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Re: Manse on Twitter

Posted: 23 May 2013, 16:29
by Southampton Gull
Yep, very interesting and a real eye-opener. It's amazing how well thought out the system is and how it continues to create more and more sheep, although almost all of us are guilty of wearing a woollen coat I guess.

Re: Manse on Twitter

Posted: 23 May 2013, 16:34
by Jerry
Surely all that matters in life is that you are happy?

Personally I love my life and everything in it, if this is the result of being manipulated by "the powers that be" then let's hope they keep up the good work! :nod:

Re: Manse on Twitter

Posted: 23 May 2013, 16:38
by Southampton Gull
Jerry wrote:Surely all that matters in life is that you are happy?

Personally I love my life and everything in it, if this is the result of being manipulated by "the powers that be" then let's hope they keep up the good work! :nod:
Wouldn't it be better if far more people were happier though, Jerry?

Re: Manse on Twitter

Posted: 23 May 2013, 16:51
by Jerry
Southampton Gull wrote:
Wouldn't it be better if far more people were happier though, Jerry?
Couldn't give a monkeys to be honest! :na:

Re: Manse on Twitter

Posted: 23 May 2013, 16:52
by WestLondonYellow
That's not possible though, there are too many people in the world for everyone to be happy and there to be no suffering at all...right everyone??

No, that's entirely wrong but a common held belief due to guess what??

Re: Manse on Twitter

Posted: 23 May 2013, 17:33
by gullintwoplaces
Just to bring this thread back to where it started, the poor soldier killed by the evil scum had a two year old boy. Anjem Choudary, one of the fanatical "preachers" that sadly live in the UK, knew one of the scum and has called him a "man of impeccable character", effectively justifying the killing. No wonder that the Twitter comment that started this article rings true to many people.

Re: Manse on Twitter

Posted: 23 May 2013, 18:40
by ferrarilover
WestLondonYellow wrote:Aren't the tin fool hat wearers the ones who allow themselves to be constantly told there is a threat from the never ending monster of terrorism, which is being used to perpetrate attrocities in a never ending war across the Middle East and any other country not considered aligned with us foreign policy.

Personally I don't find it funny that millions of innocent men women and children are being bombed daily.
Millions, really, millions? Bombed daily?

So, this terrorism thing that doesn't exist then, is that exclusive to Muslim terrorism, or was the IRA one big Government hoax as well? What about the PLO or those in Syria, Chechen rebels, Basque separatists?

Terrorism existed many hundreds of years before either of the nutty Bush pair decided they wanted to send their troops to the desert rather than the jungle.

IF what we are routinely told about life is not really how it is (it's funny though, that no one credible formerly within 'the system' has ever come out to expose the 'truth'), then so be it. Life trundles along perfectly well for most of us, so let it be so.


Re: Manse on Twitter

Posted: 23 May 2013, 18:46
by Southampton Gull
But Matt, is there a credible person within the "system"?

Name me one.

Re: Manse on Twitter

Posted: 23 May 2013, 19:19
by WestLondonYellow
Matt in a word, yes even the IRA was a set up, smokescreen, call it what you want. Hard as it is to get your head round, when you do the research (look into Michael tsarion's work) it undeniably the case that all the we perceive to be true is false

And yes, really, it is millions, of course not daily, bombs go off daily but no millions don't die daily, but in the last 12 years yes the US and UK and Israel have killed millions.

Just want to add, yes, of course terrorism existed hundreds of years before bush and Blair, what you think this set up is new, people have been fooled by these controlling elitist a for thousands of years.

It's not a coincidence that no one "credible" has ever exposed this, I wonder why that might be?? Maybe you can answer that for me.

Ah the old, most of us are all right so why worry about it, well, I'd argue the opposite, most of us are up in arms about yesterdays event and want to see something done about it, but even if none of us were bothered in the slightest, the poor guy who died yesterday is no longer able to go on in his life happy as larry, as is the case for many others and that's why we shouldn't be apathetic about it.

Oh and one last thing, terrorism exists alright but it the perpetrators that we need to expose.

Manse on Twitter

Posted: 29 May 2013, 22:30
by AustrianAndyGull
Not commented on this but it is obviously abhorrent and i have particularly strong views that i don't feel able to convey right now but i 100% agree with Dave (SG).