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Book By Chris Todd

Posted: 15 Sep 2011, 00:50
by Glostergull
Got to admit that I am not sure if this is for the main board or not. move it if nec Dave but let us know where to.
Has anyone read the Chris Todd book yet. I got my copy on Tuesday and settled down to hace a skip through. Some of it was good and there are quite a few touching moments there. it is clear his fighting spirit is showing through. but there are a couple of odd bits I am wondering about. On page 6 it says Brian Pulp was a director. Is this meant to be Brian Palk? Further down it says CEO Mark McGhee. Thats not the same Mark Mcghee that managed Leicester, Milwall Brighton and Wolves is it or should it have read Colin Lee who was his assistant at Wolves. I got to admit I was a bit puzzled. Am going to sit down a read a bit more now. help me relax. Love the humour btw I wonder how it would go down if anyone loudly told everyone in the family stand that they had just given sperm. Oh that would go down a storm!

Re: Book By Chris Todd

Posted: 15 Sep 2011, 08:56
by chippygull
What's its title, Gloster?

Re: Book By Chris Todd

Posted: 15 Sep 2011, 11:25
by markygull
title is 'more than football in blood'

where did you get it from. it says its not available on amazon yet and cant find it anywhere else?

Re: Book By Chris Todd

Posted: 15 Sep 2011, 11:54
by ferrarilover
Purchased from the man himself at the Club on Tuesday.


Re: Book By Chris Todd

Posted: 15 Sep 2011, 11:55
by chippygull
email Chris at [email protected]

Re: Book By Chris Todd

Posted: 15 Sep 2011, 15:44
by bobby93
you can also still buy it from the club shop as well apparently. i emailed him earlier about it.

Re: Book By Chris Todd

Posted: 16 Sep 2011, 12:09
by markygull
thanks chippygull.

sent him an email and got a response which started by saying:

hey mike

when i blatently signed the email MARK.

sort of put me off bothering to buy it now :(