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Season One - Week One 06/08/2011

Posted: 07 Aug 2011, 17:52
by Scott Brehaut
Welcome to a brand new season of the prediction league.

The results have been compiled and the league tables look as follows:

Division One

An excellent start for the participants in this league, with only six points separating the top six. TUFCfan pipping Jerry to the top spot thanks to Rene Howe!

TUFCfan .....................18
Jerry .........................17
AJ ............................14
Mav ..........................14
yellow4life .................. 12
kbgull ........................ 6
luke97 ........................5
EmetEdadsBeard ............0 (ftp)
BletchleyGull .................0 (ftp)

Division Two

WHG pips tktufc91 to third spot due to correctly guessing Torquays half time score.

Gulliball .......................12
WHG ..........................11

cumbriagull ...................7
Evertoned .....................7
cambgull .......................6
starcross gull ..................0 (ftp)
pcm .............................0 (ftp)
oxgull ...........................0 (ftp)

Division Three

Any other week and a score of two would find you near the bottom of the league, however Scott Brehaut is saved by the amount of fail to predicts in this league.

JamieE ..........................12
scottbrehaut ....................2
cosmic74 ........................0 (ftp)

tufcgull ..........................0 (ftp)
blue yellow ......................0 (ftp)
happytorq .......................0 (ftp)
awayday .........................0 (ftp)
SantaCruizScotty ...............0 (ftp)
YellowM25 .......................0 (ftp)

Division Four (aka the newbies league!!)

This league, know as the newbies league, is made up of new players to this game. Some excellent scores here with TufcBrett pipping devonyellow to the top spot due to getting two correct scores. Regiment is the only player this week to get maximum points with his joker.

tufcbrett .........................13
devonyellow ......................13
regiment .........................12

ashesgull35 ......................11
Danny .............................10
Taunton ...........................9
rickl ............................... 9
northharrow ......................9
stu_h84 ...........................8
forevertufc .......................7 ...............6
Nicktufc ..........................4

Should you wish to know how your score came about, or have any queries please PM me.

Thanks for playing, and see you all next week!!

Re: Season One - Week One 06/08/2011

Posted: 07 Aug 2011, 19:07
by Gulliball
The tables look a bit unclear at the moment, because of the posters who predicted last season, but so far have failed to do so this year. In a few weeks, if they still haven't posted then we'll have a look at removing them and moving everyone else up.

In the mean time, keep predicting and things will sort themselves out. Anyone gaining a promotion this season will certainly be in a higher division next season, so all to play for...