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Post by Orange Gull »

No, the PVV may gain the most seats but they won't take power. No party will work with them, or rather him. Rutte will get as many other parties as he needs to form a majority.
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Post by Gullscorer »

Racist Asian youths and PC 'social justice' group shut down traditional British Morris dancers: ... ns-racism/
The oppressive power of the PC state gets worse: ... uidelines/
Why Political Correctness must end:

(PC) propaganda rising:
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Post by Gullscorer »

Hate speech: no actual hate is required, no victims needed, no pro-activity, no corroboration, and no mitigating circumstances allowed. Only somebody's/anybody's perception and accusation, for you to have committed a crime.

So don't quote the Bible. All the hateful passages in the Koran/Quran? No problem. ... -in-court/
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Post by WestLondonYellow »

Gullscorer wrote: 03 Apr 2017, 08:18 Thought police: watch your language: when will our politicians stand up against this PC feminist madness? ... ng-he.html
Is it better to just accept that we're totally F'd as a society, that there are just too many useful idiots and the folk with logic and balance are inevitably going to be washed away by this tide of lunacy and hysterical screaming d**kheads.

Funny thing it is to watch a modern feminist attempt to debate.
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Post by Scott Brehaut »

"Fake news" - anything "anti-Trump"

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Post by Gullscorer »

The Manchester terrorist bombing:

Security provision, it has already been claimed, was inadequate here, although whatever the level of security, it's always a possibility for determined terrorists to achieve their aims. So the security services must increase their level of surveillance. Doubts have already been raised as to whether enough is being done: ... tored-less
I don't believe this; I'm sure they're doing all they can.

Hopefully there will be no senseless backlash against the Muslim community. But if nothing else, questions will be asked as to whether they are doing enough to prevent the radicalisation of Muslim youth in their Mosques, schools and madrasas.

Unfortunately, the problem lies not with the Muslim people generally, but with the religion of Islam itself and sections of the original Koran which urge followers to extremism and which groups such as ISIS use to justify their actions, and which some Muslim teachers use to preach hatred of non-Muslim people and values.

Everyone must remain vigilant. It's going to be a long struggle.
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Post by Plainmoor78 »

Gullscorer wrote: 23 May 2017, 05:37
Unfortunately, the problem lies not with the Muslim people generally, but with the religion of Islam itself....
I think some, if not most of the problem, does lay with the Muslim people. Why over the past few decades have Muslims not secularised like the most of the peoples of the northern and western hemispheres?

By clinging to their superstitious beliefs they lend a veneer of respectability to the koran's teachings in their communities. This in turn makes it easier for the peddlars of hate to brainwash the losers (as Trump correctly called them) in that community to carry out their dirty work for them.

It is not only the schools and mosques where the problem is; it is also online were it is aided and abetted by the likes of Facebook and twitter. Let us not forget that this attack was aimed at young people and children, the very people who provide Facebook and their like with their profits.
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Post by Gullscorer »

You make good points, 78, though I would not wish to tar everyone with the same brush.

I make a comparison with the bombing campaign of the IRA, whom Jeremy Corbyn and Diane Abbot have notably refused to condemn (e.g.: ... tly-asked/ ), indeed, even politically supported, or at the very least presented equivocal stances, during the seventies and eighties.

There were and are many Irish people living in the UK (and of course Ireland). Most of them knew nothing about the IRA terrorists and were unable to assist the security forces. Those who acquired information may well have helped had they been able to do so.

It is the few, not the many, who are ideologically disposed towards terrorism. However, you are right, the majority of the Muslim community now need to improve their game; they are in the best positions to be able to detect potential terrorists. If they fail to do so, the general population will judge them accordingly, and a bad situation will be made worse. I should not like to see that happen.
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