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sitting in a chair

Posted: 23 Oct 2013, 12:37
by WestLondonYellow
weird topic here, but is it just me or does anyone else find it difficult to sit upright in a chair at a desk, i find after a few minutes at work i have slid into a natural position of halfway down the chair, with a complete arch of my back going on.

BTW, this is a more interesting topic than last nights game.

Re: sitting in a chair

Posted: 23 Oct 2013, 12:47
by Scott Brehaut
Good topic ;-)

I don't "sit" in chairs. I often sit on one leg, letting the other one hang down, and then swap when the pins and needles kick in.

Re: sitting in a chair

Posted: 23 Oct 2013, 13:03
by WestLondonYellow
oh yeah i do that too, right now in fact. Keeps me a little more upright that way.

Re: sitting in a chair

Posted: 23 Oct 2013, 13:32
by happytorq
sitting in chairs is essentially unnatural though, isn't it? I mean, evolutionarily (a word I might just have made up) we were designed for a: running around chasing food b: running away from being made food c: sleeping

So sitting down is basically against our nature, and is not good for you.

I tried to convince my office to install a few walking desks; basically desks mounted onto a treadmill so you can walk at a moderate pace while you work. Studies have shown that it makes you more alert for work, as well as giving the obvious fitness benefits, but they wouldn't go for it .


Re: sitting in a chair

Posted: 23 Oct 2013, 14:05
by Gullscorer
I always sit on my backside..

But I prefer to lie on my back.. :)