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Old Trafford ticket sales

Posted: 21 May 2011, 13:00
by clemy1989
Thought i would set up a topic for us to have a running total of ticket sales, when we went to wembley it was a lot easier to find out ticket sales than for shrewsbury yesterday so lets hope the club can keep us update. 20,000 on sale i reckon 15,000 is a reasonable figure for us to take up

Re: Old Trafford ticket sales

Posted: 21 May 2011, 13:04
by Southampton Gull
Really? I see us looking at less than 10,000 being realistic.

Re: Old Trafford ticket sales

Posted: 21 May 2011, 13:09
by clemy1989
im going for the novelty side of it. torquays attendances at wembley dropped because people had seen it before. im fairly sure nobody has ever seen torquay united play at old trafford. i could be wrong but hoping for a good turn out

Re: Old Trafford ticket sales

Posted: 21 May 2011, 13:12
by cambgull
I think a realistic amount would be around the 10k mark. I can't see it being much lower than a play offs at Wembley, if anything, it's actually slightly easier to get to OT than it is to get to Wembley.

Re: Old Trafford ticket sales

Posted: 21 May 2011, 13:23
by tommygull
I would be suprised if we took more than about 8k.

Crawley filled their FA cup allocation of about 7.5k though- they are a massive club to be honest! Especially the 70 fans who travelled to Newport the following week.

Re: Old Trafford ticket sales

Posted: 21 May 2011, 14:41
by Modgull
Surpised if we get close to 10k to be honest - its far more difficult to get there and back in the day - certainly if you are thinking of the train.

Re: Old Trafford ticket sales

Posted: 21 May 2011, 16:14
by AlexGulls
Thing is I think alot of Manure fans down here will go just to say theyve been to Old Trafford as this will be there best chance...Even if it does involve not seeing Man United play! Prime example is my Grandad he's always wanted to go to Old Trafford so he's tagging along! I know a mate of mines got a fair bit of interest in it purely because its at Old Trafford I think we'll take around the 8,000 mark personally.

Re: Old Trafford ticket sales

Posted: 21 May 2011, 16:16
by Parry
I'm going for a very pessimistic 5k. Hope I'm wrong.

Re: Old Trafford ticket sales

Posted: 21 May 2011, 16:26
by AndyC
I'll be very surprised if the attendance is any bigger than the 18,000 odd at Eastlands for AFC Wimbledon v Luton this afternoon.

Re: Old Trafford ticket sales

Posted: 21 May 2011, 16:39
by Southampton Gull
Looks a lot more than that on the stream I'm watching mate.

Re: Old Trafford ticket sales

Posted: 21 May 2011, 16:45
by tktufc91
18,195 the official attendance, must say I'd be disappointed if there weren't at least 20k for the final. Realistically, we should sell about 10k.

Off topic slightly, this BSP play-off final has been a very good game. Come on the Dons!

Re: Old Trafford ticket sales

Posted: 21 May 2011, 16:59
by bixieupnorth
6-7k at best for me, if we cant sell out play off home leg then why should be suddenly find 10k more people just cos its at old trafford?? long way from home, tickets expensive, £80 return on train and its on sky, plus means they'll all miss their beloved man u losing to barcelona in the champions league final later that night!!

Re: Old Trafford ticket sales

Posted: 21 May 2011, 18:56
by Smithys
quite a few people who ive spoken to are gonna give a miss cos they wanna watch the CL final!

Re: Old Trafford ticket sales

Posted: 21 May 2011, 19:08
by Awayday
I can't go :(
I will be in a pub in Guildford watching on telly, as Dave will tell you I am a little gutted.

Re: Old Trafford ticket sales

Posted: 21 May 2011, 19:12
by crazyfool
Smithys wrote:quite a few people who ive spoken to are gonna give a miss cos they wanna watch the CL final!
On the basis that they'd be travelling back durinmg the match if they went up for the play off final?? What's wrong with setting the timer on the video recorder and watching it when they get back??

If it's any kind of gauge ... for our first Wembley game I went with 4 other people ... for the play off final it was just me and the wife ... and this time around none of us can make it. I'm working (trying to swap shifts) and can't afford the travel up and back, plus the ticket, at the moment. I think we'll be lucky to have anything over 7.5k. Either way I'm sure it'll be a great day out for those that can make it. I'm gutted I can't.