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Re: Lloyd Macklin

Posted: 13 Feb 2013, 02:42
by Gazzableedsgull
I hope Macklin can perform to a standard that we know he can but I don't think we've seen enough of it over the past couple of years anyway so there's nothing really to get excited about unless he tears defences apart over the next week or so.

In regards to Nathan Craig, I think he needs to play in the middle with Easton or Mansell, his range of passing is excellent and is wasted on the wing .. My line up from now on would be;

Poke (because we have nobody better)
Leadbitter (because Oastler has let us down this season and DL looks like he's ready to step up)
Cruise (purely on pace I think we should give him a run, Nicho is not quick enough and gets skinned way too often IMO)
Macklin (deserves a run of games on the RW, pace and skill to beat defenders)
Easton (more calm on the ball than Mansell)
Craig (good passer, can distribute to both wings)
Stevens (can still cause damage but needs a kick up the arse in regards to beating defenders instead of slowing down attacks by passing back)
Benyon or Jarvis (both need to chip in over the next 4/5 games, I'm confident the one with the most game time will if we play this team and a correct formation)

As my team suggests I want to see 4-4-2;

Simple and everyone knows what they're supposed to be doing, this lone man upfront with wingers is B*ll*cks when we don't play with natural wingers or when Howe is suspended because we then dont have a natural target man.

It's just a thought but hey, I'm not the Gaffer

Re: Lloyd Macklin

Posted: 13 Feb 2013, 11:42
by Yellow4life
I agree with the team above, change it- give others a chance. The ones named above are all experienced enough rather than the likes of Halpin etc...

Re: Lloyd Macklin

Posted: 13 Feb 2013, 13:11
by SteveDeckchair
Based on last night, Leadbitter and Craig worked well in the first half. We were noticeably weaker when Craig went off (no fault of Yeoman, he's not a winger). Leadbitter and Macklin was an ok combo too! Plenty of pace and actually put them on the back foot once or twice.

We are weak down the left though and I am afraid to say it, but Nicho needs to step aside. His deadball delivery last night was woeful. High looping crosses and corners and the worst free kick I have ever seen at Plainmoor. It could have landed on Babbacombe beach!

Macklin needs fitness though, as does Benyon, so I would stick with Yeoman and a.n.other and bring them on slowly.

Happy to put Bodin on the left and Craig in the middle with Manse. Lathrope needs to be dropped as he is supposed to be a defensive midfielder and last night, I didn't see him make a tackle once.

Re: Lloyd Macklin

Posted: 13 Feb 2013, 16:25
by OllieGull
Gazza's team seems perfect to me, although I'd still play Bodin over Stevens just because Bodin is in relatively good form at the moment and it would be a shame to drop him again.

Re: Lloyd Macklin

Posted: 14 Feb 2013, 01:51
by cambgull
My worry with Macklin is not Lloyd himself, but who he's playing with on the right.

Craig on the right allows Leadbitter to get up the pitch and Craig will slot into right back until Danny is back in position. With Macklin and Danny, it works when you're trying for a late goal, but as they are both attacking players, I could see gaps being left.

Re: Lloyd Macklin

Posted: 14 Feb 2013, 08:53
by SBP
The first game of last years pre-season away at Tiverton Town I watched Leadbitters first game at right back with Macklin playing right wing and they were both unplayable, Leadbitter was raiding down the wing and Macklin was providing great crosses. I know you will all say the quality of opposition wasnt great however i came away thinking that this has the POTENTIAL for a great attacking right hand side. Since that game injuries and team selection have curtailed that option until now.
These two are direct players with great pace and we are not providing service to Howe or Jarvis etc. Cruise arrived from a great academy setup and was highly thought of, why are we not giving him a try. Nico is being constantly exposed. Nathan Craig is a creative left footed midfielder, lets play him there!
I am also getting fed up with predictable far post corners and set pieces, can we not think of something else. Its not exactly hard for teams to do there home work on us.
I dont always agree with experience, we need to score goals and win games and be positive.

Re: Lloyd Macklin

Posted: 14 Feb 2013, 12:01
by novicegull
totally agree cambgull. i have noticed that our 2 brilliant centre backs haven't quite been up to their previous standards during the last 2 games and think maybe there is additional pressure on them to cover if our full backs and wingers are too attacking which has been more noticeable on the right.

Re: Lloyd Macklin

Posted: 14 Feb 2013, 12:49
by SteveDeckchair
Leadbitter didn't look especially exposed or out of position on Tuesday. In fact, his pace and fitness means he can get up and down the pitch with apparent ease.

The goals came from the central and left positions.

Re: Lloyd Macklin

Posted: 14 Feb 2013, 12:56
by tufcbrett
If we are going to play attacking full backs, which only 1 should be forward at a time anyway. But play a holding midfielder, damon,easton and Mansell are all capable. Sit in front of the back four break up any attacks and cover when someone goes forward. Which is what Damon does anyway but he may get forward to much on occasions. Always been a believe of, if your going to play all out attack wingers ect u need a holding man to break up counter attacks.

Re: Lloyd Macklin

Posted: 14 Feb 2013, 15:05
by SBP
I agree tufcbrett, Mansell, Lathrope and Craig E can do that job easily, i dont think its all out attack when you play with attacking full backs, it appears to be that the modern full back can raid down the wings and provide an extra dimension. We need an extra 10% out of each player, we have been so slow and predictable when attacking, this option is positive and we need something new

Re: Lloyd Macklin

Posted: 14 Feb 2013, 20:08
by Trojan 67
tufcbrett wrote:If we are going to play attacking full backs, which only 1 should be forward at a time anyway. But play a holding midfielder, damon,easton and Mansell are all capable. Sit in front of the back four break up any attacks and cover when someone goes forward. Which is what Damon does anyway but he may get forward to much on occasions. Always been a believe of, if your going to play all out attack wingers ect u need a holding man to break up counter attacks.

Absolutely hit the bullseye spot on. :nod:

Rightback forward - leftback back on the diagonal with the holding midfield player dropping in to cover either depending on which fullback is raiding. ;-)

Know the application well, as does stefano : raiders of the frosted park. :)