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Ricey or Pokey

Posted: 08 Aug 2012, 15:59
by ferrarilover
Bearing in mind that Ricey has looked much more confident than Pokey in pre-season and is clearly developing into a really, really good keeper (maybe a bit over the top, but he ain't bad).


Re: Ricey or Pokey

Posted: 08 Aug 2012, 16:46
its a no brainer, pokey is a very good keeper, rice is a good shot stopper but to short when it comes to crosses, doesnt command his area.

Re: Ricey or Pokey

Posted: 08 Aug 2012, 17:07
by Plymouth Gull
This is a bit like voting for Halpin or Bodin.

Re: Ricey or Pokey

Posted: 08 Aug 2012, 17:09
by Gulliball

I'd also rather get promoted than relegated. Just in case you were wondering.

Re: Ricey or Pokey

Posted: 08 Aug 2012, 17:10
by Richinns
Gulliball wrote:Poke.

I'd also rather get promoted than relegated. Just in case you were wondering.

Re: Ricey or Pokey

Posted: 08 Aug 2012, 17:11
by Richinns
Can the person who voted for Rice please identify themselves!

Re: Ricey or Pokey

Posted: 08 Aug 2012, 17:29
by Gullscorer
Could we please have voting options for 'Depends..' and 'Don't know' or 'Not sure'...? :|

Re: Ricey or Pokey

Posted: 08 Aug 2012, 17:36
by Dave
It has to be, and will Micheal Poke, all though Pokey did look a tad short of confidence against Leeds and in the second half Ricey did play very well, however we all know what Pokey can do and with run of games will soon be firing on all four cylinders.

Credit where it is due however, Martin Rice lloks like he has worked very hard on his all round game, and fans should get over it where he is concerned, his kicking has improved out of sight for a start, and I would not be to concerned as afan if we lost Pokey for a few games, Martin rice does look like a keeper who can now do a job at this level.

Re: Ricey or Pokey

Posted: 08 Aug 2012, 17:45
by Gullscorer
And how many second-fiddle players, initially criticised, belittled and denigrated over the seasons by fans, have gone on to become Plainmoor heroes..? Quite a few, I'll wager..

Re: Ricey or Pokey

Posted: 08 Aug 2012, 17:46
by bengull
Pokey will obviously start but Ricey has improved massively and has impressed me in his pre-season appearances, I wouldn't be at all concerned if he got pitch-time through an injury or suspension to Pokey. He proved against Leeds (with a vociferous away end behind him) that he can handle pressure situations.

Massive credit to Ricey for his attitude at the club, he knows he is unlikely to play at all in the league and yet turns up everyday and gives it his absolute all, we really can't ask for more than that.

Pokey needs to regain his composure sharpish though, looked extremely vulnerable on Monday. Anyone know why he missed the game versus E*eter?

Re: Ricey or Pokey

Posted: 08 Aug 2012, 17:56
by AlexGulls
Poke by a country mile. This question shouldnt even need asking.

Re: Ricey or Pokey

Posted: 08 Aug 2012, 18:13
by royalgull
Matt, what's got in to you? Lol

2 things. I would start with Poke but this again shows the 'black and white' view that football fans have. Some players do no wrong and some do no right. Ricey's only apppearance last year was an excellent display at cheltenham, he's done nothing wrong in pre season and I know he works his nuts off. Yet some just won't accept that, they remember one or two iffy games years ago instead which have no relevance on now.

Similarly Michael Poke is remembered fondly rightly so but for me there are concerns over him. He's been doing nothing for 2 years, confidence has taken a hit and has had injury problems. We will need to be patient with him.

Secondly there might not be a debate to be had for the first couple of games due to the latter part of the point above!

Re: Ricey or Pokey

Posted: 08 Aug 2012, 19:56
by Colorado Gull
Michael Poke, defintley.

Re: Ricey or Pokey

Posted: 08 Aug 2012, 21:38
by Gullscorer
Rice has improved massively; he may well continue to improve. Certainly he gives his all for the club, as has been stated above. Poke has not been at his best recently, for reasons already mentioned; but he will get there for sure. Rice or Poke? This season, I'd be happy with either; whoever's the fittest and on-form. Trust in Ling..

Re: Ricey or Pokey

Posted: 08 Aug 2012, 23:21
by SuperNickyWroe
Richinns wrote:Can the person who voted for Rice please identify themselves!
received this via email

dear agent and others on,

sorry for voting for ricey - but hes a nice guy.

all the best

michael poke.