving Monarch.
Constitutionally our Armed Services swear allegiance to the Crown, not the tossers in the Palace of Westminster or Wile E Coyote across the Channel in Brussels/Berlin. The tossers in Westminster are duty bound to serve the best interests of Her Majesty and Her Majesty s subjects. Do you see them doing that ? The useless, selfish b*stards serve themselves first and the various faces of organised crime calling itself legitimate business second.
The sooner our Chiefs of Staff mobilise the Armed Services and impose Martial Law the sooner the sworn in Militia can conduct a mass lynching campaign.Two taps to the back of the head with a .45/9mm would be quicker but once a round has been expended it s expended. A rope can be used again and again. First on the list are snout in the trough politicians/politically correct prats. They have names, faces, addresses and hiding behind the term spokesman/spokesperson will be useless. The prats will disappear down personhole covers and into the sewers quicker than you can say rat up a drainpipe. They won t be safe there, as so many people in this country are in deep sh*t, going deeper into it won t be a deterrent or problem. Oh, and the Police will no longer be a law unto itself, it will do as F*CKING ORDERED BY THE MILITARY.
What follows now is an analogy. Some have noticed that from space Italy looks like a boot; an African elephant has the same shape ear as Africa and an Indian Elephant the same shape ear as India. From space Wales looks like the head of a pig. Some readers will be familiar with the Black Pig, it s Cap n and it s crew. With me so far ?
Craft Command to Cap n Pugwash : “Wolfie crossing over.â€ÂÂ
Pugwash back to Craft Command : “Standing by at Dover.â€ÂÂ
Craft Command to Cap n Pugwash : “Bring about the Pig.â€ÂÂ
Pugwash back to Craft Command : “Ready for the gig.â€ÂÂ
Churchill eh ? Some Pugwash.
Some Pig ? Some aircraft carrier !
“Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.â€ÂÂ
Next on the list : Muslims, their Jurassic religion and their ignorance. In their religion, pork is an unclean meat to be avoided. What the f*ck then is Cap n Hook of Finsbury and his mob doing aboard the Pig ? Not only are they treading in the Pig, they re bowed down arses in the air rubbing their noses in it. In that exposed position, is it any wonder that they re continually shafted in the unhealing bullet wound ? Do they not know what Welshmen do to sheep ? Islam listening ?
Next on the list : Chavs. Yo wanna talk like drug dealing n*****s, then yo gonna get lynched like n*****s. Have you noticed readers how all the shit of the world has concentrated itself here ? How long did it take to barbwire the southern coast during WW2 ? The answer is not long. How long would it take to barbwire the whole of the mainland UK ? Same answer : not long. Concentration imprisoned behind wire with a direct rail link into it from Europe.
Scenario : ouch, fits.
Panic buying isn t just for Christmas. Stock up all year round, the sh*t can hit the fan anytime.
Re: Have Your Whinge, Moan And Rant Here ...
Posted: 21 Dec 2010, 11:30
by SuperNickyWroe
trojan 67,
please edit your post 6 lines from the bottom.
Re: Have Your Whinge, Moan And Rant Here ...
Posted: 21 Dec 2010, 12:26
by Trojan 67
SuperNickyWroe wrote:trojan 67,
please edit your post 6 lines from the bottom.
Your comments are noted SNW. It stays as it is. Admin will or won't do as Admin sees fit.
Re: Have Your Whinge, Moan And Rant Here ...
Posted: 21 Dec 2010, 15:06
by EmetEdadsBeard
They really are coming thick and fast at the moment!!!
On line sales-whats that all about?
I have tried to buy a Telly from a well known (Dirty) Leeds based supermarket chain beginning with 'A' When I finally managed to order it (it's an on line only item) I was told it would be delivered within 4 working days between 7am and 7pm. But not on which day! And delivery is charged at £4.95 for this privelege!
Now they've changed their mind and given me a refund as its out of stock!
Beds. I've given up. I've just been onto the 3rd company trying to buy two beds, this one claims to be the biggest in Britain, but cant deliver before 5th January. Their delivery policy is also 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday. Fat lot of good that is to those among us who actually get off our arses and go to work!
Haaa, I hear you say, book a day off. I cant, if you work in education you take your hols etc when the schools are closed, you dont get to choose.
They wont even give me a time slot after 3.30pm when I can be home.
Customer service in this country is pathetic, there obviously aren't any problems in this country with recession etc as no one seems to want my money.
:evil: :evil: :evil:
Re: Have Your Whinge, Moan And Rant Here ...
Posted: 21 Dec 2010, 16:32
by happytorq
Emet - customer service in the USA is great, everybody is nice. This is really true - when I moved here I thought it was a bit of a facade, but they genuinely do take customer service seriously. I even said "have a nice day" myself the other day. Scary stuff.
regarding online buying - I ordered a tag heuer watch for my wife's birthday (27th) but then i realised I had the shipping and billing address mixed up. Called company, was told they'd have to cancel it and then i could reorder it. great, except after i placed it my bank put a hold on the money ($1500!) and won't realease it till tomorrow. So now i dont have the cash floating around to buy it. To make it worse, the wife then happened to randomly look at the bank account online and FREAKED OUT when she saw that our balance was low. So not only do I not have the ideal pressie, I'm also in the doghouse.
Trying to blame it on the $600 in her student loans that came out on monday did not go over well.
Bloody banks!
Re: Have Your Whinge, Moan And Rant Here ...
Posted: 21 Dec 2010, 18:48
by SuperNickyWroe
Trojan 67 wrote:
Your comments are noted SNW. It stays as it is. Admin will or won't do as Admin sees fit.
well someone has edited it , if you have edited it thanks.
Re: Have Your Whinge, Moan And Rant Here ...
Posted: 21 Dec 2010, 19:46
by Trojan 67
SuperNickyWroe wrote:
well someone has edited it , if you have edited it thanks.
I stand by every word written. Admin did as admin saw fit. The PM I recieved explained your reasons of objection. That remains private between us and Admin. I'll explain this in open forum : The object of the post was to inform/alert/entertain fast asleep people and definately to offend CRIMINALS/CRIMINAL ACTION and get the b*stards out in the open. You SNW posted your request in open forum. You earn respect for that. Some didn't do that for reasons I know well. A private PM wil be on its way to Admin and should Admin see fit to post it on to you then that is Admin's decision. You and I SNW have something in common. No if, when we meet you'll discover what it is. Do note there is no open apology. If you get one it will be to your face as is right and proper.
Re: Have Your Whinge, Moan And Rant Here ...
Posted: 22 Dec 2010, 16:31
by Trojan 67
Young Winston made it to first Lord of the Admiralty.
My rant is why Pugwash never made Admiral. No, he wasn t a pirate, a buccaneer maybe. Aye, he may well have looked into several holds and seen a buck or two which would ve led him to the conclusion of a buck in ere also.
Frank Drake and Wally Raleigh weren t exactly averse to a bit of plunder were they ? And both ended up with Knighthoods fer cry sakes. There s that word hood again. Both Frank and Wally were Deb n buhys; one from Tavy, the other from East Budleigh. Frank appeared to handle the title of Sir with ease. With Wally however, it went to the head and as a consequence lost it.
Where Pugwash is from I don t know as I ve not met the gentleman. Wouldn t surprise me if he was a Deb n buhy aswell. Frank, Wally and Pugwash were, of course, all privateers. So why no promotion for Cap n m Cap n ? I m not pushing for posthumous Knight of the Realm or Lord of the Admiralty, just basic Admiral will suffice for sterling service aboard the Pig.
Then there s Able Seaman Staines.
Clean yourself up you sorry sailor.
Re: Have Your Whinge, Moan And Rant Here ...
Posted: 22 Dec 2010, 17:08
by EmetEdadsBeard
Bloody hell another ones cropped up!
When did a television SERIES become a SEASON?
Surely season means annually, or maybe bi-annual? Television SERIES are not annual (unless its something like MOTD which for obvious reasons is yearly).
Yet another stupid Americanism that has crept in and will ultimately take over in OUR language.
Blood pressure rising.........................
(On the bed front we went down to our local retailers and he did us a good deal. They arrive on the 30th December :mrgreen: )
Re: Have Your Whinge, Moan And Rant Here ...
Posted: 22 Dec 2010, 17:25
by Trojan 67
Oh yeah, if Jim Kirk can go from Cap'n to Admiral why can't Pugwash ?
And after what he did to Uhura.
You don't know ?
Why is Lieutenant Uhura black ?
Because William Shatner.
Re: Have Your Whinge, Moan And Rant Here ...
Posted: 22 Dec 2010, 18:06
by happytorq
EmetEdadsBeard wrote:Bloody hell another ones cropped up!
When did a television SERIES become a SEASON?
Surely season means annually, or maybe bi-annual? Television SERIES are not annual (unless its something like MOTD which for obvious reasons is yearly).
Yet another stupid Americanism that has crept in and will ultimately take over in OUR language.
Blood pressure rising.........................
(On the bed front we went down to our local retailers and he did us a good deal. They arrive on the 30th December :mrgreen: )
In their (well, our, soon, when I get my citizenship, heh) defence, the American TV schedule has always called for 'seasons' - there's an autumn/winter season (usually lasting 22 episodes or so) and a shorter summer season of maybe 12 weeks. Yes, I know, that's not 52 weeks but there times during the year when very little new television is shown; that's when the decision will be made to cancel or keep a television show. That's what they usually mean be "november sweeps". I don't really think you can blame the Americans for this one; the terminology that is used here is entirely accurate for the situation as it exists here....I'd probably blame UK Tv execs for adopting and then promulgating the word.
It's for this reason that quite a few tv shows that are remade for the US market simply don't work - the 'season' schedule here is way to competitive for many shows that have done great in the UK. There were only 12 episodes of Fawlty Towers made - just over half a US 'season'. There's no way it would even have got made here. This is a good thing, by the way - the commercial nature of the US networks means that shows are hardly ever given time to 'grow into' and audience, they're expected to hit the ground running and generate ad revenue pretty much immediately. It's this competition that means that you get some of the best shows around, but it also means that other really good shows that could grow into great are not given the chance.
I had a think for about 10 minutes and just thought of a few UK shows that would have been cancelled after the first series here (assuming they even got made in the first place!)
Red Dwarf - they actually tried to do a US version, it didn't work.
Blackadder - the first series of this was pretty poor, it never would have been given more of a chance
Coupling - another one they tried to remake but the audiences didn't like that it was often so...explicit.
And those are just 3 i thought up quickly.
but think of the successful UK exports to the US over the past few years.
Pop Idol
Strictly come Dancing
Britain's Got Talent
The Ice Skating One
The Weakest Link
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?
Deal or no Deal
The Office (which is still going strong even though Gervais and Merchant have zero input to the scripts)
When you look at the bolded ones I think the UK has a lot more to apologise for than the US, no?
As for creeping Americanisms, well, I used to bang that drum myself but now I think it's just a function of the natural change of language, and I don't think it's worth getting hung up upon. I'll keep spelling 'colour' and 'honour' properly, though.
Re: Have Your Whinge, Moan And Rant Here ...
Posted: 23 Dec 2010, 10:42
by EmetEdadsBeard
happytorq wrote:
In their (well, our, soon, when I get my citizenship, heh) defence, the American TV schedule has always called for 'seasons' - there's an autumn/winter season (usually lasting 22 episodes or so) and a shorter summer season of maybe 12 weeks. Yes, I know, that's not 52 weeks but there times during the year when very little new television is shown; that's when the decision will be made to cancel or keep a television show. That's what they usually mean be "november sweeps". I don't really think you can blame the Americans for this one; the terminology that is used here is entirely accurate for the situation as it exists here....I'd probably blame UK Tv execs for adopting and then promulgating the word.
It's for this reason that quite a few tv shows that are remade for the US market simply don't work - the 'season' schedule here is way to competitive for many shows that have done great in the UK. There were only 12 episodes of Fawlty Towers made - just over half a US 'season'. There's no way it would even have got made here. This is a good thing, by the way - the commercial nature of the US networks means that shows are hardly ever given time to 'grow into' and audience, they're expected to hit the ground running and generate ad revenue pretty much immediately. It's this competition that means that you get some of the best shows around, but it also means that other really good shows that could grow into great are not given the chance.
I had a think for about 10 minutes and just thought of a few UK shows that would have been cancelled after the first series here (assuming they even got made in the first place!)
Red Dwarf - they actually tried to do a US version, it didn't work.
Blackadder - the first series of this was pretty poor, it never would have been given more of a chance
Coupling - another one they tried to remake but the audiences didn't like that it was often so...explicit.
And those are just 3 i thought up quickly.
but think of the successful UK exports to the US over the past few years.
Pop Idol
Strictly come Dancing
Britain's Got Talent
The Ice Skating One
The Weakest Link
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?
Deal or no Deal
The Office (which is still going strong even though Gervais and Merchant have zero input to the scripts)
When you look at the bolded ones I think the UK has a lot more to apologise for than the US, no?
As for creeping Americanisms, well, I used to bang that drum myself but now I think it's just a function of the natural change of language, and I don't think it's worth getting hung up upon. I'll keep spelling 'colour' and 'honour' properly, though.
There are reasons why BlackAdder and Fawlty Towers would never work in America anyway, and that is they don't understand irony, and this was a massive part of the humour. I dont agree about SERIES 1 of BlackAdder, it stands up well on its own, it was just massively surpassed by SERIES 2, possibly the funniest comedy ever written.
And I would agree with you about the apology thing if it wasn't for about 20 'seasons' of the most unfunny 'comedy' of all time!
People, I give you FRIENDS (cue screams of derision from its fans), what is that 5h1t all about?
I've been sat in the room when my wife has watched it, and the two episodes I've been privy to must have been called 'The One With No Laughs In It' and 'The One That Isn't Funny At All' The 'live' audience would laugh at a falling leaf if the way they howl at this rubbish is anything to go by.
I will add that I've only ever found one American comedy program that has made me laugh, and that was Police Squad with the late great Leslie Nielson. I do have a very dry, satirical sense of humour, so I also dont find a lot of so called British comedy funny either.
I could add all the rubbish American police/private detective series that we imported over the years (my mother was addicted to them!) and most of them had a disability!!
Ironside-In a wheelchair
Harry O-Bad back :-o
Columbo-One eye
Cannon-Fat b@stard :Oops:
and the best of all Longstreet-Blind. YES A BLIND PRIVATE DETECTIVE!
You couldn't make it up (but they did!) :mrgreen:
Sky TV is absolutely rammed with rubbish American Telly, so much so we have about 400 channels with absolutely nothing on! :evil:
Re: Have Your Whinge, Moan And Rant Here ...
Posted: 23 Dec 2010, 12:29
by Southampton Gull
American series I've watched long after they first aired.
Prison Break - Absolutely superbly written series.
24 - Loved it, watched dozens of episodes at a time, another masterclass
Lie To Me - Starring Tim Roth, he's absolutely marvellous at passing on the irony mentioned by Emet, only surpassed by the looks of confusion on his co-stars. Another gem
Lost - Watched it all, but can't say it was memorable and seemed to run out of ideas after the first season
The Event - Enjoying what I've seen so far, I have high hopes for this one too.
In summary, the States are producing some really good "series" at this point in time, I urge anyone to watch the ones I've listed, whichever way you can get your hands on them. Of the new programmes being made over here, I don't think we can compete, although one I really did enjoy was Married, Single, Other, after seeing my own Mother die of cancer it brought it all home to me in an emotional and comedic way that nothing has ever matched, a real classic piece of British TV at its very best.
Not really a moan I guess, certainly not a rant, so I'll attack those that go off-topic, bloody nuisance they are :Oops:
I forgot to mention a series I literally watched yesterday while trying to rest up from another bout of manflu, namely The Sons Of Anarchy, can't wait for a second series if it's given the green light.
Re: Have Your Whinge, Moan And Rant Here ...
Posted: 23 Dec 2010, 14:44
by happytorq
Ok, admission time. I actually quite liked Friends. Sorry. There were only 10 seasons, though. It was just good, throwaway television to me. I'm not likely to watch every single one religiously, but i can dip in an out whenever I want and pretty much know the characters.
re: Blackadder - I missed the first season of this the first time round, I only got it on DVD later on and I was really disappointed. Maybe if I'd seen if before 2, 3, and 4 it might not have been 'ruined' for me.
re: Fawlty Towers - that actually has a very strong following here (along with Python.) when I tell people where I'm from it's the first thing I mention to them. (second is Agatha Christie and third is Peter Cook)
US TV shows I really like right now.
Castle - it's a fun cop/writer show (hah, I know) and the female lead is just..unbelievable attractive
Dexter - 5th season just finished, and it's really is very good
House - Hugh Laurie is a legend, and I keep showing people in the office his old F&L songs (particularly "Im in love with Steffi Graf")
Detroit 187 - this just started, has Christopher from the Sopranos in it.
Chuck - the inner geek in me loves a lot of the in-jokes. and the fact he has a Tron poster on his bedroom wall is awesome. Highlight so far was seeing Linda Hamilton make a guest appearance and actually saying "Come with me if you want to live"
Last season I really liked FlashForward and was pissed off they cancelled it.
SG - i thought 24 was great the first time round but after that it all got a bit silly.