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All ticket games

Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 12:43
by tufcfans ... 30,00.html" onclick=";return false;

The last two home games will be all-ticket due to big crowds expected but it is clear the club did not want to do this. Presumably if season ticket holders can't go, the maximum attendance will be affected? However, I do believe that it is probably the right decision.

Re: All ticket games

Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 13:29
by Plymouth Gull
Had to be done. Glad they've done it ASAP and given a weeks notice.

Re: All ticket games

Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 13:47
by AustrianAndyGull
A positive move, lets fans know the situation and where we stand so commendable and sensible from the club. This also means that for fans like myself and Brady who have booked hotels and planned the trips can get tickets as soon as they available so that we aren't worrying if we can get in or not once we get down to Plainmoor.

Re: All ticket games

Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 19:51
by londongull63
So if wimbledon with nothing to play for decide we're only getting 625 tickets, why can't we tell southend and crewe they're only getting half the away end (or less). I don't even think Southend will fill it with their recent bad run and automatic promotion looking over while play-off looking safe. Who's to say Crewe will either?
This is so daft. We finally win these new fans we've been craving and hope to keep next year, and now we lock them out, possibly even for the game that clinches promotion. Last Friday will end up our biggest home support of the season, just when it was building up bigger each game. We'll be back at square one next year with the usual 2,300 and all the newcomers not venturing to Plainmoor until the climax of our next tilt at promotion whenever that might be. The only problem might be if we've already sent the 1,000 plus to those clubs and they've sold most of them. What other club would give us 25% of their ground? Let's hope Hereford do.

Re: All ticket games

Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 20:19
by gullsflyinghigh
Totally agree with the above post, would quote it but it's too long.

We need to win these loitering fans over so they come up more often. The accy game would have gone a way to do that.

But why can't we give Southend and Crewe half the away end - realistically neither is going to bring more than 600 if past years are anything to go by. Then we can make it pay on the day for home fans, shove as many in as we can and if it sells out, that's fine, we can turn people away. If you're an exile you'd leave plenty of time to get down here which I'm sure you all do anyway and if you're overnighting you'd be able to get up there early anyway.

Instead we either consign ourselves to lower attendances with people not being bothered to go up twice to get a ticket and go to the game - the floating fans just won't do it!
Or if we do sell out we'll be looking at half full away ends where we could have got more home support in.

If the club said they didn't want to then why did they? Surely it was only our decision?

Re: All ticket games

Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 20:27
by Plymouth Gull
Nah I disagree. If Southend win tomorrow they'll have 700 or so down here - If Crewe are still chasing playoffs on the weekend they come here they'll bring similar. Had it been two mid-table sides we could do it, but we can't.

Re: All ticket games

Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 21:07
by bixieupnorth
i think it would have sufficed to just make the away end all ticket, i cant see either of them bringing 1050? a major booboo by the club here i think, and probably a very expensive one

its been shown time and time again that it being all ticket WILL put 100s of people off coming, especially as it'll no doubt be poorly reported in thursdays herald that tickets have all gone or similar

we really need to get outlets in supermarkets for a few days this week, and give a small discount if people buy southend/crewe tickets at the same time

Re: All ticket games

Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 21:12
by bixieupnorth
austrianandygull wrote:This also means that for fans like myself and Brady who have booked hotels and planned the trips can get tickets as soon as they available so that we aren't worrying if we can get in or not once we get down to Plainmoor.
theres nothing to stop you buying a ticket for any game you want to andy, they're always avaialable for every home match

have we ever truly sold out a game, have poeple ever been locked out of plainmoor in recent times?? i know there have been some huge queues for bigger games, but capacity has never been reached that i can remember

anyway the decision has been made, there'll be no u turns, we'll just have to hope that for once, the apathetic souls of south devon stir their lazy arses and get up to plainmoor this week to but their tickets. a shame the office isnt open tomorrow, but no one wants to work on a bank holiday?

i guess the only news on this decision is on the OS, how many fans check that daily, now the herald has gone weekly it'll be up to word of mouth, maybe the radio, surely tv could mention it suring sports round up?

Re: All ticket games

Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 21:29
by Dave
gullsflyinghigh wrote:But why can't we give Southend and Crewe half the away end - realistically neither is going to bring more than 600 if past years are anything to go by.

If the club said they didn't want to then why did they? Surely it was only our decision?
Thats the problem, if Southend and Crewe were to bring 600 fan's with them, the away end holds 1050, you would probably lose about 250 of that because of the safety gap between the two sets of fan's , you would only get around 200 Torquay fan's in the away end, if both clubs were to bring more than 600 you would get no Torquay fan's in the away end.

As for the decision, it would have been taken in conjunction with the police, who probably would have said something along the lines, if you want to share your away end with 500 + away fan's we will insist on having x-number of police thier at y-number of £'s at a guess of course.

Re: All ticket games

Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 21:33
by bixieupnorth
i think the shared away end is a one off, everyone said that it didnt really work and diluted the noise didnt they?

thats not the issue here anyway

Re: All ticket games

Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 21:55
by Dave
Giving home half the away end against Accy was never about noise, it was to make extra room for home fan's, making these two games all ticket would have been a very difficult decision taken by our club, and no doubt forced opon it by the police, who would have been strongly against us putting home fan's in the away due to the extra numbers Southend and Crewe will bring that Accy would not have. meaning thier will less space for home fan's.

Sensible decison for the sake of supporter safety, and also will give loyal fan's a greater chance of getting in to these games, as they are more likely to have read the o/s or one of the fan's forums.

Also Wimbledon have not just decided to give us only 625 tickets, I belileve they have started their own ground redevelopment, and have begun to knock down one of the stands behind the goal, so leaving them little choice but to restrict away supporter numbers.

Edit, actually reading back this article on the o/s it appears that sharing the away end for the Accy game was done only with permission from the police. ... 80,00.html" onclick=";return false;

Re: All ticket games

Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 21:59
by AustrianAndyGull
Bix, you say that i can buy a ticket for any specified home game at any time. So for example, i could theoretically have bought a ticket for the Crewe game last November? If that is right then i didn't know this, cheers.

Re: All ticket games

Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 22:08
by gullintwoplaces
forevertufc wrote:Giving home half the away end against Accy was never about noise, it was to make extra room for home fan's, making these two games all ticket would have been a very difficult decision taken by our club, and no doubt forced opon it by the police, who would have been strongly against us putting home fan's in the away due to the extra numbers Southend and Crewe will bring that Accy would not have. meaning thier will less space for home fan's.

Sensible decison for the sake of supporter safety, and also will give loyal fan's a greater chance of getting in to these games, as they are more likely to have read the o/s or one of the fan's forums.

Also Wimbledon have not just decided to give us only 625 tickets, I belileve they have started their own ground redevelopment, and have begun to knock down one of the stands behind the goal, so leaving them little choice but to restrict away supporter numbers.

Edit, actually reading back this article on the o/s it appears that sharing the away end for the Accy game was done only with permission from the police. ... 80,00.html" onclick=";return false;
It's a sad old day when the club has to ask for "permission" from the Old Bill to run its affairs as it sees fit. The police are far more interested in controlling events like football than in burglary or car theft. I remember when police pressure has forced other changes such as what day a game is played, kick off times etc. I think they forget that they should SERVE the public, not the other way around.

Re: All ticket games

Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 22:29
by Dave
I don't dissargee, just think in this case the club does not deserve any critism for taking a decision that may have been forced opon them.

Re: All ticket games

Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 22:39
by ferrarilover
And if the best way the police can serve the public is by protecting the innocent masses from the dangerous minority by keeping fans apart or moving games to 1200 so those who can't hack their drink aren't getting pissed up all afternoon pre-match.

Serving the public is about doing what is best for the majority to protect them from the minority, not to bend to the whim of Gullintwoplaces.

As for the decision, I was privy to a conversation earlier today. Suffice to say the decision was not taken lightly by the club. All elements were considered, including the likely reduction in increased revenue. They are acutely aware of the extra onus upon supporters upon the imposition of the all ticket rule, but, it's been decided that, in the interests of everyone, the matches will be all ticket.

Out of towners, workers (and those who just like to make a fuss) and most welcome to contact club reception and have their tickets sent to them. Your option is that, or an hour long queue to get in a la Creepy last season, your choice.
