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Torquay United v Exeter City - 29/12/13

Posted: 29 Dec 2013, 16:00
by AustrianAndyGull
For all the stick Hawley gets about not scoring, I reckon our midfield should start getting their fingers out of their arses. Bodin won't score again for us IMO, Mozika hasn't scored, Chappell last scored against Portsmouth 2 months ago, Cameron won't score for us again, Mansell last scored God knows when, McCourt is yet to score and it's not f*cking on!! Why can't some of these players f*cking turn up for once?!!

If it wasn't for our loan strikers (McCallum, Ball, Marquis) we'd already be down!! :@ :@

Even Pearce and Downes have got 7 or 8 goals between them!

Hawley shouldn't be let near the first team ever again. Benyon who is the last striker of ours to actually score is left on the bench.

I thought Knill had started to get something going then he plays Cameron and starts Hawley. He's his own worst enemy. Pillock.

Torquay United v Exeter City - 29/12/13

Posted: 29 Dec 2013, 16:00
by bixieupnorth
exeter fan just won the 50/50 draw too!!

Torquay United v Exeter City - 29/12/13

Posted: 29 Dec 2013, 16:02
by bixieupnorth
their players already on the pitch, we're still in the dressing room listening to juans words of wisdom, lets hope for once he can do something to inspire us to get the pressure we've had converted into goals

come on you yellows!!

Torquay United v Exeter City - 29/12/13

Posted: 29 Dec 2013, 16:03
by bixieupnorth
4231, 1255 in away end, thats better than i thought

Torquay United v Exeter City - 29/12/13

Posted: 29 Dec 2013, 16:05
by Oil Beef Hooked
We're definitely the better team. Exshitter haven't looked that dangerous until there goal.

We're first to most balls/ challenges and had some good chances in the 1st half.

More of the same in the 2nd half lads and some goals too.

C'mon you Yellows.

Torquay United v Exeter City - 29/12/13

Posted: 29 Dec 2013, 16:05
by bixieupnorth
manse last scored on new years day!!

Torquay United v Exeter City - 29/12/13

Posted: 29 Dec 2013, 16:06
by SuperNickyWroe
bixieupnorth wrote:exeter fan just won the 50/50 draw too!!
f**kin typical! :@ :rofl:

Torquay United v Exeter City - 29/12/13

Posted: 29 Dec 2013, 16:06
by SuperNickyWroe
bixieupnorth wrote:manse last scored on new years day 2007!!
edited for factuals........ =D

Torquay United v Exeter City - 29/12/13

Posted: 29 Dec 2013, 16:06
by bixieupnorth
argyle behind

Torquay United v Exeter City - 29/12/13

Posted: 29 Dec 2013, 16:07
by SuperNickyWroe
Oil Beef Hooked wrote:We're definitely the better team. Exshitter haven't looked that dangerous until there goal.

We're first to most balls/ challenges and had some good chances in the 1st half.

More of the same in the 2nd half lads and some goals too.

C'mon you Yellows.

lets hope so Steve.

Torquay United v Exeter City - 29/12/13

Posted: 29 Dec 2013, 16:08
by bixieupnorth
nice one supes!! it doesnt seem long ago when was in double figures and nicho had to go clean his house in the nude every week!!

Torquay United v Exeter City - 29/12/13

Posted: 29 Dec 2013, 16:09
by bixieupnorth
chesterfield ahead andy, that makes the cheltenham score even worse to take for my bets sake!!

Torquay United v Exeter City - 29/12/13

Posted: 29 Dec 2013, 16:10
by AustrianAndyGull
I'm not having a go at Knill just because we are losing but because we are 3 unbeaten , two wins admittedly not playing the best of football but we are starting to get something together and then he drops Chappell and starts Hawley? Ok so Chappell has not been his best and not scored for a while and he needs to take some responsibility for this but the alternative is Cameron. See my point? Commendable that Alan wants to change it around a bit but the player he brings in has to be able to offer us something.

Hawley who has scored just twice in 5 months give or take a few games out of the 11 is preferred to Benyon who not only offers a predatory instinct but runs the channels allowing midfielders to get forward in support which when you are playing with 5 across the middle like today I would have thought it would be a bonus. All Hawley does is play with his back to goal holding it up for who exactly?

This is a mess by Knill and totally unnecessary. It could stop us in our tracks and let the doubts creep back in for a massive game at Plymouth. I bet if we DO score today it will be Downes.

Torquay United v Exeter City - 29/12/13

Posted: 29 Dec 2013, 16:13
by SuperNickyWroe
AustrianAndyGull wrote:I'm not having a go at Knill just because we are losing but because we are 3 unbeaten , two wins admittedly not playing the best of football but we are starting to get something together and then he drops Chappell and starts Hawley? Ok so Chappell has not been his best and not scored for a while and he needs to take some responsibility for this but the alternative is Cameron. See my point? Commendable that Alan wants to change it around a bit but the player he brings in has to be able to offer us something.

Hawley who has scored just twice in 5 months give or take a few games out of the 11 is preferred to Benyon who not only offers a predatory instinct but runs the channels allowing midfielders to get forward in support which when you are playing with 5 across the middle like today I would have thought it would be a bonus. All Hawley does is play with his back to goal holding it up for who exactly?

This is a mess by Knill and totally unnecessary. It could stop us in our tracks and let the doubts creep back in for a massive game at Plymouth. I bet if we DO score today it will be Downes.
nah, Billy Bodin.......... :clap: =D

Torquay United v Exeter City - 29/12/13

Posted: 29 Dec 2013, 16:14
by bixieupnorth
we sound appalling this half, lets hope it works in reverse this half, will be gutted if we dont get a draw at least today