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Jordan Chapell to sign

Posted: 05 Jul 2013, 07:51
by exiledgull
Just read in the paper that we are close to securing Chapell!!

I think this an excellent signing however I am quite surprised we have managed to pull it off.

He was very exciting to watch and was continuing to get better and better! Think this a great signing for us! Very much looking forward to new season now.

Re: Jordan Chapell to sign

Posted: 05 Jul 2013, 08:05
thats great news exile, as i said before he is on poor wages at sheff utd so we are able to offer a good deal and the fact he wants a move here is a big plus, great signing in my eyes.

Re: Jordan Chapell to sign

Posted: 05 Jul 2013, 08:25
by CP Gull
Seems like we are close to getting him on a free but with a hefty sell on clause. A very good addition to the squad I think. Pleased that progress (admittedly slow!) is being made to add to the squad and that Knill does seem to be securing his targets, given that all three signings so far were identified weeks ago.

It would be good to add a couple more over the weekend as I do think it's important to have the bulk of the squad in place, the sooner the better, not least because they can then crack on with Damien Davey's training regime and the team bonding sessions at the Stonehouse barracks! ... story.html

Re: Jordan Chapell to sign

Posted: 05 Jul 2013, 08:35
by Sunnysideup
CP Gull wrote:Seems like we are close to getting him on a free but with a hefty sell on clause.
Thats an excellent way for bigger clubs to deal with those that they are not sure will make the grade. It ensures that if a big money move occurs, they get their investment back without financially battering the likes of us with barking idea on transfer fees (eg Swindon/BB). I'd be more than happy if it worked this way all the time. Assuming its something like 50 or even 60 percent of any future fee should we sell him, that makes sound financial sense to me if it avoids an initial fee.

Re: Jordan Chapell to sign

Posted: 05 Jul 2013, 08:35
yes good signing cp, held up because of david weir coming in as manager, ak wanted him and he wanted to come here, so good ending, hopefully the others will follow soon.

Jordan Chapell to sign

Posted: 05 Jul 2013, 08:56
by ferrarilover
Regardless of how good he is, we'll only get peanuts for him anyway, because that's what we do. I couldn't be happier about this, just so long as he doesn't become another Billy Bodin, we'll be alright.*


*This saga has a long way to run and could well become a completely different situation over the next 6 months. Here's hoping.

Re: Jordan Chapell to sign

Posted: 05 Jul 2013, 09:00
by bixieupnorth
sad but true matt!

was looking at dwight gayle yesterday, daggers got £750k deal, we could never ever manage to do that, plus i'd imagine they'd be on for a chunk of the rumoured £8m+ that posh have managed to pass him on for to palace. just think if we could manage to do that!!!

Re: Jordan Chapell to sign

Posted: 05 Jul 2013, 09:20
by Richinns
Fantastic bit of business this. An exciting player who will hopefully will get a few more people through the turnstiles.

A quality striker, centre mid and centre back and the first choice 11 will look very decent. Fingers crossed!

I also cannot wait to hear what brucie has to say on this as he was very adamant we had no chance of getting him as he was way out of our league. Are we about to be treated to the most positive brucie post ever?!!!

Re: Jordan Chapell to sign

Posted: 05 Jul 2013, 09:31
by Modgull
Yes, good news this. Shame we couldn't have got Labadie as well because I, like some others, think that we need a more imposing presence in the middle of the park too.

Re: Jordan Chapell to sign

Posted: 05 Jul 2013, 10:09
by CP Gull
Modgull wrote: I, like some others, think that we need a more imposing presence in the middle of the park too.
Craig Stanley?

Re: Jordan Chapell to sign

Posted: 05 Jul 2013, 10:18
by Richinns
CP Gull wrote: Craig Stanley?
Suggestion/hope/rumour or fact CP?

Re: Jordan Chapell to sign

Posted: 05 Jul 2013, 10:19
by gullno4
Richinns wrote: Suggestion/hope/rumour or fact CP?
a bit of each ;-)

Re: Jordan Chapell to sign

Posted: 05 Jul 2013, 10:30
by CP Gull
He (Stanley) is desperate (understandably) for a move away from Aldershot as they are in complete turmoil and in very real danger of liquidation (again). He still has a year left to run on his contract there but is not getting paid and is free to move on.

It seems he is hoping for a decision today on his next move and has already refuted a suggestion that he might be going back to Morecambe but he has retweeted (@Staners6) a Torquay fans tweet suggesting he might be heading back to us ... make of that what you will!

Jordan Chapell to sign

Posted: 05 Jul 2013, 10:32
by Fonda
Great news. Though it doesn't soften the blow of losing Danny Stevens. [Sorry, that was unecessary, just a joke!!]

Chappell and Bodin down the wings is exciting. If they both perform to their potential, we should create plenty of chances. Benyon will benefit, he just needs a partner now...

Re: Jordan Chapell to sign

Posted: 05 Jul 2013, 10:55
by thegreedygull
Good news, at this rate by July of next year we may have a decent squad!