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Player off to Villa

Posted: 22 May 2013, 08:44
by NA Gull
Lian Prynn has signed for Aston Villa. Only a 16yo. I am pleased as it shows that our youth policy is starting to work. No idea how much the compensation pakcage is. ... z2U0NxqzqR

Re: Player off to Villa

Posted: 22 May 2013, 09:15
by diamondgirl
Thats brilliant. Hope the lad makes it. Well done Liam, and good luck. :-D

Re: Player off to Villa

Posted: 22 May 2013, 09:17
by Rivo_7
Does this mean that we will receive compensation for him??

Re: Player off to Villa

Posted: 22 May 2013, 09:54
by HRG
Good for him. I wish him the best of luck.

Re: Player off to Villa

Posted: 22 May 2013, 09:54
by PhilGull
How is this good news?
We have a player snatched away from us for next to nothing so that he can go to a 'Big Club', get farmed out to a lower league team on loan before being released and ending up back where he started.
This is not good news for us. Good for us would be him staying here, learning his trade, getting some first team experience and then if he's good enough moving on for a bit of cash.
Bad bad news.

Re: Player off to Villa

Posted: 22 May 2013, 09:56
by CP Gull
Rivo_7 wrote:Does this mean that we will receive compensation for him??
Yep, as it says, a transfer fee has been agreed between the two clubs. I don't expect it amounts to much "up front" (he was only with us for a couple of years after all) but hopefully there will be other "add ons" if he makes it with them.

Great to see that the club's youth programme is finally producing some exciting talent, albeit on this occasion, he has moved on before the vast majority (myself included) have ever got to see the young man pull on a TUFC shirt of any kind.

On the subject of he Youth set up, I think I am right in thinking that when Geoff Harrop was brought in by Paul Buckle it was on a three year deal and that that time is now up. Does anyone know whether he has been offered/agreed an extension?

Re: Player off to Villa

Posted: 22 May 2013, 10:04
by HRG
But for him, it's good. As far as PL clubs go it is a good option for him , especially with Lambert in charge who believes in giving youth a chance. There's more possibility of seeing him pop up at Villa in three or four years than most other Prem clubs.

Re: Player off to Villa

Posted: 22 May 2013, 10:19
by Yellow4life
Geoff will be staying, I spoke to him on the last academy day of the season a few weeks back and he is already planning on recruitment and the training ground.

Re: Player off to Villa

Posted: 22 May 2013, 10:23
by diamondgirl
PhilGull wrote:How is this good news?
We have a player snatched away from us for next to nothing so that he can go to a 'Big Club', get farmed out to a lower league team on loan before being released and ending up back where he started.
This is not good news for us. Good for us would be him staying here, learning his trade, getting some first team experience and then if he's good enough moving on for a bit of cash.
Bad bad news.
Oh dear PhilGull. Thats a very pessimistic approach.

Re: Player off to Villa

Posted: 22 May 2013, 10:34
by ggggg
Yellow4life wrote:Geoff will be staying, I spoke to him on the last academy day of the season a few weeks back and he is already planning on recruitment and the training ground.
A few weeks back his position was uncertain as a new manager was going to be appointed, so he won't have known anything until the meeting last week with Alan Knill, just like all the other staff and that includes players, backroom and office! Unless Geoff was convinced Martin was coming back, which I know he wasn't because most people inside the club New Martin wasn't coming back!

Re: Player off to Villa

Posted: 22 May 2013, 10:37
by Plymouth Gull
diamondgirl wrote:
Oh dear PhilGull. Thats a very pessimistic approach.
He's probably right though. Great move for the kid but with this new EPPP we'd have probably got around £30k.

Re: Player off to Villa

Posted: 22 May 2013, 10:49
by AndyC
Bad news? I don't think you can say that right now with any has any idea how this will play out, or just what the 'deal' is that we have.

Contrast this lad with Saul Halpin, a player we believed to have all kinds of talent as he came through the system Prynn would have joined this coming season. A trial at Derby, a hat-trick at that trial, and all kinds of excitement.

And what happened...

Three years of nothing, injuries and eventual release on to the scrapheap.

Re: Player off to Villa

Posted: 22 May 2013, 10:50
by NA Gull
If you look at it in isolation then it is not great, but we now have McKenzie, Thompson, Yeoman, Hutchings, Sullivan in the first team squad and Premier League scouts noticing the work we do. Clubs can go years without any players being sold on so to have a 16 yo go is proof that we are doing something right.

Crewe have a sustainable business model based on developing youth and I think this is a strategy we should adopt making us a club that youngters want to join to further their career. We cna make decent money on players and save money trying to attract big players who don't want to relocate to the southwest. Crewe recently fielded an all 11 Acadamy team in a league 1 match, I would love Torquay to do that.

Re: Player off to Villa

Posted: 22 May 2013, 11:14
by royalgull
PhilGull wrote:How is this good news?
We have a player snatched away from us for next to nothing so that he can go to a 'Big Club', get farmed out to a lower league team on loan before being released and ending up back where he started.
This is not good news for us. Good for us would be him staying here, learning his trade, getting some first team experience and then if he's good enough moving on for a bit of cash.
Bad bad news.
Precisely, again like I posted a few weeks ago the major problem with football today. youth players being poached by the big clubs/the loan market.

Re: Player off to Villa

Posted: 22 May 2013, 11:19
by supergulls
I'm quite surprised by this to be fair because i watched the youth team on a few occasions last year and when he played he never set the world alight compared to danny sullivan. I watched the youth f a cup game away to Bristol rovers in which we lost 2-1 and in that game he held the ball up ok with his back to goal but never looked a threat. I heard he was on trial at west brom last year but nothing came of that so to hear Aston villa have signed him comes as a shock. Although the lad must be well pleased, I wish him and his family the best of luck for the future.