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Good Friday 3pm kick off; a religious issue

Posted: 04 Apr 2012, 14:24
by chippygull
I remember years ago there was an outcry that Man Utd were playing at 3pm on Good Friday; the hour of the death of Christ on the cross; now it seems to matter even less; eg. all of the games including ours v. Accrington kicking off at that time...

Unfortunately, although not a great religious person, my dear old Mum is.. and insists on going to church for 3pm.. and as I'm there from Oxfordshire on Friday, insists on a lift.... so I'm stymied for the Accrington game.. gonna be funny driving 178 miles and not going to Plainmoor for a game, although I'll be there in the morning for Oxford tickets!!

So, mini-eggs all round at the Kassam..

Re: Good Friday 3pm kick off; a religious issue

Posted: 04 Apr 2012, 15:42
by bixieupnorth
stick her in a taxi mate, she's got her beliefs, you've got yrs, my mum would understand, you gotta have words with her seriously!

Re: Good Friday 3pm kick off; a religious issue

Posted: 04 Apr 2012, 15:59
by ferrarilover
Concur with Bix, can't be one rule for one and one for another. Would your mum miss church to take you to football? Evidently not, so why should you do likewise? Aside from the argument that you are going to a tangible event, whereas she is going to sing songs to a bloke who doesn't exist (sounds like madness to me, would you not agree?), religion is all about sacrifice. So, she can sacrifice her bizarre, cultish ritual for the sake of your happiness and well-being.


Re: Good Friday 3pm kick off; a religious issue

Posted: 04 Apr 2012, 16:20
by robbotufc
At friday 3-00pm i will be singing to my god.................... :bow: Martin Ling :bow:

Re: Good Friday 3pm kick off; a religious issue

Posted: 04 Apr 2012, 17:27
by HRG
Well Chips, if we're all wrong and there is indeed a God you will be the only one here going to heaven come Judgement Day.

Personally I'd rather go to Plainmoor.

Re: Good Friday 3pm kick off; a religious issue

Posted: 04 Apr 2012, 17:37
by AustrianAndyGull
ferrarilover wrote:Concur with Bix, can't be one rule for one and one for another. Would your mum miss church to take you to football? Evidently not, so why should you do likewise? Aside from the argument that you are going to a tangible event, whereas she is going to sing songs to a bloke who doesn't exist (sounds like madness to me, would you not agree?), religion is all about sacrifice. So, she can sacrifice her bizarre, cultish ritual for the sake of your happiness and well-being.



Heavenly that quote o:) ( and completely true IMO ).

I do believe in science as it is tangible AND believable. Take Noah, how the f**k did he build a boat out of wood the size of the Titanic in about a week AND not get savaged/garotted/bitten/charged by wild animals? If you ask me it's an act of God! :nod:

Re: Good Friday 3pm kick off; a religious issue

Posted: 04 Apr 2012, 20:18
by Trojan 67
THAT Good Friday was not so good for one particular carpenter/fisherman,was it ?

Do you really believe that particular chippy/trawlerman, alive today, would be dwelling on his past ?

It's nailed on that those who deserve to be hung like a kipper will be. As long as it's done before 3.00pm kick off time Good Friday, then expect all the Gulls to follow the trawlerman to Plainmoor for a feeding frenzy. ;-)

Re: Good Friday 3pm kick off; a religious issue

Posted: 04 Apr 2012, 20:45
by Scott Brehaut
Oh good - a debate about religion (!)

Each to their own as far as I am concerned. People can believe whatever they want - as long as they don't try and ram what they believe (or don't) down my throat then I am happy to let everybody be.
Some believe God created the planet, others believe that a load of nothingness exploded and we appeared a few years later....nothing as far as I am concerned has been proved either way.

We will find out if God exists when we shake off this mortal coil I guess!!

Re: Good Friday 3pm kick off; a religious issue

Posted: 04 Apr 2012, 21:50
by yellow
Scott Brehaut wrote:Oh good - a debate about religion (!)

Each to their own as far as I am concerned. People can believe whatever they want - as long as they don't try and ram what they believe (or don't) down my throat then I am happy to let everybody be.
Some believe God created the planet, others believe that a load of nothingness exploded and we appeared a few years later....nothing as far as I am concerned has been proved either way.

We will find out if God exists when we shake off this mortal coil I guess!!
Although automatic promotion would be a sign of something to be going on with until that time.

God willing...... :)

Re: Good Friday 3pm kick off; a religious issue

Posted: 04 Apr 2012, 21:54
by stevegull
Completely agree Scott.

Anyone can believe what they want, as long as it doesn't harm society or others then i am fine. I respect everyone's right to think what they want to and I only wish that religion didn't have such a 'baggage' attached to it by some, who think that if you do follow a religion then you are either thick or easily led by people. Personally I think, as i have already said, most religions promote good things anyway, and that can only be good for everyone, regardless if there is an end 'reward' for those people.

Over and out.

Re: Good Friday 3pm kick off; a religious issue

Posted: 04 Apr 2012, 22:23
by Gullscorer
This is not about religion. It's about doing your Mum a favour by giving her a lift to church and thereby missing the match, or her doing you a favour by going in a taxi to get there.

If she takes the taxi and you arrange and pay for it, you'll be doing each other a favour and everybody's happy..

Re: Good Friday 3pm kick off; a religious issue

Posted: 05 Apr 2012, 00:31
by ferrarilover
Not the way it's presented in the OP. He suggests the old dear insists upon being given a lift.

Buy her the cab ride, but, rather than give him the address of the Church, give the driver the address of the nearest old people's home. That'll learn her!


Re: Good Friday 3pm kick off; a religious issue

Posted: 05 Apr 2012, 08:24
by Gullscorer
Actually, he says his Mum "insists on going to church for 3pm"..

But if the word 'insist' means 'to make a determined demand for (something)', then it's fair to assume, in the context of the situation described by the original poster, that she probably insists on being taken to church.

However, the original poster does not make it clear (though he implies) that she specified a particular mode of transport, merely that she 'insists on a lift', though not necessarily that she must be accompanied by him on her journey, which seems to be an assumption on his part.

It does appear, therefore, that there is room for compromise, and that in all fairness and justice the provision of a taxi service by the original poster for his mother would satisfy the interests of both parties.. :-D

A Chippy Issue

Posted: 05 Apr 2012, 11:36
by Alpine Joe
First of all a big thankyou to Chippygulls's Mum for providing us with the basis for an interesting thread at a relatively quiet time. Of course the same practicalities would have been faced had she insisted on getting a lift to attend a 3pm dentist's appointment at the same time as a football match,but as it's a Church service it's no surprise to see the usual militant atheists pile in, hijack the thread, condemn the way Chippygull's elderly mother wishes to spend Good Friday afternoon as 'madness' & 'bizarre' before finally advocating that she should be driven from her home (literally in this case) presumably never to return.

I think Stevegull can see what life would be like for anyone attempting to 'believe what they like' in the atheistic society some would like to see.
Therefore in the spirit of mutual tolerance I'm willing to knock together a quick wooden cross so that we can crucify Ferrarigull after the Accrington match. I suggest we bang in an extra nail as punishment for every shot Accrington get on target. :~D

Neither do I believe that 'Chippymum' would be happy to go to Church unaccompanied in a taxi. Clearly if that were the case she could have gone by taxi even if Chippygull was spending his Easter in Oxford. But it's made clear that the reason she insists upon motorised transport to her preferred place of worship is because 'I'm there from Oxfordshire on Friday'. If she's happy to jump into a taxi & go to church by herself then Chippy's arrival from Oxfordshire would have had no relevance.

So I'd like to contribute my own (unlikely but you never know) theory. Although Chippy refers to himself as not greatly religious, I wouldn't discount the possibility of him being a moderately religious person, & certainly a million miles away from Ferrarigull's gang of revolutionary atheists. Let's look at the evidence: he still remembers years ago the outcry caused by a 3pm Good Friday match....not something that would stick in the mind of the average agnostic or atheist, I doubt they'd have even paid much attention to it at the time.

I also reckon there is a a further dilemma playing on Chippygull's conscience, telling him that it's OK for football to go ahead at most times during the 365 days a year (don't get me started on Leap years) but that 3pm on Good Friday afternoon is not one of them.

Therefore I make this stunning prediction, straight out of left field as the Yanks would say, not only will Chippygull drive Chippymum to church on Friday, but I've got a sneaking suspicion that he will also attend the service with her &,naturally, drive her home.

Oh yeah, before anyone asks.....I'll be providing the hammers & nails as well :nod:

Re: Good Friday 3pm kick off; a religious issue

Posted: 05 Apr 2012, 12:36
by Mr_T1nker
Bring her to the match and if she asks what's going on just say "Plainmoor is my church"