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Potential Signings

Posted: 29 May 2015, 19:51
by tufcbrett
Are we going for any players. Lots of clubs are doing their business. I know we are going through a takeover but I still would like to see if we are looking at the playing side too

Potential Signings

Posted: 29 May 2015, 21:20
by happytorq
tufcbrett wrote:Are we going for any players. Lots of clubs are doing their business. I know we are going through a takeover but I still would like to see if we are looking at the playing side too
That's crazy talk, Brett.

in any case, Dean Edwards is involved - we're going to bring him out of retirement, and Bill Phillips will kept around to be used as an impact sub.

Potential Signings

Posted: 30 May 2015, 11:37
by Neal
I got one, James Harper Basingstoke Town. Was central to Basingstokes good season last year. Has signed non contract for next season with a clause of someone comes in with a fulltime offer he can leave. Got experience we could do with!

“James has indicated that he wants to stay at the club next season and I think that the only thing that would lure him away would be a full-time club at a higher level.

Potential Signings

Posted: 30 May 2015, 13:15
by nickbrod
Sadly there are not going to be any signings until the ownership of the club is settled and even then there could be a delay as who's not to say there could be a change of manager which would put us even further behind.
I,for one (possibly in the minority of those who share their opinions on here) would like to see CH given another season. He has a list of potential signings if given the opportunity.

Potential Signings

Posted: 30 May 2015, 15:19
by eastmoorgull
Assuming Steve and co take over the club, as I think most here want to happen, then they will already have discussed how the club is to be moved forward in terms of management.
I have the distinct feeling that some of the owners to be are not fans of CH and some of the very poor performance against several Conference teams and several very strange team selections will count against CH. However I don't doubt CH's professionalism and commitment and he will now have a list of players he would like; if he can convince the new owners that they are the future of TUFC then I, too, would like him to have another season.

Potential Signings

Posted: 30 May 2015, 16:52
by tommyg
Listening to last season's radio commentaries, it's quite obvious Steve Breed isn't Hargreaves' biggest fan. It's quite funny he could end up being his boss - bet Hargreaves won't keep him waiting for a post-match interview next season if the deal goes through! Even if every member of the consortium thinks we need a new manager it's going to cost a lot of money to replace Hargreaves so it might make more sense to run down his contract (assuming it's not rolling) as we're unlikely to do much next season with or without Hargreaves at the helm. Going to be a very interesting week...

Potential Signings

Posted: 30 May 2015, 19:33
by hector
We are in a limbo, as far as potential signings, because of the takeover and who knows if the manager will remain in place should the new consortium take over. I get the impression from his postings across the forums, that Steve Breed is not the world's biggest Hargreaves fan, so if his view is typical of the other consortium members, then Hargreaves' days could be numbered.

On the other hand, the 'delay' in the conclusion of the takeover perhaps means that it would be a little foolhardy to recruit a new manager, as well as new players at this late stage.

Potential Signings

Posted: 30 May 2015, 20:14
by Dave
Said it a few posts back on this thread and it's an obvious one really, until the clubs ownership is sorted there's nothing that can be done in terms of signing players, should this takeover not go through, the club may still having to provide extra assurances for us to retain our place in the National league premier division, still so much water to flow under the bridge.

As for Chris Hargreaves' position as manager there is a strong argument for both keeping him in place and letting him go, if the incoming board do not support CH then why let him have a budget, sign players, knowing that down the line you're going to replace him, if, and, it is an if, the new board are planning to replace Chris Hargreaves the right thing to do regardless is have a clean break, keeping CH in place will potentially do more harm.

Yes, timing is now a factor, CH may well have a raft of new signings waiting for him the receive the green light, and at this stage of the close season replacing him may not be the best idea, I really do see that, but, as said, if the new board don't trust CH, then a clean break is the only way forward, and it might not mean the club having to fork out an immediate full payment, as has been suggested by others there is a way to drip feed CH out of the club.

Potential Signings

Posted: 30 May 2015, 20:16
by nickbrod
hector wrote:We are in a limbo, as far as potential signings, because of the takeover and who knows if the manager will remain in place should the new consortium take over. I get the impression from his postings across the forums, that Steve Breed is not the world's biggest Hargreaves fan, so if his view is typical of the other consortium members, then Hargreaves' days could be numbered.

On the other hand, the 'delay' in the conclusion of the takeover perhaps means that it would be a little foolhardy to recruit a new manager, as well as new players at this late stage.
As posted earlier I'm all for CH being kept on but not just because I would rather the new owners used their new money on the playing budget rather than on dismissing the current management team but also because I believe CH will and can deliver.

Potential Signings

Posted: 31 May 2015, 10:33
by goodluckgull
Greavsie must be feeling very frustrated and worried about his role. He most certainly has targets, but can only wait to see what his budget will allow. A lot is against him already and when the results aren't up to what some fans expect, Greavsie will take all the flak.....but will that be fair ?

Potential Signings

Posted: 31 May 2015, 11:29
by Dave
Oh my lord, we've hardly made it to June and the excuses for Chris Hargreaves are rolling out already, CH must be delighted he's the only professional football manager who appears bomb proof, last season we finished behind, Macclesfield, Dover, FC Halifax, Chester, and were smashed 1.5 at home by Braintree who only finished 2 points behind us, these are all clubs with nothing compared to us, managers working off peanuts compared to CH.

Chris Hargreaves has failed so far to achieve his first two targets as TUFC manager, and has excuses chucked out in support of him from the club, media and fans alike ( a relation of Sepp Blatter perhaps) any other person had come in from outside the club with no previous connection would have been hung, drawn and quartered, and generally smashed to pieces for such failings as our manager, I know it, everyone reading this post does.

Next season CH will be working off a reduced budget, yes, I get that, it will not be a promotion budget think we'll all have except that, but it will still dwarf most in this division, I'm expecting to see a top 9 finish next season, anything less will represent another failure, should the take over be complete next week, he'll have the time and the budget, if not then the club could be in trouble, and then, and then only indeed CH can't be blamed.

Potential Signings

Posted: 31 May 2015, 11:38
by Neal
On MOTD yesterday the Dover chairman stated that Wayne Rooney earns more in a month than his whole squad in a year. Interesting and proves you can do ok on a limited budget.

Potential Signings

Posted: 31 May 2015, 11:54
by Gulliball
That's true for us too though, unless you mean per week. It was in the Herald this week that our wage budget for last season was £700k, which included the overpaid Knill signings, and will be reduced for the coming season.

Wayne Rooney at £300k per week, is over a million per month, which must be more than a chunk of L2, never mind the part-time non-league sides. Although Bristol Rovers were quoted at £2m a year.

Potential Signings

Posted: 31 May 2015, 11:58
by goodluckgull
Forever, you start by saying "excuses for Chris Hargreaves are rolling out already" and finish with "CH can't be blamed {if the take over is late}".

Until we know what his budget will actually be { this info isn't usually public } nobody can make assumptions that that Greavsie will have anymore peanuts.

Potential Signings

Posted: 31 May 2015, 12:16
by Dave
I think the Dover chairman said something as in " a figure of speech " rather than being exact. Yes I did say that Goodluck, if the takeover doesn't go through next week the club will go to the national league AGM with a lot of explaining to do, CH can not be blamed for that, should the takeover not go through for any reason and we find ourselves in a similar position to Blackpool entering into pre-season with out a team, then it would be difficult for any manager to succeed let alone CH.

If the takeover goes through next week, CH has already said he knows the players he wants, he's been talking to then already , so the leg work should be done, if CH gets the green light on budget, I would expect player signings to be completed soon after the takeover is complete, CH will then have his own team, assembled ready to go prior to pre-season training, and no excuses for failing, that's what I meant.

As for budgets, no I do not know actual figures, yes, I fully agree our budget will be reduced regardless of ownership, but I suspect CH will still have some way more money to work with, than at least 75% of the league, if I'm wrong and it can be proved.

I will make an immediate £10 donation to the forever yellow fund.