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F.A Trophy semi final 2nd leg v Wrexham

Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 17:43
by LocalGull
PlainmoorRoar wrote:You can have my back up Localgull such an idiotic thing to do!

That's why I have a bit of sympathy for CH because the players gave up when that first goal went in!

But and its a big but, what did we do all week? Why weren't they up for the fight? - Wrexham were!

I don't doubt CH wanted it, but some of the players have to take the flack though - they weren't interested and they didn't care!

F.A Trophy semi final 2nd leg v Wrexham

Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 17:49
by Neal
er, half way through the interview it all went quiet gRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

F.A Trophy semi final 2nd leg v Wrexham

Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 17:50
by Neal
hahahaha now we have someone doing sound bites ON AIR

F.A Trophy semi final 2nd leg v Wrexham

Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 17:53
by divingbboy
Just back from the game. What an absolute bloody joke. Losing is one thing, but sitting there for 90+ minutes watching that load of turgid dross was embarrassing. I've never seen anything quite like it. Just looked like nobody on the pitch (at least on our side) gave a stuff. Many won't be hurrying back to Plainmoor, I'd say.

F.A Trophy semi final 2nd leg v Wrexham

Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 17:59
by Mattpuma
Thats a great idea. Lets get our best defender banned by reporting him!
Seriously the non stop abuse dished out by some on the pop side is horrendous . Fair enough you might say, we pay their wages we can say what we want. Ok but then dont cry when someone bites back. If you give it learn to take it.
I challenge any of you to bite your lip when someone is screaming obscenities at you.

F.A Trophy semi final 2nd leg v Wrexham

Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 17:59
by ethantufcbaker
I stand in between 7 and 8 on the pop and everyone heard macdonald call the fanatic area "**** c****"
He said other stuff but then others were booing and couldn't hear. It's disgraceful and he didn't come over and applaud the crowd. However it must be said that the abuse is getting ridiculous I was I'm the bit that applauded him
Seems like when young is poor everyone is
Well done to Downes for carming him down
When his man of the match was read even he laughed and shook his head

If Campbell had scored his early easy ish chance the game would have been different

F.A Trophy semi final 2nd leg v Wrexham

Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 18:07
by LocalGull
Mattpuma wrote:Thats a great idea. Lets get our best defender banned by reporting him!
Seriously the non stop abuse dished out by some on the pop side is horrendous . Fair enough you might say, we pay their wages we can say what we want. Ok but then dont cry when someone bites back. If you give it learn to take it.
I challenge any of you to bite your lip when someone is screaming obscenities at you.
What a great idea. Let's not have any standards as a football club. Moron. I'd already pointed out I don't support sbiding the players and I was trying to cheer them on, but the reaction is unacceptable. What is the message we send if it's not addressed? He seemed to be focussing on a section of the fans big just one person to me. I could forgive if it was just a two or three word shout out in anger, but it was a tirade. I don't want him banned and I don't want our players abused at all, but someone should talk to him about it, as he's going to get himself in trouble if he carries on like that.

F.A Trophy semi final 2nd leg v Wrexham

Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 18:08
by LocalGull

F.A Trophy semi final 2nd leg v Wrexham

Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 18:08
by Colorado Gull
Thirteen years I've been going to watch Torquay United and I've never seen anything like it.

I fell in love with Torquay United in 2002, sitting in the Family Stand watching a 2-2 draw against Rochdale. The marriage was settled during the 2003/2004 season, with the honeymoon at Southend. We've had some ups and downs but recently it's just not working out. This past year and a half, we've been having constant arguments and the passion, commitment, desire and love has completely gone. It's time for myself and TUFC to take a break.

From the bottom of my heart, I say this to you Thea; please DO NOT put any more money into this football club. I'll be saying this to her face to face when I see her at the place I work tomorrow evening. The players don't give two hoots about this club and it's disgusting.

As for Angus, he can go as far as I'm concerned. Fans have to work around two hours to earn £13, he only has to work five minutes. WE pay to watch and pay for YOU. How dare you, how dare you call our fans "f***ing c***s" and call someone out to wait for you outside. An absolute disgrace, I've never seen anything like it.

No-one, not a single player wanted to win this game. No-one. They put in no effort whatsoever and when they all stood still after Young gave the ball away which led to Wrexham's third goal, that was the final straw for me. Torquay United and I need to take a break. I won't be going to any more games this year, that's a fact.

No idea why Hargreaves took off Ajala and brought on Briscoe for a straight swap, bewildered that Ping Pong was brought on too. The blame can't be put on Hargreaves, he can only use what he's got, but what do they actually do in training? From today's performance, it looks like a big fat zero.

Thirteen points off the relegation zone. Our goal now is to stay up. Just about sums it up.

F.A Trophy semi final 2nd leg v Wrexham

Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 18:09
by PlainmoorRoar
Mattpuma wrote:Thats a great idea. Lets get our best defender banned by reporting him!
Seriously the non stop abuse dished out by some on the pop side is horrendous . Fair enough you might say, we pay their wages we can say what we want. Ok but then dont cry when someone bites back. If you give it learn to take it.
I challenge any of you to bite your lip when someone is screaming obscenities at you.
Maybe those in that area should hve a look at themselves then?

I stand a block or two away from there but I could hear a lot of frustration especially when no.3 went in, which I might add was totally justified!

F.A Trophy semi final 2nd leg v Wrexham

Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 18:12
by PlainmoorRoar
Danny Ajala was dreadful, couslnt handle the physicality of the game.

Chappel came on and he tried harder than any player but he lacks quality, poor crosses and a couple of wasteful shots. Can only commend his effort.

F.A Trophy semi final 2nd leg v Wrexham

Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 18:12
by LocalGull
dannyrvtufc4life wrote:Thirteen years I've been going to watch Torquay United and I've never seen anything like it.

I fell in love with Torquay United in 2002, sitting in the Family Stand watching a 2-2 draw against Rochdale. The marriage was settled during the 2003/2004 season, with the honeymoon at Southend. We've had some ups and downs but recently it's just not working out. This past year and a half, we've been having constant arguments and the passion, commitment, desire and love has completely gone. It's time for myself and TUFC to take a break.

From the bottom of my heart, I say this to you Thea; please DO NOT put any more money into this football club. I'll be saying this to her face to face when I see her at the place I work tomorrow evening. The players don't give two hoots about this club and it's disgusting.

As for Angus, he can go as far as I'm concerned. Fans have to work around two hours to earn £13, he only has to work five minutes. WE pay to watch and pay for YOU. How dare you, how dare you call our fans "f***ing c***s" and call someone out to wait for you outside. An absolute disgrace, I've never seen anything like it.

No-one, not a single player wanted to win this game. No-one. They put in no effort whatsoever and when they all stood still after Young gave the ball away which led to Wrexham's third goal, that was the final straw for me. Torquay United and I need to take a break. I won't be going to any more games this year, that's a fact.

No idea why Hargreaves took off Ajala and brought on Briscoe for a straight swap, bewildered that Ping Pong was brought on too. The blame can't be put on Hargreaves, he can only use what he's got, but what do they actually do in training? From today's performance, it looks like a big fat zero.

Thirteen points off the relegation zone. Our goal now is to stay up. Just about sums it up.
In total agreement with you. Feel a mixture of anger, frustration and disappointment. Fans will understand teams having bad games, but we can't forgive a lack of passion and effort. They all probably thought they were putting a shift in. They really weren't.

F.A Trophy semi final 2nd leg v Wrexham

Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 18:14
by gullno4
absolute disgrace. hargreaves had to be under the influence during his post match interview, 'nobody died'?! biggest fool in Devonshire. Angus macdonald was totally out of order, offering someone out after the game, absolute joker, everyone has a boiling point but he's a professional for christs sake! Young shouldn't have reacted at all, constant negative interaction with the crowd. Great advertisement for the club to the extra fans who turned out today. it's pathetic, we are a shambles.

Oh and the performance was shit aswell.

F.A Trophy semi final 2nd leg v Wrexham

Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 18:17
by Mattpuma
Thanks for calling me a moron for having an opinion. Classy. You must be one of the people who feel torrents of abuse are acceptable.

F.A Trophy semi final 2nd leg v Wrexham

Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 18:17
by ethantufcbaker
Ajala also took knocks in the first half and got stood on (like Diego Costa did the Emre can) right in front of us and hobbled for the rest of the half
Can't really blame the strikers and bowman had next to no support and Campbell got stuck in with no end product
Chappel should have started imo