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Potential Signings

Posted: 31 May 2015, 18:05
by arcadia
I know it's the same old story would you put money into a club not being able to choose the person who's going to spend your money. There are better non-league managers in the area who can manage small budgets one has been at meetings of the tust.

Potential Signings

Posted: 31 May 2015, 18:23
by Neal
Actually I think he did say per week.

Potential Signings

Posted: 31 May 2015, 19:07
by Dave
arcadia wrote:I know it's the same old story would you put money into a club not being able to choose the person who's going to spend your money.
When you say that, in my opinion you're right, no, no body in their right mind would want to put their money into the club with having a full say on want it's spent on, or the right to choose who the manager should be.

We live in a democracy however, and should the new board decide to stick with Chris Hargreaves then those of us who think he isn't up to the job will have accept that decision to start with, support him and the team, and hope CH proves us wrong, of which I'd be delighted if he did, because that would mean we're gaining some success, what we all want.

Potential Signings

Posted: 31 May 2015, 20:20
by arcadia
forevertufc wrote: When you say that, in my opinion you're right, no, no body in their right mind would want to put their money into the club with having a full say on want it's spent on, or the right to choose who the manager should be.

We live in a democracy however, and should the new board decide to stick with Chris Hargreaves then those of us who think he isn't up to the job will have accept that decision to start with, support him and the team, and hope CH proves us wrong, of which I'd be delighted if he did, because that would mean we're gaining some success, what we all want.
I agree but I feel he's had a chance with players that he can't afford this season. I think a clear out is needed but as you've said, I will be behind the team but I hope it's not as bad as last season.

Potential Signings

Posted: 31 May 2015, 20:37
by nickbrod
Let's reserve judgement as the events of the week unfold.

Potential Signings

Posted: 31 May 2015, 20:39
by arcadia
nickbrod wrote:Let's reserve judgement as the events of the week unfold.

Potential Signings

Posted: 01 Jun 2015, 12:11
by Scott Brehaut
If the new owners come in and want to spend some of their money paying off CH, then that's fine - it's their money and they can choose what they do with it. However, I'd rather they said to CH, "here's your budget for this year. Go out, buy what you need and we will assess at Christmas".

If he has underperformed and we are struggling at Christmas, he will rightly have to go, with no complaints from me.

Potential Signings

Posted: 01 Jun 2015, 14:01
by Dave
That would be entirely the wrong way to go about things Scott, potentially putting the club in a position where CH has blown the budget, and may still find itself in a position where they feel there's no alternative, but the let the manager go, to me that would potentially repeating the mistakes of the past that's seen us pay off Ling/Taylor and Knill, when that money would have been better used just backing them, also not forgetting the Lee pay off under different circumstances.

That's why I'll maintain the new owners have a straight and yes difficult choice, if they don't trust CH, then there's no point continuing with him in place, if that's the case then a clean break as I've said is the only way forward, if they do trust CH, then stick with him, and I mean stick with him and back him with as much finance and support as possible.

The club has to get away from this, spend only to sack a manager when he's not getting results, and start giving them as much backing and support up front and when or if, the team hits a sticky patch again back the guy even in the face of criticism from fans like, me :) , and that applies to who ever if they do decide to replace CH.

Potential Signings

Posted: 01 Jun 2015, 16:38
by arcadia
forevertufc wrote:That would be entirely the wrong way to go about things Scott, potentially putting the club in a position where CH has blown the budget, and may still find itself in a position where they feel there's no alternative, but the let the manager go, to me that would potentially repeating the mistakes of the past that's seen us pay off Ling/Taylor and Knill, when that money would have been better used just backing them, also not forgetting the Lee pay off under different circumstances.

That's why I'll maintain the new owners have a straight and yes difficult choice, if they don't trust CH, then there's no point continuing with him in place, if that's the case then a clean break as I've said is the only way forward, if they do trust CH, then stick with him, and I mean stick with him and back him with as much finance and support as possible.

The club has to get away from this, spend only to sack a manager when he's not getting results, and start giving them as much backing and support up front and when or if, the team hits a sticky patch again back the guy even in the face of criticism from fans like, me :) , and that applies to who ever if they do decide to replace CH.
Your right but there is only one choice if I was putting money into the club.

Potential Signings

Posted: 01 Jun 2015, 19:45
by Southampton Gull
You'd never make a good manager...................

Potential Signings

Posted: 01 Jun 2015, 20:12
by tomogull
forevertufc wrote:That would be entirely the wrong way to go about things Scott, potentially putting the club in a position where CH has blown the budget, and may still find itself in a position where they feel there's no alternative, but the let the manager go, to me that would potentially repeating the mistakes of the past that's seen us pay off Ling/Taylor and Knill, when that money would have been better used just backing them, also not forgetting the Lee pay off under different circumstances.

That's why I'll maintain the new owners have a straight and yes difficult choice, if they don't trust CH, then there's no point continuing with him in place, if that's the case then a clean break as I've said is the only way forward, if they do trust CH, then stick with him, and I mean stick with him and back him with as much finance and support as possible.

The club has to get away from this, spend only to sack a manager when he's not getting results, and start giving them as much backing and support up front and when or if, the team hits a sticky patch again back the guy even in the face of criticism from fans like, me :) , and that applies to who ever if they do decide to replace CH.
Not disagreeing with you (well, only a little bit !). The difficulty as I see it is that we don't even have new owners in place yet. Even if everything was sorted this week and the new owners decided to dispense with Hargreaves' services, they'd have to advertise for a new manager, draw up a shortlist, arrange interviews etc. That would probably take us into July - very close to the beginning of the season and little time for a new manager to bring in the new players we need.

I think we have to stick with Hargreaves and hope he has learned from the mistakes he made last season. I actually think he will and develop into a good manager but we, the fans, have to be patient. If he gets us into the top 10 next season after this close season's turmoil, he will have succeeded in my view. Hopefully the club will then be in a more stable situation so that we can at least become play off contenders in 2016/17. It's going to be long haul I think, and because it's Torquay United, there's bound to be more 'banana skins' along the way.

Potential Signings

Posted: 02 Jun 2015, 19:03
by Dave
Tommo you're not wrong in any of that, was personally just surmising (if that's the right word) on if's, but's, maybe's and what might/could happen, the club I think, maybe is not being passed over as debt free as the TQ1 spin machine has conned some into believing, if no good news comes out of today's meetings, a new kit shirt maybe the least of our club worries.

Potential Signings

Posted: 02 Jun 2015, 20:54
by HopeGloryGulls
We're doomed, clubs been run into the ground. Say what u like about batson but he knew how to operate a football club
Sad days to be a gulls fan.
Good luck to tust I believe in what they're doing bit it's early days
And deano and crew I believe he's doing it for the right reasons
But totally ashamed of the way the club has been run in recent years.
Fingers crossed I win tonight and it's mine!!

ADMIN EDIT - double post

Potential Signings

Posted: 04 Jun 2015, 22:54
by gulls1989
Just looking at the Evo-Stik website.

Didcot Town have a striker, John Mills, who scored 50 during the 2014-15 season. That's an impressive tally in any league. Could be worth a look, whatever league (if any) we find ourselves in next season.

Also, ex-Argyle and Truro striker Stewart Yetton could be a cheap option, although I'm sure he's been mentioned before.

I know at the moment the priority is for us to have a team to support next season - just trying to be optimistic!

Potential Signings

Posted: 05 Jun 2015, 08:25
by PhilGull
gulls1989 wrote:Just looking at the Evo-Stik website.

Didcot Town have a striker, John Mills, who scored 50 during the 2014-15 season. That's an impressive tally in any league. Could be worth a look, whatever league (if any) we find ourselves in next season.

Also, ex-Argyle and Truro striker Stewart Yetton could be a cheap option, although I'm sure he's been mentioned before.

I know at the moment the priority is for us to have a team to support next season - just trying to be optimistic!
Well if we're going to have a team to support we're going to need to sign some players, otherwise the current lot are going to be very tired playing every minute of every game for the entire season!