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Rovers get new stadium?

Posted: 16 Jan 2013, 21:57
by Glostergull
With an important meeting tonight at the City Council chambers, planners approved plans for the Sainsbury supermarket on the old Memorial Stadium site. The Supermarket giant will have to fork out for a raft of improvements to the area to mitigate the impact it will have on the immediate area but with approval the Football club can now go ahead with the new stadium build out at UWE with a possible start date on this summer.
With the plans approval by City planners and now backed by the council, the decision will now be sent to the Minister of State for rubber stamping. he has 21 days to aprove or reject the planning decision. Hopefully this will not happen.
I wonder if this will bring the fans back to back the club in the next 18 months as the stadium is built while they stay at the Mem. If so I would expect to see Rovers on the up in the next few months.
It will be interesting to watch and especialy Galling to City fans who have had their application held up by nimbies for every reason they can think of.
I wish Rovers all the best provided they don't beat us. But more importantly Hope the nimbies can at last be buried after holding up every effort that Rovers have had in the past to get a new home. It has implications for all football clubs.

Re: Rovers get new stadium?

Posted: 17 Jan 2013, 11:07
by Plymouth Gull
Could well see this have an effect similar to Swansea. Bristol certainly has the population to have two very well supported clubs.

Re: Rovers get new stadium?

Posted: 18 Jan 2013, 01:23
by BritishGAS
Its absolutely fantastic news for the club, a fantastic state of the art facility which he have needed for 26 years now

Bristol has been a backwater for so long, and it has been an absolute joke for a city of its size, now hopefully this will be brilliant not just for Bristol itself, but for Bristol Rovers football club and all Gasheads

It hasn't impressed our horrible red friends, who have all got the hump :'(

Now permission has been granted, all our efforts must be to get out of the mess that the **** McGhee left us in and survive the drop!

Hopefully this is the start of new, successful chapter for The Gas

Re: Rovers get new stadium?

Posted: 21 Jan 2013, 14:21
by Kinky John Fowler
BritishGAS wrote:
It hasn't impressed our horrible red friends, who have all got the hump :'(
Strictly speaking that isn't true though, is it BritishGas?

Most City fans I know were congratulating you on finally getting the stadium you have needed since you left Eastville. City fans are far more interested in our own Stadium application which has been approved but, as the OP pointed out, is being held up by NIMBYs who have already turned down the clubs offer of half the site to create an area for them to walk their dogs.

Any 'banter' you may have received regarding your new stadium is probably as a result of your fans ridiculous inferiority complex driven reaction to the news of the approval by screaming at any City fan you see like its some sort of victory against us.

Still, congratulations on the new stadium.

Re: Rovers get new stadium?

Posted: 22 Jan 2013, 14:19
by BritishGAS
Oh it is absolutely true, Kinky John

All the drivel spouted from you shitheads was hilarious

Us Gasheads have no inferiority complex, we just love you lot thinking you are this "huge, gigantic, massive, giant of a football club!

When in reality you are just punching above your weight because of a sugar daddy spunking money the club doesn't have, you are spiralling more and more in debt and are now feeling the consequences

All banter aside, I hope you lot get your stadium too, so hopefully Bristol can move forward with the times and have two state of the art stadiums, and put Bristol on the map

But dont pretend you and your filthy red friends were not devestated when you heard the news

Re: Rovers get new stadium?

Posted: 22 Jan 2013, 14:31
by Richinns
Guys - no one gives a t0ss on here about your rivalry! City are the better club and Rovers are getting a new shiny stadium

Now kiss and make up!

Re: Rovers get new stadium?

Posted: 22 Jan 2013, 14:38
by BritishGAS
Richinns wrote:Guys - no one gives a t0ss on here about your rivalry! City are the better club and Rovers are getting a new shiny stadium

Now kiss and make up!
Why feel the need to comment then Richinns, If you dont give a toss? :)

I would never kiss a shithead, You'd be certain to catch a life threatening illness, even a handshake would be dangerous!

Re: Rovers get new stadium?

Posted: 22 Jan 2013, 14:45
by Richinns
I was just pointing out this is a Torquay forum because for some reason you boys seem to be under the illusion it is a Britol (either teams!) one!

Re: Rovers get new stadium?

Posted: 22 Jan 2013, 15:34
by BritishGAS
To be fair, Richinns, this is the Banter Board & Other Football section, which clearly states.....Banter with rival fans here, non TUFC fans welcome

Just pointing that out :-D

Re: Rovers get new stadium?

Posted: 22 Jan 2013, 15:52
by Richinns
OK - well if that is the case then let me light the fuse!

In 5 year’s time what are your predictions for where Gas and City will be respectively. Would be interesting to see where (and by how far!) your's and John's predictions differ!

Re: Rovers get new stadium?

Posted: 22 Jan 2013, 15:55
by Southampton Gull
Rich, I was just about to post along the lines that BG has and then saw his post. To be fair to both of these gents from Bristol they've been good contributors on here for quite some time and I actually enjoy seeing them squabble :)

Re: Rovers get new stadium?

Posted: 22 Jan 2013, 15:56
by Southampton Gull
Oh and I forgot to add, BG has made a decent contribution to our TUST as well, he's a terrible gambler :rofl:

Re: Rovers get new stadium?

Posted: 22 Jan 2013, 16:59
by SuperNickyWroe
Southampton Gull wrote:Oh and I forgot to add, BG has made a decent contribution to our TUST as well, he's a terrible gambler :rofl:
at least the brizzie fans are useful for something then dave....... 8/ :rofl:

Re: Rovers get new stadium?

Posted: 22 Jan 2013, 17:08
by BritishGAS
It is hard to predict the future Richinns

I am sure mine and Kinky Johns predictions will differ somewhat, Gasheads and Shitheads rarely agree

Now The UWE Stadium has been given the green light it should see Rovers fortunes change, obviously avoiding the dreaded drop to The Blue Square is a must and all our attentions must go towards not letting that happen, once that is avoided then from the sale of The Mem, Rovers will have the funds available to push to get out of this awful division

After that who knows? The thing with this stadium development which is unique from any other is that in conjuction with The UWE the stadium will finance itself and Rovers will be debt free, which should leave plenty of funds available to attract far better calibre players without heaping debt on the club

So in the next 5 years hopefully Rovers will be in The Champioship, it may seem daft, looking at our current predicament, but you only have to look at the impact new stadiums have had on the likes of Swansea, Reading, Hull and Brighton and even smaller clubs like Wigan, those clubs are the benchmark

People make comparisons with Darlington and Coventry of how things have gone wrong with stadiums, but they are 2 completely different scenarios, those were built with no thought process behind them, and crippled both clubs with huge debts

As mentioned above The UWE and Bristol Rovers have a unique partnership

So my prediction would be Rovers in The Championship(Delusional? Only time will tell)

As for our red friends, I will let Kinky John fill you in with his predictions, but I will tell you that City are riddled with massive debts, due to them spending way beyond their means, with money they dont have, if they get relegated this season then they will have to trim the wage bill massively due to the wage cap, and could see them struggle big time, Steve Lansdowne's interest is waining fast due to him losing millions year after year, bailing them out! The future could be bleak, again we will just have to wait and see

How's things Dave? Hope all is well and The Trust is still going strong?

I will happily put another wager on with you for when we visit Plainmoor :-D

Re: Rovers get new stadium?

Posted: 24 Jan 2013, 23:59
by Glostergull
Yer we goes again. The two Bristol Clubs slagging each other off. I used to have a bit of fun listening to the Reds get it in the neck. But Rovers honestly ain't got nothing to shout about at the moment. If BG wants to have a go at City for being heavily in debt he ought not to throw too many stones. Rovers too are also in debt. Maybe not to the extent that City are but then again. The reds have far bigger resources to service the debt. Rovers resources are smaller as is the debt. It's all relative really. I am glad they got their stadium much as I think City must have theirs. if only to put to the death the false might of the Nimby who has abused the doe process of law to maintain the fictional notion that the piece of land is Common land. My arse is it. It was all cleverly made up to look as if it was.
Most fans saw through it immediatly. This is a victory that needs winning so that other clubs can improve their facilities. or we may never see a day when all clubs have up to date modern safe stadia. Many could go to the wall because of what the nimbies have done.