The dear oh dear bit,is about how us fans have jumped through hoops to slam the club for simply trying something to improve the atmosphere,to me a total over reaction,iam not suggesting we should keep the goal music to be honest iam not fussed either way,and also the dear oh dear bit is about how we fans can show this much passion in complaining about th goal music,yet come 3pm saturday we stand there supporting our team like carboard cut outs.Kit_robin wrote: Quite right, which is exactly what everyone's done, so I'm not entirely sure what the 'dear oh dear' is for...?
And it's wrong because, as football fans themselves, they should know that playing music after a goal is evil. Evil I tell you.
mcolls1 is right we can make noise when the away keeper steps outside the box,and and on time wasting we the fans have proved we can count louder than anyone else,and like i said said in my other reply saturday the loudest chant qwas..BOO.
not having a go at anyone here just think we should spend less having a go at the club,and more focusing on how we can make noise supporting the side in a positive way.