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Argyle tickets - 8th September

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 08:40
by Plymouth Gull
Firstly, I assume that this game is going to be made all ticket?

Secondly, I can't help but feel that the club have missed a trick by not getting them out on sale already. It's under 3 weeks away now, and we should have utilised the two home games this week to get the ball rolling. Some fans won't bother to make a separate trip just for tickets, but if they can pick them up before/after seeing another game they're more likely to do so. I was hoping to have heard something pretty sharpish as we all now that Plymouth will sell out quickly and we don't really want them filling the home ends aswell.

Can we expect to hear something soon?

Re: Argyle tickets - 8th September

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 10:44
by Dave
To be honest Nick I don't think there is a need to make this game all ticket, nor is there a need to worry about Argyle fans in the home end, the game last season didn't sell out on a reduced capacity and there was only a handful of argyle fans in the home end when they had 1050 tickets, this season they are likey to have closer to 1400 tickets.

However do argee, think it woul be a go thing if the club can have these tickets on sale atleast in time for Rochdale home Saturday.

Re: Argyle tickets - 8th September

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 11:14
by Parry
Last season,many families and old folk were forced to stand in a pretty packed popside, I'd imagine alot of them refused to do this. This season we have a nice shiny new stand which is a alot more inviting to these people. The gate for this seasons derbies will be far greater.

Re: Argyle tickets - 8th September

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 11:16
by Plymouth Gull
Exactly my thoughts, Parry. And last season Argyle were at the bottom, this year it's early on + obviously they aren't in the situation they were 12 months ago.

I think they'll bring close to 2000 so it would be stupid not to make it all ticket.

Re: Argyle tickets - 8th September

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 11:53
just spoke to andy candy, tickets will go on sale before the rochdale game, possibbly by tomorrows game.

Re: Argyle tickets - 8th September

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 12:31
by gullsflyinghigh
No need for all ticket, will just put off the casual fan again and we'll have a poor gate - make it pay on the day get people turning up and try and pack the ground out. Shouldn't be worrying about people missing out if we sell out - our main target should be get as many as we can in the ground, best achieved IMO with an option to pay on the gate

Re: Argyle tickets - 8th September

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 12:38
by AlexGulls
Will probably be like every home game. You can get your tickets in advance if you want but the option of pay on the day is there aswell.

Re: Argyle tickets - 8th September

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 13:28
by Dave
Flyinghigh has called it spot on, exiles and casual fans are put off by all ticket games and I know our club will try to aviod all ticket games aswell.

Argyle are capble of bringing 2000 fans to plainmoor, however they were capable of doing that last season and didn't in fact its a pity they didn't , the game would have been a sell out, they had 1050 in the away end and no more than about 30 odd on the popside, I don't think they will bring anywhere near 2000 this time either, because many have lost all faith in their club, failure to sign any of their loan players who did so well, they have been poor in the transfer market, and after Saturday even some are suggesting that Brent does one and takes Fletcher with him.

Unless they have a few good results and pull in some good loan signings many gargs won't bother as they will fear defeat at our hands again.

Re: Argyle tickets - 8th September

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 14:58
by Gullscorer
1. What's wrong with pay-on-the-day? If people want to be sure of getting in they should just turn up early. It's not as if there will be so many people that hundreds will be turned away.

2. What's wrong with Argyle fans being in with the home crowd? As far as I'm concerned they will be more than welcome, and it would be good to engage in some football chit-chat with our neighbours. It's not as if any trouble comes from more than the odd stupid individual, whether it's a home or an away fan.

Re: Argyle tickets - 8th September

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 16:00
nothing wrong at all gullscorer with pay on the day, but as for the 2nd question not sure argyle fans would be that happy with us being there parts of the ground at home park with our gulls shirts on, i for wont wont be trying it , away fans should be in there part of the ground as i only takes one idiot to cause a riot, SAD BUT TRUE!

Re: Argyle tickets - 8th September

Posted: 21 Aug 2012, 15:02
by Yellow4life ... 25695.aspx" onclick=";return false;