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Post by ferrarilover »

Should probably have done this sooner.

Another day, another dollar for the ladies as they fought their way past a determined and well drilled Charlestown LFC. Two nil the final score in a contest which saw two CLFC ladies booked and a head-to-head between a visiting centre half and leading scorer Laura Gough.

A scrappy game was enlivened by increasingly regular flash points and a wonderful goal from midfielder Hayley Chamberlain. Some good work around the box led to the ball falling to Chambo not less than 25 yards out. She took one touch to steady the ball on a difficult surface and another to smash it past the keeper who was beaten for pure power. The ball thundered straight over her head and just under the bar for a magnificent opener.

The second half became more strained and tensions rose to boiling point after 70 minutes when Goughy lunged in with what it must be said was a very good but tough tackle. The referee's correct decision to decline the free kick antagonised the visiting linesman to the point where he chucked his flag in disgust.
He attempted to exact his revenge by giving offside every time we got near their goal and it worked... Every time but one. Joyously, it was a move right at the apex of the 90 minutes. A ball down the left found a roaming Goughy and, as always, up went the flag for a ludicrous offside decision. The referee took a while to notice and, even when he did, he exclaimed loudly that the decision was an incorrect one and for the girls to play on. They duly did so and a defence splitting pass found the run on, who else, LG and she applied a gentle, delicate finish over the onrushing keeper to seal the match in Yellow favour.

Not a classic, but yet another string to the bow of TULFC. We know they can batter the minnows, we know they can compete with teams two divisions above them. We now know too that they can grind out results against teams in ugly, hard circumstances. For all the world, these girls look unstoppable now.

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Post by PhilGull »

Visiting linesmean? Sounds very unprofessional.
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Post by ferrarilover »

That's a helpful attitude, Phil.

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Post by PhilGull »

ferrarilover wrote:That's a helpful attitude, Phil.

Sorry, I think you may have misunderstood what I was trying to say (or more likely I didn't put my point across very well).
I was meaning that the visiting linesman sounded very unprofessional. Having never been to a ladies game I haven't a clue how it works and am very grateful for your match reports, the OS is sadly lacking in much information on the ladies.
How do the officials work? Are they appointed by the league or do each club supply their own?
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Post by ferrarilover »

Oh, I see, sorry, I thought you were taking the piss.

Sadly it's like it was when you (I'm guessing) played football as a kid. The ref is qualified, but the linos are drawn one from each side. Our coach, Ant, does it for us and the oppo also volunteer a bloke. Y4L will tell us more, but back when I was reffing, even if the lino happened to be qualified, we couldn't take their mind on anything other than throws, free kicks and offside. Linos weren't allowed to give penalties or advise as to the relative merit of red or yellow cards.

He was very unprofessional and was openly accused of being a cheat by one of our ladies (she was right).

The bloke against Exeter was a good sport. He was (and still is, we presume) Italian. He and I had a good laugh at his expense. All in good spirit, you understand.

If you can make a womens' game, please do head along. It's alright, you can get tea (or a beer) and watch a team in the white and yellow winning matches. One or two (and more) of the players aren't too bad too look at, either.

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Post by Yellow4life »

At local level, it is very rare to get qualified assistant referees, they are normally volunteers supplied by each team. If it is a game where 3 have been appointed, then the assistants are told to give anything you see(within there permitted radius) but if it is 'club linos' then myself and other refs tell them to only give throws, offsides, corners and goal kicks. I can overrule and ignore any decision they give. I can also have him/her removed if they aren't up to it.
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Post by ferrarilover »

The ref at the weekend was your mate, the short bloke who did the first couple. I like him. He's not perfect and is quite happy to admit to mistakes (I'm not an armchair arsehole, I asked him once for clarification as to a decision he'd made and he simply held up his hands to having made the wrong call, rather than the rule being different from that which is commonly understood).
I also like that he's clear in his giving advantage and he is always clear in dealing with the players.

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Post by Yellow4life »

Every Ref is a mate, except deadman and East.
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Post by ferrarilover »

Haha, only just seen this. I like the concept, a brotherhood of referees.

Well, there the hell do I start to sum up that match? 6-1 final score doesn't even scratch the surface of a game which saw a red card, two screamers, a goalkeeping howler and a host of changes to the Torquay lineup.

Torquay were forced to play left back Charlie Maling in goal, due to illness being suffered by regular number 1, Beth Marshall. This forced us to stick dynamic winger Sarah Chase at RB. This left a space for Jazz Hervin to start out wide. The absence of Randi Cutmore meant a start at the back for the second week running for Jess Armstrong . Up front, Sian Chapman didn't play, so it was Goughy and Emily Hannaford.

With the pitch in better shape than it's been for a couple of weeks, it was Dobwalls who made the better start. They controlled the midfield and caused LB Adele Rogers a few problems with balls down the channel, but she was by no means the only one being given a hard time. Pre-match, Dobwalls manager had told his players to sit deep and let us have the ball in front of them, but for the opening period, it was mainly the other way around. Some good play through the centre earned Dobwalls a corner, but it was well defended by Louisa Crook, herself playing with a cold. Shortly thereafter, however, the visitors did take the lead. A ball through for a pacy striker created a 1-on-1 and, despite the efforts of a covering defender and some brave onrushing from Charlie, the striker expertly bided her time and dinked a composed finish into the Torquay net to give Dobwalls an unexpected, but not necessarily undeserved lead.

The match was 15 minutes old before Torquay really got control of the midfield and started to assert themselves. For too long up to that point, the ball had spent its time in yellow piossession going down the right hand side. Jazz is a lovely player, very technical and a great battler, but Dobwalls were working extremely hard to close her down and deny her space in which to operate, so she was getting very little joy. Gradually, though, a combination of Crookie and the skipper, Vicky Hockley managed to spread the play more evenly, which brought Laura Baker into the match. The play between she and Crookie was both a delight to watch and a real danger.

Torquay were attacking in numbers now and enjoying the majority of the ball. It was this pressure which lead to the equaliser after 25 minutes and it was well worth waiting for. Intricate play on the left between any number of players culminated in the ball finding its way to Hayley Chamberlain just on the right hand side of the bax, 12 yards out. With her back to goal, she held off her marker for long enough to allow Bakes to make a run through the middle. With a demanding scream for possession, she gratefully received a little lay off from Chambo and lashed home the equaliser via the underside of the bar. Unstoppable.

From then on, it was pretty much one way traffic for the remainder of the half. Not long after, a ball to the far post from Jazz found its way to Emily and, having retrieved the loose ball, sidestepped her defender and calmly slotted home at the near post. 2-1 and Torquay now in the ascendancy. The third arrived in bizarre circumstances. The ball was, as usual, around the Dobwalls area when it fell to Sarah. She hit some kind of shot or pass which skewed miles up in the air (sorry, my view was obstructed, I didn't get a clear sight of it). Under absolutely no pressure, the Dobwalls keeper foolishly let it bounce, with the intention of taking it on the way up. Unfortunately for her, she'd either misjudged it or the ball took a funny bounce. Either way, it went straight past her and into the net. The game now, at 3-1, didn't necessarily look past the visitors, but it was definitely an uphill task. If they could score the next goal, they might be in with a shout

What actually followed was yet another entry into the Guinness book of incredible goals from Hayley. With Torquay continuing to press, Hayley was having a really good game and she'd already tried to find herself some shooting room, only to be foiled at the last, or perhaps for taking a touch too many. Regardless, on this occasion, she went past one girl and, from getting on for 30 yards, she let fly a shot which no keeper would have saved. It rocketed past the visiting stopper and into the top corner. Those of you who watched the Bristol City FA Cup match saw something similar from Jay Emmanuel-Thomas. It was a goal worthy of winning any match. What it did here was effectively kill any chance we had of losing the game.

The HT whistle was blown before the resultant KO could be taken and it signalled an excellent 45 minutes for Torquay, who had effectively maintained their 100% winning record with half the match to go.

The second half followed a similar pattern to the first, with Torquay controlling thing and earning a few corners and having a little pressure. Not a great deal of any particular note happened until, in her traditional style, Goughy was fouled on the edge of the box. It was an obvious, if uneventful foul by the Cornish defender, but the referee, who was in close proximity, didn't give it. Goughy was, understandably, unimpressed with this and so began a spell which has been threatening to occur over the last couple of games. Chambo scored again around the hour mark to make it 5-1. A nearly worked goal coming down the left, with the ball finding its way into the area and being neatly struck into the goal on the angle from around 12 yards. Sadly, 5 minutes later, Hayley was to earn herself a red card. With Dobwalls hemmed into their own area and 5-1 down with less than 15 minutes to go, the ball was passed to the visiting LB. She was facing the touchline and only 20 yards from goal. There was absolutely no danger whatsoever. For some reason, Hayley seemed to lose her head and went steaming into the back of the girl on the ball. She was off the ground and very high. It was an abysmal challenge which could well have merited a straight red all of its own. There was no obvious malice, she didn't go in to hurt the girl, she just got the tackle horribly wrong. From where I was, at the time, I didn't see the Dobwalls girl grab Hayley, but having seen the video, it is clear that she did. This lead to the girls squaring up and, foolishly, Hayley raised her hands and shoved her opponent in the throat. The outcome was inevitable. A minor scuffle ensured, but was quickly calmed down. The referee spoke to Hayley and captain together and, from what I heard of the conversation, he indicated that the tackle alone was a yellow, but for the reaction, she was off.
The other girl received only a yellow for her reaction, which from the video appears to be equally as unacceptable as anything Hayley did, but that's neither here nor there. The bottom line is that our best player on the day was off the pitch and will now be missing for three games. It's a real shame, because Hayley, in my view, is our most improved player and an absolutely key member of the starting XI. Her talents will be missed.

We played out the last quarter of an hour or so in mainly uneventful style. A knock forced Bakes off the pitch and she was replaced by the diminutive but pacy Ali Hill. Dobwalls were running out of steam, and Torquay did a very professional job of closing out the match (with a little help from some of the slowest ball retrieval I have ever done). The last kick of the match produced a goal for Mrs Hockley.

Overall, a good day at the office, lightly tarnished by the wholly avoidable sending off. I don't want to be too critical of Hayley, she did what any of us would do, she reacted to moderate violence with moderate violence, but on a football pitch, that's always going to lead to one outcome. Still, the result and the performance were as good as could be expected and we go on to face Bude away next Sunday.


Had to make a couple of changes to make amends for my dreadful eyesight and even worse memory...
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Post by PhilGull »

And all of that with a left-back in goal? Tremendous!

So, how long before we rebrand ourselves as TULFC with the mens team as a sideline?
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Post by ferrarilover »

Eerm, no, sorry, that's my fault. Charlie is a right back. However, the point you have is an excellent one and one which I made while at the match. It's a real shame that we don't take the women more seriously, they could, if nothing else, be an effective smoke screen.

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Post by Pea »

7-1 away win today at Bude LFC. I wasn't there, but I'm reliably informed that we were 1-0 up after 2 minutes (Goughy) and 3-0 up after 15 minutes (Goughy hat-trick). 6-0 at HT (Goughy with 5 and Chambo, whose ban begins on Jan 5th, with yet another contender for Goal of the Decade). 7-1 FT (Goughy completing her double hat-trick to take her to 25 for the season, not including eight or so she got in our demolition of Torpoint Athletic, who, sadly, went bust shortly after we played them).

Conditions were utterly dreadful, so it's nice to see that we can win handsomely in yet another set of circumstances.

Christmas break now, back to league action on Jan 5th away to Plymstock. It's only just down the road and will provide a welcome distraction if/when the mens' team gets humped by all our local rivals over the Godforsaken festive period.
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Post by Gullscorer »

Any news of our girls? I believe they were due to play Plymouth Marine Academy on Sun 12 January?
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Post by PhilGull »

I can't see anything in the FA site it says next fixture is away to Callington this coming Sunday.
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