And you thought the Thea bristow interview was hard to watch!
Shocking, truly truly shocking!
Re: Norwich new kit video
Posted: 17 May 2013, 09:12
by AustrianAndyGull
I dunno Rich, it must have been great for the kids involved and you get a free ball if you buy a home shirt. We get sod all. I think clubs should be looking at every avenue to try and market themselves and their product and if a 2 minute youtube video like this help sell a few more shirts and gets a few more kids interested in Norwich City then it will have been worth it. It's a positive step.I accept the limitations our club has in terms of having staff available to devise and implement ideas to market the club and it's products but i do think we can be doing more.
Re: Norwich new kit video
Posted: 17 May 2013, 15:31
by happytorq
AustrianAndyGull wrote:I dunno Rich, it must have been great for the kids involved and you get a free ball if you buy a home shirt. We get sod all.
Not really. I mean...we get a shirt.. that's kind of the point. Seems kind of desperate to give a ball away too.
Re: Norwich new kit video
Posted: 17 May 2013, 19:15
by AustrianAndyGull
I know but they are giving away a free ball too. I'd rather have a free ball if i was going to buy a shirt anyway than nothing. The free ball obviously isn't going to make people part with 40 odd quid just on the face of it but it's a nice offer. The vid is about promoting the home shirt rather than the free ball offer and i think it's good for the kids to get them physically involved playing football with their heroes. I'm not sure if our players are well known for this but i could be mistaken.
Re: Norwich new kit video
Posted: 17 May 2013, 23:02
by Plymgull
That was hard to watch.
Re: Norwich new kit video
Posted: 18 May 2013, 14:55
by Glostergull
ye gods that indeed is embarrassing. Heaven preserve us from making such fools of ourselves.
I know we don't need to take ourselves so seriously sometimes but there limits for goodness sake.
Re: Norwich new kit video
Posted: 19 May 2013, 14:18
by ferrarilover
I watched the video of the Syrian eating human heart. I did so while noshing down a meat pie. I spent most of the video with a little smile on my face. I got halfway through that Norwich shite and turned off in order to vomit. Horrifically bad. Worse than watching porn of your mum. **** ing Delia!