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Updated PHPBB 3.0.10

Posted: 07 Jan 2012, 21:16
by Louis

Tonight I updated PHPBB from version 3.0.08 to 3.0.10, I had issues with the 09 update a few months back so this is two updates in one. Please let me know if you notice any bugs with the site from now onwards.


Re: Updated PHPBB 3.0.10

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 14:13
by happytorq
Louis wrote:Hello,

Tonight I updated PHPBB from version 3.0.08 to 3.0.10, I had issues with the 09 update a few months back so this is two updates in one. Please let me know if you notice any bugs with the site from now onwards.

There are still people who drive orange cars allowed on the site. An oversight, surely? :)