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Thunderbirds are go!

Posted: 30 Dec 2012, 17:56
by Wisconsin_gull
I was sad to read of the passing of Gerry Anderson recently.

I am sure I am not alone in having grown up with Thunderbirds as a nipper, and owning a Thunderbird dressing up outfit complete with yellow sache and hat with the IR symbol.

One of the first films I saw at the cinema was Thunderbirds are Go (the rock snakes frigthened the bejeezers out of me) and to this day I have the full colour booklet which I still look at from time to time.

I now realise that Branners was The Hood.

Was never sure about John Tracey stuck up in space in T5...

Wonderful memories

FAB Virgil

Re: Thunderbirds are go!

Posted: 30 Dec 2012, 18:06
by ferrarilover
Concur entirely, I love Thunderbirds, absolutely crazy imagination from a proper adult, will be missed. Kids telly is rubbish these days, all computer generated Fireman Sam and no knickers.


Re: Thunderbirds are go!

Posted: 31 Dec 2012, 01:53
by Southampton Gull
Agree totally, although I was Captain Scarlet mad as a kid

Re: Thunderbirds are go!

Posted: 31 Dec 2012, 10:01
by oxgull
Fireball X.L5 and Stingray were the first ones I remember growing up in Chudleigh then Kingsteignton in the 60's. Those fishy men on stingray had me hiding behind the sofa bricking it. It was those large staring fish eyes!!!! Waaahhhh!!!!

Re: Thunderbirds are go!

Posted: 31 Dec 2012, 13:43
by happytorq
Wisconsin_gull wrote: I now realise that Branners was The Hood.
I thought that was such a great comment that I've nicked it and put it on twitter :)