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Chairmans chat

Posted: 25 Jun 2024, 14:31
by Taelee73
Well, that was interesting.

Two totally different characters.

But if you want to know about Part time/Full time and where we will be training, give it a watch.


Chairmans chat

Posted: 25 Jun 2024, 15:45
by numpte
Wasnt it interesting!

One guy (Micheal) more laid back and measured, the other (Mark) coming across very driven.

I like the mindset though and the message of postivity, drive and energy.

The players are going to die on the pitch, it keeps being said, and any player watching it knows the expectations as everyone is saying it.

The fan experience will be better.

We are all in it together - get on board.

Chairmans chat

Posted: 25 Jun 2024, 15:59
by Steve_TUFC
Brilliant, this is the club and ownership we want.

Stick that “Chairman’s Chat” in your pipe and smoke it Mr Jim Parker.

Chairmans chat

Posted: 25 Jun 2024, 16:08
by portugull
I have very rarely in my life, listened to 2 such impressive guys demonstrate so clearly the massive changes planned at Plainmoor after the most difficult few years in our long history.

We are going to be in save hands and I just cannot wait for the season to start.

Every Fan MUST watch this interview. Unmissable.

Chairmans chat

Posted: 25 Jun 2024, 16:40
by gullno4
Incredible interview, very impressed.

Chairmans chat

Posted: 25 Jun 2024, 17:52
by General Falisimo
A very interesting and positive interview, but what else would you expect from a couple of TUFC supporters?

As one of them stated though, promotion is the only option this season and to think it might be anything else is just negative and nonsense!

Chairmans chat

Posted: 25 Jun 2024, 22:48
by AdrianC
So refreshing after the Kremlin’esq regime of the last few years. Obviously successful businessmen and true fans who spoke in supporter’s language not business world jargon.

I look forward to hearing more from them as the season develops!

Thanks to both of them!

Chairmans chat

Posted: 26 Jun 2024, 08:19
by Godalming Gull
Great interview…. Well done and many thanks to both of them..

Chairmans chat

Posted: 26 Jun 2024, 10:53
by United62
What a difference!

Open, honest, frank and bloody refreshing after being treated like mushrooms for years.

Roll on the season!

Chairmans chat

Posted: 27 Jun 2024, 19:51
by tufcyellowarmy
So impressed with the drive and enthusiasm of these 2 and the vision for the club. Something special is happening and it’s not just about promotion and the playing side. It’s a cultural thing for the long term. So buzzing at the club it’s going to be mental on the first home game of the season.