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Plymouth's new stand.

Posted: 03 May 2013, 17:57
by ferrarilover
Greens on about a £10,000,000 stand to replace that awful thing they presently have. As usual, Argyle fans are doing it to themselves and have stated that a capacity of 20,200 won't be enough when they're in the Premier League.

Oh Argyle, why oh why oh why will you not learn?


Re: Plymouth's new stand.

Posted: 03 May 2013, 19:01
by Plymgull
Most deluded set of fans i've ever met. Genuinely believe they are a massive club. Big for league two i'll give them that. But all this premier league talk is laughable.

Re: Plymouth's new stand.

Posted: 03 May 2013, 19:17
by AustrianAndyGull
Yep, learn to walk before you can run garg fiends!!!!!