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F.A Trophy semi final 2nd leg v Wrexham

Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 17:13
by PlainmoorRoar
Neal wrote:Sounds like Richards has had a complete mare
One of the worst performances by a tufc player I've ever seen by him.

Also I expext Angus McDonald to be fined for calling and i put it in speech markers, a 'supporter' a c**t

F.A Trophy semi final 2nd leg v Wrexham

Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 17:13
by LocalGull
Second half disgrace.
I like young as a player and a character but he had a poor game and couldn't get into the game. I was on the Pop side and he was obviously getting some stick which he didn't like and began reacting back. Not aggressively-more in a way to say I'm trying my best. McDonald felt the need to step in. Now I don't know what was said to young and Im not one to say players should take untold stick if it's reallly abusive, but McDonald's reaction was horrific. To call the fans 'f*****g c***s' is a disgrace. An absolute disgrace. I'm all for sticking up your team mate but that was truly disgusting to start shouring back like that to the fans. Downes had to pull him away.
At least young had the bottle to walk right over to the pop side at the end after the game. I clapped him just for that and facing the music, whilst McDonald walked straight down the tunnel like a coward. Be interesting to hear from others who saw his behaviour.

F.A Trophy semi final 2nd leg v Wrexham

Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 17:17
by Sunnysideup
PlainmoorRoar wrote: One of the worst performances by a tufc player I've ever seen by him.

Also I expext Angus McDonald to be fined for calling and i put it in speech markers, a 'supporter' a c**t
Wasnt Bartlett by any chance was it? :B

F.A Trophy semi final 2nd leg v Wrexham

Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 17:17
by Neal
LocalGull wrote:Second half disgrace.
I like young as a player and a character but he had a poor game and couldn't get into the game. I was on the Pop side and he was obviously getting some stick which he didn't like and began reacting back. Not aggressively-more in a way to say I'm trying my best. McDonald felt the need to step in. Now I don't know what was said to young and Im not one to say players should take untold stick if it's reallly abusive, but McDonald's reaction was horrific. To call the fans 'f*****g c***s' is a disgrace. An absolute disgrace. I'm all for sticking up your team mate but that was truly disgusting to start shouring back like that to the fans. Downes had to pull him away.
At least young had the bottle to walk right over to the pop side at the end after the game. I clapped him just for that and facing the music, whilst McDonald walked straight down the tunnel like a coward. Be interesting to hear from others who saw his behaviour.
If that's all true, he... Macdonald can f*ck off!!

F.A Trophy semi final 2nd leg v Wrexham

Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 17:18
by tommyg
Well at least we can now concentrate on the play-offs - only 16 points to make up! We're closer to the relegation zone and given the way we're playing we might want to look over our shoulders instead ;-)

We have too many mentally-weak players. No backbone and no bottle. The midfield gets dominated every game, we miss chances at critical times and make too many mistakes at the back. Apart from that we're ok...

The only three players I'm bothered about keeping for next season are Young, Downes and Ajala, but even today the golden boy appeared to give up and was lucky not to pick up another suspension. He'll soon get one when he racks up 15 yellows. Not that it matters too much now. At least Home Park will have a volunteer for their half-time draw ;-)

F.A Trophy semi final 2nd leg v Wrexham

Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 17:21
by LocalGull
Neal wrote: If that's all true, he... Macdonald can f*ck off!!
That was exactly my reaction. He needs to be fined but don't know if that's enough for me.

F.A Trophy semi final 2nd leg v Wrexham

Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 17:24
by Orange Gull
Does anyone know if Hargreaves' post match interview with Steve Breed is available to hear online somewhere?

F.A Trophy semi final 2nd leg v Wrexham

Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 17:25
by OllieGull
Just got in, the first half is up there with the worst halves of football I have ever seen. Thought the only players to show any passion for the club today were ironically Gueguen who's only been with us a month, Ajala and Young. Yes, Young had a poor performance but like someone said he came over to the pop at the end, he kept running most of the game but has just fizzled out since the beginning. I think a strong defensive midfielder needs to go next to him as Richards just does not cut it. Time and time again Richards would try and win the ball and just simply fail and it cost us a lot in midfield, also didn't help when the defence just hoofed the ball up everytime they got it.

F.A Trophy semi final 2nd leg v Wrexham

Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 17:27
by BayGull
Orange Gull wrote:Does anyone know if Hargreaves' post match interview with Steve Breed is available to hear online somewhere?
Not been one yet - they 'hope' to have him by 6pm

F.A Trophy semi final 2nd leg v Wrexham

Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 17:28
by Dave_Pougher
If that's true about McDonald he can go back to the farm from whence he came, for that surely is the correct place for shit.

Obviously it has to be confirmed and verified but to say that to people who pay your wages is unacceptable. Looking to the club to investigate.

F.A Trophy semi final 2nd leg v Wrexham

Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 17:33
by PlainmoorRoar
Dave_Pougher wrote:If that's true about McDonald he can go back to the farm from whence he came, for that surely is the correct place for sh*t.

Obviously it has to be confirmed and verified but to say that to people who pay your wages is unacceptable. Looking to the club to investigate.
I'd be srpised if Andy C didn't hear it as it was right in front of the pop!

It was clear as day!

F.A Trophy semi final 2nd leg v Wrexham

Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 17:35
by LocalGull
I'll most probably be writing to the club about it. I've been going for about 25 years and never witnessed anything like it. Whilst just because we pay our money to watch and support, I don't think fans have free reign to abuse the players, but that reaction is horrific. I'm a loyal fan and is never complain about a player like that but it really wound me up. We do have the right to voice our displeasure, especially when we are losing 3-0 at home without putting up a fight and missing out on wembley.Like I said would be good to hear from any others that witnessed it.

F.A Trophy semi final 2nd leg v Wrexham

Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 17:36
by Rjc70
Gone to penalties in the other semi, although I doubt anyone on here is that bothered.

F.A Trophy semi final 2nd leg v Wrexham

Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 17:39
by OllieGull
I didn't hear what Macdonald said but I did see him mouthing off aggressively to a part of the popside, fair play to Downes for pulling him away and trying to calm him down.

F.A Trophy semi final 2nd leg v Wrexham

Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 17:40
by PlainmoorRoar
You can have my back up Localgull such an idiotic thing to do!

That's why I have a bit of sympathy for CH because the players gave up when that first goal went in!

But and its a big but, what did we do all week? Why weren't they up for the fight? - Wrexham were!

I don't doubt CH wanted it, but some of the players have to take the flack though - they weren't interested and they didn't care!