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Torquay United v Bristol Rovers 26/12/13

Posted: 23 Dec 2013, 15:07
by Glostergull
Hi Guys.
This is the belated match thread for our boxing day fixture with our neighbours up the M5. Who in all probability will like us, well some of us anyway be full of turkey. Plum duff and booze too sozzled to care what the score is until at least New year and then wake up to ask if they had in fact been there, only to be told. Do they not remember being arrested for streaking across our pitch shouting (I love you all). yes Andy. You Know who I mean!
The rest of this thread will follow in bits and pieces as I do it as I forgot I was going to do the Rovers match and didn't realise until late that it had crept up on us all sort of quiet like.
I have no doubt that many will accuse me of imbibing in the plum duff and lager a little too early. Nope not a bit of it. I'm just senile. You know where and when I am there as I stand at the back of the pop side when you are all shouting "Ooo are you". To hear my little voice shouting "WHO AM I".
I have no doubt if any Rovers fans read this and know who I am I will get them coming in my shop in Yate taking the mick, but I can take it. Oh JIngle Bells.
So. I am cleaning my luxo Barge as Matt calls it. My dearly beloved Daimler for the shortish journey to Plainmoor from Gloucester. Tank filled up and my sat very very comfortably in my seat as I salivate at the prospect of another match with renewed hope and vigour for a possible 3 points and our climb up the table instead of languishing at the bottom of what has turned out to be a very even table this year. notwithstanding a visit to Trago to pick up some pre ordered clothes which I can only get from there. thence a visit to Gayes Creamery in Dawlish to drool at their wares before the familiar sight of St Marychurch hoves into view, and then find a rare space around Plainmoor to walk to Plainmoor
So. What can we expect from sunny Plainmoor this time round.
Sun. I doubt it very much although I will be pleasantly surprised if it come out. especialy as hordes of Rovers fans will descend down the M5 hoping for a day out by the sea, some scrumptious Chish and fips from Hanbury's and a deckchair on our away terrace. Well at least we do have deckchairs even if they ain't on the terrace. At least ours is under cover. Go up to the Mem and it's a very blustery cold windswept outside with no cover. But I am sure they will address that with the UWE stadium project.
I would be ready to give em a game of the old Crazy Golf beforehand if anyone is up to the challenge. Since Chris Cox chickened out. (he knows I have been practicing for a rematch to gain revenge).
So what of the fortunes of both teams.
In Short both had a dire start to this season. It's too early to say if ours or their fortunes have really turned around in the last couple of weeks as things could still go pear shaped in a blink of an eye. Both have had better results in the latest couple of matches with Rovers having had 3 wins and 3 draws since November 23rd. so It's even Stevens as far as predicting a result. If I am honest I think it will be a score draw. Although if Rovers current record is to be maintained they not score but neither will we. Rovers fan, please look at last 6 matches to see what I mean.
It seems as if our front players are faring a little better now that there is a more settled look with Marquis up front aided by Bodin on one side and Chappel on the other with Elliot in reserve. Although I would like to see the two together. The Hugely influential Captain Fantastic in the middle orchestrating. (nearly Typed Castrating). our back four have been brilliant in the last two matches. and I expect as they gain confidence they will get even better. Hopefully they can keep out the Rovers attack. with Pokey in goal we can have every confidence in our fortunes improving.
We need to watch out for Harrold. (No ot the rag and bone man from the TV series.) Although I would find it hugely entertaining if old Wilf did troop out in the blue and white quarters. Imagine who we would have in either teams colours if we picked our favourite TV characters. I bet John Cleese would turn out in yellow for us. For Rovers,the larger of the two actors from The film Paul. You know the one I mean. he wore a Rovers shirt in one film. We would have our own Helen. they could have Captain Birdseye. etc etc. I am sure you can come up with a few more to fill both teams.
So I say we need to watch Harrold. he's hitting a bit of form and coupled with Ollie Clark. David Clarkson and Ollie Norburn.Not to mention John-Joe O'Toole who has bagged 7 this season, they can pose a real threat. They seem to have strength in depth at the moment and as far as I know they have no major injury problems for the Christmas period. They have only lost twice in the last 12 matches. A lot of draws and if you look at the stats it says, draw, win, draw, win, draw, win, all the draws being Devoid of goals.
I won't mind a nil Knil Draw as long as it is entertaining. But going on past matches not many are. although I think 3 points preferable We will do well to get them against Rovers. But as they say, it's a funny old game.
So as the Rovers fans swarm down the M5 past the running man. Elephant and Giraffe not to mention the camel. We look forward to Santa and his raindear. Yes it is likely to rain dear. (O.k. I'll get my coat). I hope Trojan and Matt are warming the executive Naughty step for me, As we hopefully gather in greater numbers for our bumper holiday crowds if ticket sales pick up. A win would certainly help the festive cheer around Plainmoor this time round.

Torquay United v Bristol Rovers match thread

Posted: 23 Dec 2013, 15:10
by wivelgull
I'll be there along with other senile delinquents at the back of the Pop. side (half way line). Feeling a little more optimistic now; just hoping I'll walk way from the games happy that I've seen some decent and committed football.

Torquay United v Bristol Rovers match thread

Posted: 23 Dec 2013, 15:32
by AustrianAndyGull
Cheers GG, i know you have a soft spot for our Bristolian friends. :~D I hope you are well too my good man and a Merry Christmas to you and yours. :-D

As for this game i think it will be the one we are most likely to get a win from purely because they have one of the worst away records in the league and like us have lost 7 away. They also have only scored 6 times from their 11 away games although they did score 3 in the FA Cup at York but having said that they have only been beaten twice in their last 11 in all comps and were minutes away from holding Crawley Town to a 0-0 full time draw in their recent abandoned FA Cup tie in Sussex. That means i envisage another tight game and daft as it sounds this could be another 1-0 in our favour should we manage to win.

They have some good players like John-Joe O'Toole who is their top scorer on 7, Matt Harrold we all know about, Tom Parkes, David Clarkson too so i expect a tight game and a decent one too if the pitch holds up. There will be a healthy contingent of travelling Pirates all in the away end where they should be and it's game on weather permitting.

I'm going for a 1-0 to us and i reckon we'll get our first penalty of the season. Ref Philip Gibbs has only reffed about 9 games this season and has awarded 3 pens so you never know. I actually feel good about being a Gull at the moment and i know it probably won't last but let's enjoy it until the next defeat comes around.

Get behind the lads for this everyone if possible, the club needs your money, the players need your support and the fans need the win so we're all in it together. COYY!!!

Feel smug about this 'insight' now. :na:

Torquay United v Bristol Rovers match thread

Posted: 23 Dec 2013, 19:36
by Gullscorer
The referee for the Rovers game will be Phillip Gibbs: ... 48917.aspx

Torquay United v Bristol Rovers match thread

Posted: 25 Dec 2013, 20:11
by Gullscorer
1pm kick-off. Don't be late..!! :-D

Torquay United v Bristol Rovers match thread

Posted: 25 Dec 2013, 20:21
by AustrianAndyGull
Gullscorer wrote:1pm kick-off. Don't be late..!! :-D
Well with it being Christmas Day today, if it were me that lived nearby I'd be there at 9 am! Stuck in the house all day on Christmas Day is the reason why probably half of you will be there well before kick off. RELEASE US!!! :lol:

Torquay United v Bristol Rovers match thread

Posted: 25 Dec 2013, 20:21
by AustrianAndyGull
Gullscorer wrote:1pm kick-off. Don't be late..!! :-D
Well with it being Christmas Day today, if it were me that lived nearby I'd be there at 9 am! Stuck in the house all day on Christmas Day is the reason why probably half of you will be there well before kick off. RELEASE US!!! :lol:

Torquay United v Bristol Rovers match thread

Posted: 25 Dec 2013, 21:11
by taunton_gull
Well, what a change there has been in the mood around the club heading in to the three best (and biggest!) festive games possible. You just have to look at the Christmas fixture list this year to realise what we would lose if the unthinkable should happen and the club was to let go of its league status for a second time. Quite rightly most feel bullish about our chances over the next 3/4 games, whatever happens, come the final whistle against Morecambe we will have a greater idea about where the season is heading.

In the years I've been following United it's amazing how in the games we're supposedly dead and buried beforehand (Southend/Dagenham for example) we've managed to upset the odds and yet when the expectation is raised slightly the team has come unstuck. That's why I think we need to approach these games with a note of caution, the last two matches have been fantastic but it's vital we don't get ahead of ourselves. If we concede early or things don't go our way, the fans have to back the team fully the whole way through to the end. We'll be up against ferocious opposition support in all three games, given the occasion I can't imagine any of the matches will be an exhibition - but it's all about fighting and getting the most we can - especially with the next two at home. Ticket problems or not I hope everyone who is able to make it will come and cheer the team to victory.

Torquay United v Bristol Rovers match thread

Posted: 25 Dec 2013, 22:26
by brucie
Yes looking forward to tomorrow - and a first look at the likes of Mozika and Marquis.
Quite rightly the atmosphere has picked up a bit.
Going into these three games with no points against Dagenham and Southend would have been a nightmare. All but tailed off and with three local derbies.
Whilst I don't subscribe to the next three game being any easier than the last two having got two wins is the key here and if anything the pressure has eased on us.
With three of the next four at home we have a real chance to make an impact - if we could win again tomorrow that would be another massive result. Even a draw would acceptable.

Torquay United v Bristol Rovers match thread

Posted: 26 Dec 2013, 01:52
by Kinky John Fowler
Glostergull wrote:Hi Guys.
I bet John Cleese would turn out in yellow for us.
He probably would, John Cleese is a Bristol City fan.

Good luck today.

Torquay United v Bristol Rovers match thread

Posted: 26 Dec 2013, 07:26
by Dave_Pougher
John Ward has them defending deep with one up front now and changing to 4-3-3 only when it is safe to do so. We will have to be at our best to break them down. Difficult to get through their midfield but certainly not unbeatable.

Got to be honest I would take a draw right now as they have like us a mini run of form and will be lifted by a large away following, they found Benyon hard to deal with in the last match so I'd like to see him get a longer run out today.

Torquay United v Bristol Rovers match thread

Posted: 26 Dec 2013, 10:35
by AustrianAndyGull
No reason why we can't win this game and win it well. We're due a few goals, we're due a penalty and we're due a humdinger of a game and so i';m going 3-1 to us although I wouldn't rule out a 3-2 or even a 3-3 draw. If we manage to win this then I shall be salivating like a rabid canid at the prospect of the Greasers at the Moor!!! :goal:

Torquay United v Bristol Rovers match thread

Posted: 26 Dec 2013, 12:01
by BritishGAS
Hello Gulls

Looking forward to todays game, Hopefully it will be an exciting spectacle! With a win for The Gas of course

We have got a few players back that we have missed in recent weeks/Months, notably Matt Harold and Mark McChrystal which have been a big boost

With our injury's clearing up we should have the squad capable of pulling away from the bottom, A new winger and a new striker in January will do very nicely though Wardy

I am going to go with a 1-0 Gas victory :)

Good luck for the rest of the season, and I sincerely hope you get away from the bottom

Wouldnt it be great for those Cobblers to go?

All the best, British Gas

Torquay United v Bristol Rovers match thread

Posted: 26 Dec 2013, 12:12
by AustrianAndyGull

Torquay United v Bristol Rovers match thread

Posted: 26 Dec 2013, 12:16
by Gullscorer
Thanks British Gas. The Gulls seem to be in the same situation as Rovers now, having a recent run of good form and players returning from injury. If it's anything like last season's game we should be in for an exciting one, but with Mr Gibbs in charge I doubt we'll be seeing many penalties awarded. However, I'm sticking with my forecast made in November that the Gulls will win all their December games and Alan Knill will be made manager of the Month..!! All the best for the rest of the season.