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Kee to Burton?

Posted: 25 Aug 2011, 17:05
by GirlOnATerrace
Now how true this is I do not know, but just flicking through my twitter an a good friend of mine who is a Burton fan has posted...

"News has filtered through that torquay striker Billy Kee will be joining us on loan. Will be over the moon especially when that is made official"

A couple of minutes later, another Burton fan tweets....

"It is now on the Burton Albion iphone app that Billy Kee is joining us. woohoo!"

Now to me, I cannot see this happening or going through at all. However, what are your thought on this? :scarf:

Re: Kee to Burton?

Posted: 25 Aug 2011, 17:10
by happytorq
seems very possible giving our loan signing today. Just checked twitter, his last post was yesterday, saying "Fingers crossed :)"

Re: Kee to Burton?

Posted: 25 Aug 2011, 17:51
by tufcbrett
If hes going to go there and get regualar games and scoring goals, i cant see why not.
You must feel games with us will be limited due to Howe and Atieno looking strong together and Bodin will be here to get games.

I would feel its a bit strange but if it does happen and get gets game, fit and scoring goals then it can only do us well for when he returns.

Re: Kee to Burton?

Posted: 25 Aug 2011, 18:10
by Richinns
Crazy if true. A striker who has proven he can score goals at league 2 level for a one who has played 3 games at yet to score. Crazy.

Billy Kee has not been given a chance - how can we ship him out on loan? I really hope this is not true.

Re: Kee to Burton?

Posted: 25 Aug 2011, 18:17
by HRG
He needs games to get fit but at the moment he won't get that here, so fair play to him. I hope he comes back to us and shows us what we know he is capable of. I'm assuming it is only a short term deal and we'll have a recall clause.

Just so long as Ling hasn't done a Shrewsbury :whistle: .

Re: Kee to Burton?

Posted: 25 Aug 2011, 18:19
by tufcbrett
I would have thought it would be the same length as Bodin if its true. But i spoose theres pros and cons to the deal.
Just have to wait and see.

Re: Kee to Burton?

Posted: 25 Aug 2011, 18:21
by yellow
It might do ‘the puffer’ some good to have a change of scenery for a while.

That is not to give up on his potential, but if Dinger has recognised a weakness that needs fixing then so be it.

It is perhaps a question of having a different option on a tight budget, rather than another bustling but pace challenged one on the bench.

Re: Kee to Burton?

Posted: 25 Aug 2011, 18:35
by tufcbrett
Just found out there maybe more to this than we all think. Billy is not a happy bunny

Re: Kee to Burton?

Posted: 25 Aug 2011, 18:38
by Plymouth Gull
Never seen Billy Kee get close to showing his potential, for me. I'd happily let him go out on loan for a bit.

Re: Kee to Burton?

Posted: 25 Aug 2011, 18:46
by HRG
tufcbrett wrote:Just found out there maybe more to this than we all think. Billy is not a happy bunny
Someone started a thread about this a few days ago, saying that our Bill wasn't happy/ homesick. I do hope he comes back to us. :|

Re: Kee to Burton?

Posted: 25 Aug 2011, 19:02
by tufcbrett
HRG wrote: Someone started a thread about this a few days ago, saying that our Bill wasn't happy/ homesick. I do hope he comes back to us. :|
He has told people close to him that he was very anouyed with being 3rd choice striker, now Mr Bodin has joined i dont see him staying 3rd choice.
He wants to play games and has ask to leave (unsure if he wants to leave for games or complelely), so a loan is what he will hopefully get and may do him some good.

I know he has missed being around leicester so a move to burton gets him back into the midlands, i just hope he doesnt want to leave completely

Re: Kee to Burton?

Posted: 25 Aug 2011, 19:10
by Dave
The thread still on the main board page one.." onclick=";return false;

What i say on there still stand's, i really did want Billy to be sucsess with us and still do, however i will be honest aswell , right now most of us agree Howe and Kee are to alike to play in the same team, can Kee hold the ball up and link other players in like Howe, has Kee given the same htreat to goal as

Who would play kee ahead of Howe, i certainly would not.

Re: Kee to Burton?

Posted: 25 Aug 2011, 19:13
by royalgull
Would make sense. Not going to play regularly, if he is homesick then Burton is a lot nearer his last permanent home in Leicester. He'd have competition there as well though, Zola, Pearson there's another lad who i've forgotten.

One of them players like Zebroski really, who I like to be around the side but isn't really that good. Does get some goals, I'd rather have him here than not have him here but very easily replaceable. Probably already has been replaced by Bodin.

Re: Kee to Burton?

Posted: 25 Aug 2011, 19:22
by tufcbrett
royalgull wrote:Would make sense. Not going to play regularly, if he is homesick then Burton is a lot nearer his last permanent home in Leicester. He'd have competition there as well though, Zola, Pearson there's another lad who i've forgotten.
One of them players like Zebroski really, who I like to be around the side but isn't really that good. Does get some goals, I'd rather have him here than not have him here but very easily replaceable. Probably already has been replaced by Bodin.
Justin Richards, the person who caused us some trouble on the opening day.
Again i think theres more to it that just wanting football as he certainly is not going to just step into their side with Zola and Richards.

If they guy really wants to leave then so be it, Ive always liked Kee but not vital as forever said. But would love to see him to hit some form them come back to us, but Howe will be first choice while hes fit.

Re: Kee to Burton?

Posted: 25 Aug 2011, 19:24
by royalgull
that's the one. Literally zero memory. :)