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Animal Magic

Posted: 29 Oct 2013, 22:48
by AustrianAndyGull
What is your favourite wild animal and why?

Mine are whales. Absolutely immense creatures that (some) filter plankton through baleen to survive. Unbelievable something that humongous can live from something so small.

Animal Magic

Posted: 01 Nov 2013, 22:54
by AustrianAndyGull

I thought we were a nation of animal lovers?

Well I have an opinion so i'm happy at that. :)

Animal Magic

Posted: 03 Nov 2013, 18:48
by ferrarilover
Thing is Andy, most people sort of grow out of having "favourite" things as they get older. I wouldn't kick a squirrel in the face, but I wouldn't do that to a dog either. Not sure if this tells us anything meaningful...


Animal Magic

Posted: 03 Nov 2013, 18:51
by AustrianAndyGull
ferrarilover wrote:Thing is Andy, most people sort of grow out of having "favourite" things as they get older. I wouldn't kick a squirrel in the face, but I wouldn't do that to a dog either. Not sure if this tells us anything meaningful...


Totally get where you're coming from Matt and yes, it does actually tell me something meaningful so thanks. :-D

Animal Magic

Posted: 03 Nov 2013, 19:46
by ferrarilover
What does it tell you (I'm a bit worried now)


Animal Magic

Posted: 03 Nov 2013, 19:53
by AustrianAndyGull

Matt thanks mate but no need to worry. :-D

Just that I haven't yet grown up in some areas and although I never want to be as sterile and dour as some folk it is not working for me to approach most things with immaturity.

Therefore I won't ask if you have purchased little spiky yet. :na: :lol:

Animal Magic

Posted: 03 Nov 2013, 23:03
by FavGull

Thread reminded me of one of my all time favourite YouTube videos. Very silly, and just the odd eight million views

Animal Magic

Posted: 04 Nov 2013, 00:06
by Glostergull
ferrarilover wrote:Thing is Andy, most people sort of grow out of having "favourite" things as they get older. I wouldn't kick a squirrel in the face, but I wouldn't do that to a dog either. Not sure if this tells us anything meaningful...

I wouldn't either Matt. But I know someone who ran over one. :lol:

Animal Magic

Posted: 04 Nov 2013, 10:58
by Gullscorer

Animal Magic

Posted: 04 Nov 2013, 14:50
by ferrarilover
Have you heard the interview where he tells the squizzel story? It's absolutely brilliant.


Animal Magic

Posted: 06 Nov 2013, 17:42
by Pea
Im going to humour you here Andy, because, why not. :)

I love giraffes. I literally cannot get enough of the lanky buggers. They're so tall, (which is probably part of the allure, because I'm so short :~D :~D ), and so gentle - I fed them once - they're such placid, docile creatures, mill about, eat some grass, make a right palavar of bending down to have a drink, what's not to like?

Animal Magic

Posted: 06 Nov 2013, 21:47
by Glostergull
Oh damn it I can't remain silent any longer. I love Tables. Tables. Got it, Tables. They are way more useful than most animals, especially cats.

Animal Magic

Posted: 06 Nov 2013, 22:02
by Glostergull
ferrarilover wrote:Have you heard the interview where he tells the squizzel story? It's absolutely brilliant.

No I didn't. Is there a replay anywhere?

Animal Magic

Posted: 06 Nov 2013, 22:07
by ferrarilover
I'll find it on the BBC website for you now, Andy...

Check out the picture, also.


Animal Magic

Posted: 06 Nov 2013, 23:14
by chunkygull
not sure about a favourite, i care about, respect, and admire many animals, particular fantastic and interesting wild ones are lions, tigers, wolves, horses, orangutans, chimpanzees and gorillas, i cant pick a fave. certain sea animals deserve a huge amount of respect and admiration also, seals are cool, likewise penguins, whales, dolphins etc. :bow: