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First loan on board

Posted: 01 Sep 2023, 18:20
by culmstockgull
Luke Pearce in from southampton academy , a forward. now all we need is a midfielder with the engine of lapslie and the passing ability of Randall and a centre defender who is a cross between lewis/lawrence and as good. Well I can hope.

First loan on board

Posted: 01 Sep 2023, 19:02
by Stickingitin
:goal: At last another striker. Tick.

First loan on board

Posted: 01 Sep 2023, 19:06
by Stickingitin
Who needs an Ansu Fati when you can Pearce through their defense.

First loan on board

Posted: 01 Sep 2023, 19:08
by Stickingitin
For one month loan

First loan on board

Posted: 01 Sep 2023, 19:30
by DerekDawkinsJnr

A couple more to bolster the depth in the spine of the team would be very helpful....

First loan on board

Posted: 01 Sep 2023, 20:46
by Wolborough
Don’t raise your hopes too much.

First loan on board

Posted: 05 Sep 2023, 13:58
by DerekDawkinsJnr
Not much action in the loan market since...... Worrying.

First loan on board

Posted: 05 Sep 2023, 14:48
by culmstockgull
The statement that nothing will happen until the EFL window is closed is no longer relevant, have all those loans that Johnson identified in mid august turned us down or more likley those clubs have thought we aint letting you anywhere near Torquay or possibly does he mistakenly believe that what he has already got is enough for this league. Answers on a postcard, even a comment that we are actively chasing loans and hope to have something to tell you by the end of the week would not only break the mould of the usual radio silence that we get from the club but also maybe reassure that he is aware of fans concerns and is making a passable attempt to keep us in the loop.
Who are we, well just a gentle reminder to the clubl, we are the ones who pay good money each game to watch some dubious fare loosely called football, oh and by the way we pay your wages and deserve some respect.