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Posted: 09 Feb 2013, 19:06
by MidDevon
Well no news is well....................... :-/

I could find no one at today's game who has spoken to Lingy in the last 2 weeks

Can ANYONE tell us what is going on?

Re: Lingy

Posted: 09 Feb 2013, 19:08
by tktufc91
Got a nasty virus I heard. Best he stay well away until he is 100% better. We hardly have the depth in the squad right now to deal with any players falling ill.

Get well soon Lingy

Re: Lingy

Posted: 09 Feb 2013, 19:11
by MidDevon
As I said I could not find anyone who has spoken to him in the last 2 weeks, or even anyone who knows anyone who has spoken to him.........perhaps it's just me, but it all seems starnge and judging by Shaun Taylor's interview tonight he certainly indicated that he will contiinue to be in charge on Tuesday

Re: Lingy

Posted: 09 Feb 2013, 19:15
by goodluckgull
I heard today that he is completely exhausted and run down. He needs lots of rest. Hope he starts to feel better soon.

Re: Lingy

Posted: 09 Feb 2013, 19:15
by tktufc91
Hopefully we will hear something from the club soon. I'm sure they will announce something on the OS in due course.

Re: Lingy

Posted: 09 Feb 2013, 19:21
by MidDevon
Thank you for your replies. I am not on any type of witch hunt here, I have tremendous respect for Lingy and how he got us out of the mess Buckle left us in, but he has seemed more than a little stressed recently....prudent of the club to let him have a break if that is the case.

Would still be interested if anyone knows anything for certain

Re: Lingy

Posted: 09 Feb 2013, 19:32
by Colorado Gull
What I heard from many is that he's not answering anyone's calls or texts, he's incredibly quiet and he's very ill.

Re: Lingy

Posted: 09 Feb 2013, 19:45
yes he has been very poorly and we all hope its just a virus, he has a lot of tests since he has been back home in london but as yet cant find the cause of his illness, im sure we all wish martin a speedy recovery.

Re: Lingy

Posted: 09 Feb 2013, 21:34
by AustrianAndyGull
same here, my personal opinion of him aside i hope he gets better and gets himself sorted for the benefit of himself and his family.

Re: Lingy

Posted: 09 Feb 2013, 21:39
by Dave
This whole thing started to become a cause for concern a couple of days ago for me. A virus means what excatly, a heavy cold, flu, winter vomiting can mean anything.

As fans we have to respect his right for some privacy, however if he is not back at the club in the next week do not be surprised if more and more questions are asked, I too wish the Martin Ling well and a speedy recovery but this will need clarifying sooner rather than later should he continue to be away from the club.

Re: Lingy

Posted: 09 Feb 2013, 21:51
by AustrianAndyGull
From a purely selfish perspective, it isn't the best time for our manager to be out indefinately and for our number 2 to be taking total charge of team affairs. If we are to be facing a relegation battle, i'd rather have Ling back in and trying to shore us up now than all the uncertainty. Ling being out isn't going to help us at all but obviously we don't know what is wrong, it could be a sensitive issue that might take a long time and we might not find out for a bit but we've just got to try and get on with winning football matches regardless and hope Lingy makes a recovery and is well enough to go again.

Re: Lingy

Posted: 09 Feb 2013, 22:00
by brucie
It does seem strange in so far as Taylor was questioned about Ling in the pre match report on radio devon. Taylor cut the interviewer short and clearly did not want to discuss the matter. He did say that he had spoken to Lings wife which seemed even more peculiar.
Its all very strange.

Re: Lingy

Posted: 10 Feb 2013, 10:48
by Dave_Pougher
Rumour in the gents at HT was that Lingy had gone to Portsmouth, read into that what you will. Personally speaking I think if I was him I'd rather have the bad virus.

Get well soon Lingy,,,

be it virus or Pompey.

Re: Lingy

Posted: 10 Feb 2013, 11:10
by divingbboy
brucie wrote:He did say that he had spoken to Lings wife which seemed even more peculiar.
Its all very strange.
Yep, I thought that was very weird. When Taylor mentioned that he'd spoken to Ling's wife, I found it odd, indeed.

Re: Lingy

Posted: 10 Feb 2013, 11:31
by Dave
When you do not bring clarity to a situation like this wierd and wonderful rumours is exactly what you get, I heard so many yesterday I could write a book, from Lingy being a lot more seriously ill than the club are letting on, right to Lingy has walked out on the club.

As said in my first reply he does have a right to some privacy, but if he is not back at the club this week, then it is time for people to front up and tell us what is really the matter, we all have at one time or another been hit with a virus, worse case you are normaly back on your feet after 2-3 weeks.