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New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 01 Dec 2016, 13:04
by Scott Brehaut
arcadia wrote:It might not be GI!
True, and today might not be the first day of December....

New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 01 Dec 2016, 13:22
by Jerry
Richinns wrote: Yet it is.......
Clarke Osborne says he isn't the buyer. ... wsrc%5Etfw

New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 01 Dec 2016, 13:35
by gullintwoplaces
So it's not Clarke Kent. Who is it then? Bruce Wayne, Peter Parker?

New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 01 Dec 2016, 13:48
by MellowYellow
So it's not Clarke Osbourne! Hmm who else stems from the Midlands - could it be "Ozzy" Osbourne ?

New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 01 Dec 2016, 13:57
by Richinns
It is not Clarke Osbourne as an individual though is it. Only confirms 'he' is not the new 'buyer'
1. 'He' is part of GI. Did not confirm their non involvement but only his as an individual.
2. 'They' would not be buying the club as they would be handed it as part of the default repayment on the loan
3. Masters is also involved which means 'he' might be the lead figure (or buyer if you like!).

New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 01 Dec 2016, 14:03
by Richinns
Tarrboy1 wrote:It might be. It might not be.
No - it just is.

New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 01 Dec 2016, 14:19
by Kit_robin
Richinns is probably along the right lines - we've been told masters will be running the show, so I imagine there is some sort of agreement between masters and GI to settle the debt they are owed - might be silver bow, might be something else.

I think masters owning the club is better than having GI involved as owners. Would still rather someone else, but less likely to just close us down.

New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 01 Dec 2016, 14:20
by PhilGull
So all you people who are convinced that GI are about to take over, do you have sources are are you just guessing your certainties?
With everything I have read I think it's very unlikely to be GI. I think the closest involvement we could see from them is if they take Truro off Masters' hands and allow him to buy Torquay - but I can't see that happening either.

New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 01 Dec 2016, 14:33
by yellowblackwhite
brucie wrote:Negativity? - Your nuts. Is this the same GI/Masters that Phillips claimed he was having nothing to do with.

Did the "Canadians" and "Midlands Consortium" ever exist in the first place?

Phillips is clearly a nice bloke but he is out of his depth as the custodian of the club because he has made a right royal **** up of everything.

Smurthwaite (what a shame he didn't offload Port Vale) clearly cannot buy the club. Masters can if he offloads Truro to his son which it seems he might have already done.

Tully as a manager doesn't seem like a positive step either. If he can get time off from rearing his fathers pigs and thumbing through his massive contacts book extending from Truro to Exeter we should be alright and Masters senior might even be able to bring along his coach (presuming he can find a driver for it)

We are dead already and have been since Breed/Edwards/Phillips and co appeared on the scene so the impending changes won't make any difference.

Totally agree, lets just see what happens, at the end of the day is it Breed/Edwards/Philips that created/contributed to this situation. There has to be change either someone, somebodies take over the club or GI get it anyway, who cares, fact is we as fans can do NOTHING about it

New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 01 Dec 2016, 14:38
by Kit_robin
PhilGull wrote:So all you people who are convinced that GI are about to take over, do you have sources are are you just guessing your certainties?
With everything I have read I think it's very unlikely to be GI. I think the closest involvement we could see from them is if they take Truro off Masters' hands and allow him to buy Torquay - but I can't see that happening either.
A combination of sources, people on message boards you trust and just plain common sense.

New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 01 Dec 2016, 16:01
by arcadia
Cardiff City got taken over and ended up playing in Red!
Could Swindon Speedway ride in red stripes. GI
Or could it be closer to home.

New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 01 Dec 2016, 17:21
by Richinns
Dave Thomas really needs to shape up. Takeover third (and last) in the running order on the podcast and massively misinformed providing false hope new buyers have been found. Shameful journalism.

New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 01 Dec 2016, 19:39
it will not be masters or gaming international, its a group from the midlands.this has to happen this time as we need the investment. we cannot carry on as we are.

New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 01 Dec 2016, 20:15
by PhilGull
Richinns wrote:Dave Thomas really needs to shape up. Takeover third (and last) in the running order on the podcast and massively misinformed providing false hope new buyers have been found. Shameful journalism.
So if you know he is massively misinformed how about you inform the rest of us with the facts?

New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 01 Dec 2016, 20:44
by Burnhamgull
I can officially confirm, I'm not the new buyer.