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Seriously BR Fans - CAN WE MOVE ON!
Posted: 02 Jun 2011, 12:36
by tauntongull
Seriously all BR fans - CAN WE MOVE ON!!
I have read countless posts about the issue of Buckle, us wanting him and then saying we don't and being accused of being fickle and now being pi!!ed off he has gone.
Hopefully for one final time - please get it into your heads - WE ARE GENUINELY NOT UPSET YOU GOT BUCKLE - I personally think you both will be a great match!
Seriously though, if you have any common sense you will appreciate that If you had a manager taking you to such a massive game as the play-off final and he had previously agreed to take the helm elsewhere prior to the play-off's you would be miffed too! - there is only one issue the TUFC fans have here - the manager knew he was going before the finals and worst of all, in the build up and even the post match interviews, clearly lied and denied any deal was done. How are we supposed to feel? Top that with the constant provocation from your fans - it's like scratching an itchy spot - it's all still very raw here. If (some of!!) the fans of the team that signed your manager then came on your forum and started telling you they were taking your players, that would probably tip you over the edge, which is why some of our fans have reacted badly in some posts very much out of character but understandable given the circumstances.
So, you have manager you want, you will sign players from Torquay you want - I don't know what else there is left for you to say. At this stage my sentiment is 'You've got me mixed up with someone who gives a sh%t'. I'm done with the past!
If you want to discuss football and have some banter, stay around it would be good to have you on here. On the other hand, If you want to provoke, goad and waste your time then I think the best advice I can give to our forum members, is to ignore your posts and DO NOT RESPOND. Being ignored is by far the best treatment.
I would have thought you would be putting your energy into supporting your team and contributing to discussions on your own board about your forthcoming season.
As for me, I'm done responding to any more BR fans unless it's polite and constructive - Surprised the admin hasn't deleted you really - but that would be the wrong thing to do!
Re: Seriously BR Fans - CAN WE MOVE ON!
Posted: 02 Jun 2011, 12:42
by Southampton Gull
Great post again and more or less answered in two recent posts I've made in response to Rovers fans.
Threads are being moved if they become too disharmonious.
A pm is on the way to Simonb and as long as he agrees to do as he's asked nobody needs to be banned.
Re: Seriously BR Fans - CAN WE MOVE ON!
Posted: 02 Jun 2011, 13:21
by BritishGAS
I agree, It is time to move on, I never intented to goad any Gulls fans, If I have unintentionally I apologise.
I was just responding to comments which were demeaning to my club, and like every supporter of their respective club, they obviously want to stick up for them.
I have already stated that people like Simonb, are a joke and an embarrassment and I have to apologise for his ramblings, We are not all like that.
Obviously certain people took offence to what I said, If it came across in the wrong manner, it wasn't intended to be how you interpreted it.
Hopefully we can have some sensible discussions without it being transformed into petty squabling and arguments.
Like I have said previously I hope we both have a succesful campaign next season, and hopefully our fixture at Plain Moor will be in the sunshine at the beginning or end of the season and not a pissing down tuedsay in November.
Re: Seriously BR Fans - CAN WE MOVE ON!
Posted: 02 Jun 2011, 13:25
by Richinns
End of season hopefully - so we have 4 functioning stands for us all.
Re: Seriously BR Fans - CAN WE MOVE ON!
Posted: 02 Jun 2011, 13:40
by Boom Boom
Obviously they're having their 5mins of fame being a bigger club then everybody else, probably weren't piping up as much in League One seeing as they were getting dicked 6-1 every week. Oh wait, we all know why that is because Paul Trollope ruined their club. But then again he'd be good enough for us because we're only little Torquay. To be honest I'd prefer the Gas faithful here makes a more interesting, banter innit.
Re: Seriously BR Fans - CAN WE MOVE ON!
Posted: 02 Jun 2011, 16:10
by DavetheRave
denspad wrote:Seriously all BR fans - CAN WE MOVE ON!!
I have read countless posts about the issue of Buckle, us wanting him and then saying we don't and being accused of being fickle and now being pi!!ed off he has gone.
Hopefully for one final time - please get it into your heads - WE ARE GENUINELY NOT UPSET YOU GOT BUCKLE - I personally think you both will be a great match!
Seriously though, if you have any common sense you will appreciate that If you had a manager taking you to such a massive game as the play-off final and he had previously agreed to take the helm elsewhere prior to the play-off's you would be miffed too! - there is only one issue the TUFC fans have here - the manager knew he was going before the finals and worst of all, in the build up and even the post match interviews, clearly lied and denied any deal was done. How are we supposed to feel? Top that with the constant provocation from your fans - it's like scratching an itchy spot - it's all still very raw here. If (some of!!) the fans of the team that signed your manager then came on your forum and started telling you they were taking your players, that would probably tip you over the edge, which is why some of our fans have reacted badly in some posts very much out of character but understandable given the circumstances.
So, you have manager you want, you will sign players from Torquay you want - I don't know what else there is left for you to say. At this stage my sentiment is 'You've got me mixed up with someone who gives a sh%t'. I'm done with the past!
If you want to discuss football and have some banter, stay around it would be good to have you on here. On the other hand, If you want to provoke, goad and waste your time then I think the best advice I can give to our forum members, is to ignore your posts and DO NOT RESPOND. Being ignored is by far the best treatment.
I would have thought you would be putting your energy into supporting your team and contributing to discussions on your own board about your forthcoming season.
As for me, I'm done responding to any more BR fans unless it's polite and constructive - Surprised the admin hasn't deleted you really - but that would be the wrong thing to do!
Can you please not talk for everyone....""WE ARE GENUINELY NOT UPSET YOU GOT BUCKLE - I personally think you both will be a great match!""
hate all that big we rubbish
Re: Seriously BR Fans - CAN WE MOVE ON!
Posted: 02 Jun 2011, 16:36
by tauntongull
Sorry DavetheRave, it was the preverbial 'Royal We' I was referring to based on the number of posts ok with him leaving against those that were not. Perhaps a better choice of words would have been 'The majority'.
I will ensure the 'We' is controlled in future.
Re: Seriously BR Fans - CAN WE MOVE ON!
Posted: 02 Jun 2011, 16:59
by BritishGAS
Boom Boom wrote:Obviously they're having their 5mins of fame being a bigger club then everybody else, probably weren't piping up as much in League One seeing as they were getting dicked 6-1 every week. Oh wait, we all know why that is because Paul Trollope ruined their club. But then again he'd be good enough for us because we're only little Torquay. To be honest I'd prefer the Gas faithful here makes a more interesting, banter innit.
Again you cant help yourself.
Maybe it must be little man syndrome.
Re: Seriously BR Fans - CAN WE MOVE ON!
Posted: 02 Jun 2011, 17:04
by Stoke_Gull
Great post again and more or less answered in two recent posts I've made in response to Rovers fans.
Threads are being moved if they become too disharmonious.
A pm is on the way to Simonb and as long as he agrees to do as he's asked nobody needs to be banned.
I think personally that a PM will make him even more determined to annoy/ taunt (try to)/spam us. Even if you ban him he will know that he has got the reaction he has been longing for and will likely create another account then another and another etc.
Re: Seriously BR Fans - CAN WE MOVE ON!
Posted: 02 Jun 2011, 18:04
by Southampton Gull
We're well used to this kind of situation and have our methods.
Re: Seriously BR Fans - CAN WE MOVE ON!
Posted: 02 Jun 2011, 18:08
by bixieupnorth
cant we create a seperate thread for all posts about him, something like my recycle bin, where i put all the boring offensive spam.
i honestly dont want to read another word about the horrible little man. we've thanked him for his time here and now we move on.
please move all threads to banter board, and zap any other as soon as his name is typed!
Re: Seriously BR Fans - CAN WE MOVE ON!
Posted: 02 Jun 2011, 18:20
by westbaygull
denspad wrote:I will ensure the 'We' is controlled in future.
From what I've read on here, it's Troj that needs to control his 'we'....

Re: Seriously BR Fans - CAN WE MOVE ON!
Posted: 02 Jun 2011, 18:30
by Trojan 67
westbaygull wrote:
From what I've read on here,
it's Troj that needs to control his 'we'.... 
Are you taking the . . . . Westy ?
Excuse me for a minute, I got to go take the . . . .
Re: Seriously BR Fans - CAN WE MOVE ON!
Posted: 02 Jun 2011, 19:22
by Stoke_Gull
Southampton Gull wrote:We're well used to this kind of situation and have our methods.
I understand exactly what you mean SG, I think sending round some hired goons to his house is a great idea.
Re: Seriously BR Fans - CAN WE MOVE ON!
Posted: 02 Jun 2011, 19:50
by Trojan 67
Stoke_Gull wrote:
I understand exactly what you mean SG, I think sending round some hired goons to his house is a great idea.
Hired goons is not the way these days, smackheads are cheaper.
Back in the day, a Transit van flung the back doors open, the perp was bundled inside and a tour of Dartmoor began.
When the mid winter blizzard was at it most ferocious, the offending perp saw the error of his ways, wished to stay in the warmth of the van and agreed not to be a f'kin dickhead.
It's embarrassing when it goes tits up, especially when Dartmoor Rescue has to haul a van full of sightseers off the hill. :Oops: