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New kit...

Posted: 03 Jun 2011, 14:51
by gullno4
Does anybody know when we'll be getting any news on the new kit? Knowing vandanel it'll be probably be mid-February =Z or have I missed something, and it's already out? Highly doubt it so was wondering if any of you knew anything ie when it's out?


Re: New kit...

Posted: 03 Jun 2011, 14:55
by Yellow4life
Don't know if you knew this but the kit was paraded around Plainmoor a few weeks ago before a game... that's the last I've heard of it. there's been nothing else on the OS about it.

Re: New kit...

Posted: 03 Jun 2011, 15:01
by gullno4
Yeah i saw the kit, before chesterfield wasn't it?, I thought it was alright, and I'm not really expecting to hear anything about it tbh :-/ well not for a fair few months at least

Re: New kit...

Posted: 03 Jun 2011, 15:17
by Yellow4life
...well that's vandanel for you! :(

Re: New kit...

Posted: 03 Jun 2011, 15:25
by andygull
I reckon we should all boycott the new shirt in order to get the club to pull their bloody fingers out. What is a large source of revenue for the club ( sales of replica shirts ) is treated with such indifference and we have to be fobbed off and told to wait until we've all grown bloody beards!! ( Women and children excluded thank God!). If there are major problems with the supplier ( like there was at the launch of the current kit ) then switch manufacturers as they are clearly incapable of producing the goods when required. I'm not gonna buy one now mainly due to being dicked around and the fact that it looks like my arse!!!

Re: New kit...

Posted: 03 Jun 2011, 16:28
by Plymouth Gull
I swear I read that they weren't in stock yet?

Quite a while ago though.

Re: New kit...

Posted: 03 Jun 2011, 17:46
by hector
I think I read that the shirts would be available around August.

Not sure what shorts are going with the shirt but I thought it looked quite nice. Vandanel get a lot of stick but I would rather we stayed with them because at least we get bespoke kits with them whereas if we were with Nike or Adidas we would just get a yellow version of what everyone else is wearing. At least with Vandanel our kit is always unique and mostly I have quite liked them...even the black one I have got used to.

Re: New kit...

Posted: 03 Jun 2011, 18:36
by AlexGulls
Dont worry it'll be out in time for Christmas....Possibly.

Re: New kit...

Posted: 03 Jun 2011, 18:42
by happytorq
Really, having them in 'august' is pretty poor, isn't it? The season starts towards the beginning of august, so even assuming we get them on Aug 1st (very unlikely, given Vandanel's track record) we'd have maybe a week to buy in time for the season. They already have a design - why weren't they manufacturing them

Re: New kit...

Posted: 03 Jun 2011, 19:03
by Regiment
lets just hope the first team's kit arrives by august !!

Re: New kit...

Posted: 03 Jun 2011, 19:18
by andygull
We might not have any players left to wear them though once Bucks et al have finished plundering our threadbare squad!

Re: New kit...

Posted: 03 Jun 2011, 19:44
by Gulliball
This would be the 3rd season in a row we'd be in August without the new kit becoming avaliable. Is it impossible to get a kit out before then or are we just not learning lessons from previous seasons?

Re: New kit...

Posted: 03 Jun 2011, 21:23
by Dave
Vandanel have a franchise agreement with the club for the club shop and kits,so do not expect them them to be leaving our club any time soon,this is an arrangment that no doubt suits the club and we are not the only lower league club to have gone this road.

Re: New kit...

Posted: 03 Jun 2011, 21:46
by TUFC92
andygull wrote:We might not have any players left to wear them though once Bucks et al have finished plundering our threadbare squad!
Jesus, don't think I've seen one bit of positivety in any of your posts over the last few days! Buckle has gone, we move on, and we do it the Torquay way, end of!

Back on topic, hope the club does get the kits in as early as possible, they'll miss out on a lot of sales by not having them in pre season.

Re: New kit...

Posted: 04 Jun 2011, 12:28
by andygull
TUFC92 wrote: Jesus, don't think I've seen one bit of positivety in any of your posts over the last few days! Buckle has gone, we move on, and we do it the Torquay way, end of!

Back on topic, hope the club does get the kits in as early as possible, they'll miss out on a lot of sales by not having them in pre season.
OK. Everything is great and since people aren't allowed a nag, complaint or negative opinion on anything such as player performances or what people think of the club in general then we may as well shut down the forum page lads and lasses!! Yes a lot of my posts have been my opinion on different things. They probably will be different to many other fans perspectives on things too. Thats why we've got the forum you moron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Look at the thread started by cambgull about SAVING EVERY PENNY..... Thats negative so go and slag him off!! You will end up slagging off every member at some point because we're all negative at some point.