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Concession Tickets

Posted: 22 May 2011, 10:24
by brumgull
Do concession tickets include students like torquay have had during the season?

Some people have said they think it does, it doesnt say it on the OT but they might not have put this, like the whole OAP thing

Re: Concession Tickets

Posted: 22 May 2011, 10:25
by tommygull

Re: Concession Tickets

Posted: 22 May 2011, 10:44
by Yellow4life
it appears not to include students, unfortunately. I don't understand why.

Re: Concession Tickets

Posted: 22 May 2011, 12:40
by AlexGulls
Yes it does. My mates a student and they sold him a concession one aslong as you have proof (You have to take it to Old Trafford aswell as they might ask to proof it)