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Memory Game

Posted: 21 Aug 2012, 08:30
by Gulliball
Just been sent this link:

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You have 15 minutes on the clock and have to remember as many of the players from our first XI's from 1996/97 to 2011/12.

Highest possible score is 154, and some players score more than one point if they were here for longer than one season.

You only have to type surnames, and to give you a starting point, Zebroski has been misspelt as Zebrowski. I wasted a good minute trying to guess who was missing from that team before I tried it with a w.

Other than that though, it is pretty good, and just a bit of fun. I scored 129, which I was happy with as my first game was only in 1997/98. At the end you get to see who you missed out.

Re: Memory Game

Posted: 21 Aug 2012, 09:37
by AustrianAndyGull
quite tricky when you're trying to think of players. I got 77 right but i didn't know most of the earlier ones as i wasn't a fan then. I actually forgot Alex Russell and Beds too can you believe?!!!!

Re: Memory Game

Posted: 21 Aug 2012, 11:57
by Bigman
I got 103, disgusted with myself I forgot Mick O'Brien. I have no recollection of Anthony Lloyd or Nathan Abbey though.

And I forgot Ian Morris :(

Re: Memory Game

Posted: 21 Aug 2012, 16:53
by nicktufc
Anthony Lloyd was a small midfielder, and Nathan Abbey the goalkeeper who got a 6 month contract until January, and then we decided not to bother offering him a deal beyond.

Re: Memory Game

Posted: 21 Aug 2012, 21:51
by Scott Brehaut
WTF - no Tim Sills??!! Lost loads of time inputting his name in different way (Tim Sills, Tim Sils, Timothy Sills etc....)