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"onest arry"

Posted: 09 Feb 2012, 10:33
by bruciesbootcleaner
the truth is out dear friend`s!
you may like to know how "onest arry redknapp & " "the redoubtable mr manderic"
got aquitted on all charges yesterday!
it was easy " they got the same jurors as good old O J SIMPSON!
UNBELIEVABLE - i`m for ever blowing bubbles!!!!!!

Re: "onest arry"

Posted: 09 Feb 2012, 15:46
by Gullscorer
Er, American jurors aren't allowed to serve on British juries (not necessary; if the Americans want to try a British resident they simply request an extradition and we automatically rush to comply).

I get the impression your post is quizzical to say the least!

Found not guilty, as were two other defendants from Portsmouth in a separate trial. And, as practically everybody is saying, should never have been brought to court.

Re: "onest arry"

Posted: 09 Feb 2012, 16:16
by bruciesbootcleaner
thanks for that gullscorer,
are you saying it was nt the same juror`s as the O J SIMPSON trial,
well i never!
i stand corrected!
or was the original posting a bit of sarchasm!!!!!!!

Re: "onest arry"

Posted: 09 Feb 2012, 17:07
by happytorq
bruciesbootcleaner wrote:thanks for that gullscorer,
are you saying it was nt the same juror`s as the O J SIMPSON trial,
well i never!
i stand corrected!
or was the original posting a bit of sarchasm!!!!!!!
This post is like being waterboarded for a pedant like me. I must ignore, I must ignore..

Re: "onest arry"

Posted: 09 Feb 2012, 17:40
by Gullscorer
Sarcasm. But why?? :( :|

Re: "onest arry"

Posted: 10 Feb 2012, 07:17
by bruciesbootcleaner
because the bloke is as is as "dodgy as a a dodgy mans todger"!